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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. radio coverage in this area should be difficult. I am catching a lot of transmissions from on scene units that dispatch is not responding to. (I'm just down the road)
  2. R1 enroute - lucky's food st - patient feeling sick - female clark med 2 responding AP at Dallas Elem advises they found this person as they were investigating a child that had not been picked up. female is disoriented 15:19 R1, Dallas PD on scene
  3. sounds like just about every SO unit on duty is heading this way R6 on scene
  4. north end of the county near cobb/bartow line Bartow SO on scene with Paulding units. County line is right at that area. I should hear the dogs shortly as rescue comes by. SO units check eariler if this vehicle was part of a missing persons report - I don't recall the answer. SO 151 asks for water to brought to location - they're going to be there a while.
  5. rescue 6 enroute SO was sent to investigate abandoned vehicle eariler this date. I believe it was a black Buick Lasabre.
  6. E2 repots false alarm - cancel all incoming and show all other units in service
  7. if you want to be on the Pcom reporter's patrol then you have to have that camera ready!!!
  8. I didn't hear one. Didn't pay much attention to it due to the non-emergency request.
  9. E1, R1, battalion on scene two patients - injuries from initial impact of crash
  10. I don't recall if it was mentioned. I just got a call so I may have missed further details from the units on scene.
  11. R8 responding to vertigo attack on isle 25 13:33: R8 on scene 13:36 clark med 3 on scene
  12. units responding to fire alarm L1 stagged ... alarm company called -cancel - proper code rec'dall units in service
  13. freezer blew up - E2 will handle. show other units in service. (from the call this AM)
  14. water flow alram called in by Target security. E2 responding, other units stagged
  15. 122 request ETA on GSP. Sorry Deputy, you'll probably be sitting there for a while. Wish you could write the report and get on with your day.... DG, did you figure out what CM1, etc. means in my posts? R5 - status 10-4
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