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Everything posted by momof2athletes

  1. SOML is listed on Career builder and I did a search on BBB but found nothing. Go Figure. Not an easy market to try and find employment these days. They need a site with LEGIT jobs only. LOL I worked for HOV Services also known as Lason and they did not charge for the software for their data entry positions. Oh well, hard job market these days.
  2. I have applied for this company and was wondering if anyone worked for them or has worked for them and how their application process works. Wasn't sure the turn around time or if they really exist. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  3. Prayers for the couple. May God be with them in this trying time.
  4. That's awesome. I can't wait for the tripling coupons since I am only 2 miles from there. Hate Hiram Walmart.
  5. Unfortunately, my husband told me I had to let mine grow out and choose a new color scheme as he doesn't think my color or style if professional enough. Maybe I should do an all over extensions until it grows. LOL
  6. How many bulbs does your tanning bed have? What type of bulbs and wattage are they?
  7. Most hand sanitizer is made with alcohol (sp?). However, that alone will not clean your hands and disinfect all germs. At least with washing your hands you can rub and allow the friction to help get any debree or germs off of your hands. The hand sanitizer is also known to leave your hands a little sticky and make you feel unclean. This is only my opinion. I do however, use hand sanitizer when I am some where there is not a restroom with water and soap available. I use it a lot at ball fields and other out door facilities. Not sure if this helps.
  8. I too have a sweet little chit which doesn't give us any warning that he has any kind of infection or sickness coming on until he is wheezing and gasping for air. Hopefully they will figure out why he has only gained 13 #'s since he was born, he's 2, when we go to the specialist. I am saying prayers for your little one as I know how hard it is when they are young and really aren't sure why they are sick. Love and prayers for you.
  9. Wellstar Paulding Hospital does a CNA course and they pay you while you are training. You would need to speak to someone on the nursing unit who can refer you to the right person. I went that route to keep from having to come out of pocket. The pay isn't much but it is better than paying out of pocket these days. If I remember the person you need to speak with I will post later. My mind has had a fart.
  10. My hubby lost his job this past June. I still have a job working from home but since he lost his job I too have had to look elsewhere. I will have to be able to make more money to compensate his loss. However, I have put in over 10 applications at Wellstar where I worked prior to having our last child and bringing my work to home. No response. Have gotten on their chat on Thurs and all they can tell me is I am being considered and if not qualified or no longer considered I will receive an email or a postal mail response. I put these in as of Aug 4 and up to date. I have applied at other
  11. Thank you for all your information. I appreciate all the ideas and where to look.
  12. Please remember if it was raining the slightest bit they are all afraid they will melt.
  13. Thank you very much. I will take a look at both of those. I appreciate your responses.
  14. Anyone know of any good office jobs available. If so, please pm me with information. I have worked from home for the past 3 years but my husband recently lost his job and my income will not cut it anymore with 3 children and a mortgage. Please, if you know or hear of any good office jobs or even production jobs please do pm me as we are both actively searching for better employment.
  15. The new one behind Jim N Nicks is really good and reasonable.
  16. She came into one of our Sunday morning Sermons when Poplar Springs was on the Corner and it was like an angel had come into the room. There was a spirit there like no other. She was the only one praising him and saying, "preach it," "yes sir," and "bless him." I thought her presence was awesome. However, some may have felt uneasy not too sure of her. Hope she is well and hope she has a very blessed birthday.
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