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Everything posted by AtlantaBry

  1. How could you possible waste the opportunity to use the work "wacker" in this thread?
  2. Accenture has already dropped him too. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-tiger-woods14-2009dec14,0,6063786.story
  3. If Tiger sits out the 2010 season and the endorsements that he already lost could total $180 million. That is not even including what cuttie pie Elin may take.
  4. That was said "tongue in cheek" Mr. Serious. Relax.....
  5. Now now....innocent until proven guilty.
  6. I have a feeling it wasn't the 1st or the last Kilo that he has killed.
  7. Whew....glad I didn't see Modern Family or Castle on there....they are my favs.
  8. That is the kicker he signed a 5yr $25million extention in 2008 w/ Atlanta.
  9. When I hear "Wild Thing" I get the urge to do the "Wild Thing"
  10. Ummmmmm, Tiger didn't have any new women come forward today?
  11. Johnathan Babinaux a starting defensive lineman. The team really depends on him to stop the run each week. http://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-falcons/falcons-jonathan-babineaux-facing-238019.html
  12. First of all how can a professional athlete who gets paid millions of dollars drive around w/ an expired tag, no drivers liscense, and no tag light going up I-85 @ 1:35 AM. You think that is bad....he had enough Weed in the car w/ him to get arrested on Felony charges!!!! What a freakin' idiot. The Falcon's have a must win game vs. the Saints on Sunday and this idiot is out acting up? Geeees, very frustrating as a fan. But even more puzzling as a human?
  13. A day off is when you don't work. I'll be very familiar with it soon enough. In Jan. my company is forcing us to take an entire week every month as a furlough.
  14. "I really had a great time tonight.........now which one is your trailer again?" "Yes, Mr. Lawyer...could you ask for an injuction to prevent and nude pics of me being printed by these ladies...none exist, but just in case?"
  15. Don't know why but the "Halloween" skin is the one that has the pooping snowman.
  16. We need more cops like this that don't take themsleves tooooo serious.
  17. Random: Anyone ever notice w/ the new Snowman skin at the top when the ad under is for the bowling alley and the ball drops down it looks like he is dropping a load? I know I'm twisted.....
  18. Why does Diet Pepsi tasts sooo gross when it's not cold. But Diet Coke doesn't?
  19. That is gross....I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  20. Hey, you would be suprised what has came out of my butt before.......wait that didn't come out right.
  21. Wow, you covered a plethera of topics there. And yes, I did think that said panties at first. I did get a v'mail from the Principal on Tue that said she would call me on Wed, but she has been out sick every day since then. So, I have not actually talked to her. But I will say she sounded very sick when she left the v'mail so I am being patient and I hope to hear from on Monday. Oh, and you said the gift exchange at school is out of hand.........how about freaking fund raisers? Geee Wiz!
  22. That's not nice.......I told you, I'm having a mental block today. I just want to sit back and read everyone else's witty comments today. Anyway, I always seem to get in an argument w/ someone and I really don't know why. I'm not a very combatative person. Anyway, I was looking for pit and you stuck your tongue out at me. Meanie!
  23. I know...that is a good sign. Even as a 34 year old straight male......I'm excited too. My wife and I were talking about how long it has been since Disney came out w/ a regular animated move without 3-D and computer animation. Our kids are stoked about it.
  24. My brain is sleepy and cold, but I'm tired of the same old topics. One of you bright pcomers come up w/ something creative.
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