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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. red/silver motorcycle involved rescue 3, clark med 4, SO, GSP enroute Rescue Air being put on standby
  2. 83 yom, respatory arrest, dispatch attempting CPR instructions with caller rescue 1, clark med 1 enroute SO supervisor requesting a deputy be dispatched as well - 189 enroute
  3. rescue went in service pretty quickly after they arrived, so doesn't look as this was too serious the kid took multi-vitamins and other OTC items plus unknown prescriptions medications. I had to take a call and turned down the scanner - don't know if the kid took a ride to the ER or not.
  4. 18 month old child took a lot of grandma's medications rescue 5, clark enroute the clark dispatch placed the age of the child at 4 years
  5. 3402 on scene - Westside Cir at Buchanan Hwy - two cars involved - heavy damage 3402 reports 1 patient at this time 3402 - cancel rescue 1 - 3402 in service bus barn is advising drivers that 278 at 120 is shutdown - can't get through the intersection....
  6. three vehicles involved - white tempo, blue chevy truck, crown vic engine 1, rescue 1, clark med 1 enroute engine 1 in the area - unable to locate - possibly on West Ave. in front of "Overalls"
  7. engine 2 reports no further hazards found - release eng 3 - command terminated - all units in service a suite number was provided - can't read my writing - call was at a beauty school - couldn't understand the name of it
  8. engine 2 on scene eng 2 advises to stage all other incoming units at present location until they determine extent of call engine 2 - requesting camera - engine 3 clear and enroute
  9. engines 2, 3 enroute caller advises outlet is on fire - beauty school Batt 2 clear on call
  10. They seem to be only picking up the vehicles doing 90MPH and above. Pretty unbelievable.
  11. I just realized that I have not heard a one of the classic "smoke coming from chimney" calls that this county is famous for. Have any of you scanner listeners heard a classic this winter?
  12. could have the road closed with equipment getting the car back up to the road
  13. I don't know if this is related, but around 5:30 there was a car down an embankment right at the line.
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