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Everything posted by dumbestgirlintheworld

  1. I wish they would. I was hopeful that they would. But I do too much and I they would never be able to make sense of my outstanding workload, relationships, etc. That said, I really hope I go in Monday and that happens, as I could use a vacation before the new gig. I will say, I didn't spend the last 6 months goofing off - I have always worked and had great intentions to leave the company in the best shape possible (and still do). I was recruited by old friends and I'm going into a COMPLETELY different industry. There really isn't any reason for resentment. It's not like I've been out
  2. I'm not going to a competitive space. Heck, I'm so far away from the space that it's crazy. Quite honestly, if I'm just coming in to play on pcom, I'd rather stay home! Actually, THANK YOU! I'm just going to work from home most of next week!
  3. So, I resigned from my job. I had huge plans to leave them in a great state, but since my notice my boss has made it pretty clear that he doesn't have any interest in my considerations. He's having meetings with my team mates without me. It's uncomfortable. I'm half tempted to just leave immediately. What do you think?
  4. It's one of my Top 5 favorite movies of all time. It's incredible.
  5. It's no one. Or everyone. It's from V for Vendetta. It's been used by anonymous as well.
  6. I hope that the Lord blesses him and watches over him. What an outstanding show of courage and compassion. If only we were all that caring. I gotta tell ya, if I wasn't the income earner, I'd be on my way out there.
  7. Fer real?? The spelling mistake was intentional. As is "Fer" in the beginning of this posts. Time to get with the cool kids, lady.
  8. Very well articulated. Unfortunately, I think you're addressing the wrong audience.
  9. Actually, OBAMA signed in a forgiveness law to excuse a previous foreclosure if it was due to the loss of job for good cause. No problems qualifying for a new FHA. I gave up my under water mortgage in W Cobb and blamed a one year employment loss and purchased in Roswell with no problems at all. best damn thing I ever did.
  10. If there is that much fight, it's time to find someone that will help! http://www.probono.net My suggestion would be to troll google to find similar land cases in the state of GA (or surrounding). Write a letter to those attorneys, or better yet record a video, tell the story and ask for help. You have to change the players. If you're just arguing with the same people over the same thing, it's insane. Find someone that has had success in similar situations and beg, and plead, and get everyone on this board to write a letter. Build packets of information. A disc with a video, a cle
  11. Pitching media isn't that easy - you have to have a tight, concise story. If they threw all the ins and outs of this convoluted 8 years, they don't want to muddle through it all to find the bleed. Just my thoughts. I would think that Pubby with his extensive media background would be able to help them pitch (and may have already done so).
  12. Fundamentally, I understand this. I'm a spitfire, and I would have raised holy hell. But, at some point, before I lost my house and my life savings, I probably would have sold and moved out of the county - at least then you're not paying the thieves that stole from you. You can fight, but I do feel like at some point you have to know when it's a losing battle. Time, sanity, health, a roof over your head - these things at a personal level begin to surpass righting the wrong (or so I feel). Don't get me wrong, I applaud them for the fight and you're right - if we never fight, we get st
  13. It's an expensive lesson for them, but there are two people that you never, ever trust - the government and attorneys.
  14. First we have a person killed on the track. Now we have an all out brawl where some hot head used thousands of pounds of metal to ram into another person in thousands of pounds of metal. I think about the young, impressionable kids watching this behavior. I get that everyone watches NASCAR for the wrecks and the rowdy, redneck behavior, but I think it's getting to the point where someone needs to step up and be an adult and get these guys under control. There is a reason why NASCAR is laughed at by the rest of the world. It's pretty tasteless and classless.
  15. I feel so bad for these people. Can someone help me connect some dots? From the many posts that I've read, it would appear that this family lost EVERYTHING trying to fight for a small portion of their land. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure I understand why you would risk losing all your land because the county cut a road and took some of your land. I'm not trying to be cantankerous, but rather logical. Some is better than none, right? I'm just trying to fill in the blanks, but there is SO many posts on here, so I was hoping that someone would give me the cliff notes. And
  16. I have to chuckle at the thought of a little old lady getting hauled away kicking and screaming about her land. You go, sister.
  17. I should add that I was asking the original question not because I want the dog, but because the thing is so damn scary looking and has all these hashtags, I thought that maybe if people are dog fighters all that stuff means something to them.
  18. I would never adopt a dog unless I was certain that I would be able to give it a forever home, or at a minimum, find it the RIGHT forever home if mine isn't that home. Of course, with a baby, my home has been dog inhospitable We found a dog the other day and kept her until we were able to locate her owners and it showed us that the kids really want and are ready for a new family member. The new job is pet friendly too, so it's perfect!
  19. I think you mean chocolate? The one I rescued from pcom? That dog had something wrong with it - and I mean that in the nicest way possible. After much attempts at training (and I've had 2 other labs), we gave her to a friend. She lives a wonderful life on a very big piece of land with another lab. Though, my friends agree that she is simply untrainable. My guess is that she was an inbred dog. Thanks for asking! She's well taken care of, but was sadly not the right dog for our family.
  20. I wanted a labradoodle or golden doodle - my husband isn't much on the fancy breeds. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE my labs, but hate the hair. Plus, it's hard to find rescue and I will NOT get from a breeder.
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