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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. China warns US over future Taiwan arms sales By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN The Associated Press Thursday, February 25, 2010; 6:10 AM BEIJING -- China warned the U.S. on Thursday against any future arms sales to Taiwan and reaffirmed its decision to suspend military exchanges over Washington's plan to sell $6.4 billion in military hardware to the island. The Rest Of The Story
  2. prayers said for you and your father
  3. IMO- Crystal is my favorite so far!
  4. So Far I like... Lily and katelyn
  5. I would like 6 bags... PLEASE Please keep up the AWESOME Input! I also spoke to a couple of GM's at some local grocery stores to get permission to place some drop-off bins for non-perishable items. My hope is to create enough AWARENESS of this problem and the EXCITEMENT of what just 1 FOOD ITEM donated and the difference that this can TRULY make in our community! I guess I am looking for that SNOWBALL and the hill to roll it down so it will GAIN Momentum and keep getting BIGGER! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKPujExL5lI
  6. You know what would be WiLd !!!! Take 10 to 15 of us put us ALL together in a BIG House and have cameras filming us for a month! Sorta like the "real world" or "Jersey Shore" we could call it...... ( I N S E R T C R E A T I V E N A M E H E R E ! ! ! )
  7. Only if you ask for them with NuTs!
  8. Could I Be The Muse? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAP-rRTxUW4
  9. That made me I have noticed if our mail carrier picks up the mail it seems to take an X-TRA day for it to be delivered locally. If we drop off at the counter before NOON it arrives the next day. just what I have noticed
  10. Originally I was going to post this to your Waaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29ebiwO4O70 BTW- She is always barefoot and I don't think She Is Italian! She can sing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt0BwEPqXO8
  11. I'm not a SON of a preacher man but She can run barefoot with me any day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBH8o8XXnVM
  12. You have been BLESSED...absolutley BEAUTIFUL!
  13. Oh Boy! I hope they are OK! The storm woke me up as well. I hope your neighbors don't have a lot of damage. Please let us know if we can do anything for them.
  14. They are ALL in their SPEED Trap zones trying to RAISE $$$$$$$$$$$ for LPPT's Pimp Mobile!
  15. Shhhhhhh.... Not So LOUD! J/K Good Morning!
  16. I believe you are CORRECT Call for yourself 770-443-7606 and hear it w/your own ears! Make sure you tell them you read about it on PAULDING.COM
  17. after reading this thread it started me thinking... how cool would it be if we ALL came together to try and BAN this parafelnelia (sp??) from being SOLD in our community and it ONLY being allowed in stores that are ZONED for this type of business like Cokocapelies (sp??)
  18. Good Morning to ALL in p.com land! Every Day to me is a FRIDAY! Have a GREAT Day!
  19. The Property Mgmt for that location REQUIRES business to have insurance...j.s.y.k. My intent on suggesting you to say that is the cleaner man will do whatever within reason to make you HAPPY w/o you ACTUALLY really ever contacting his carrier to file a claim. But by asking for that information he would not jerk you around anymore like he has. and either produce your cleaned items or pen you a check to reimburse you.
  20. I would ask him who His Insurance is with so you could make a claim. If he refuses... make a police report so it is documented. Keep us posted or give me a call in the am and I will be more than happy to help you resolve this quickly and stress FREE!
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