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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. Yeah that is ridiculous- I think if you get pulled over for a DUI coming from a restaraunt on a SUNDAY, they should let you go because they are the ones who forced you to drive drunk in the first place B)


    It made me giggle....:shrug:

  2. where did you find around here that has yuengling? I am still having mine brought back from Florida as I did not think it was being distributed in Ga yet.

    Or, are you posting from another state and just getting my hopes up?


    Sorry, lol...I just moved to SC...I should start shipping it...



    I didn't like "good" beers the first time I tried it. Heck, I didn't like beer the first time I tried it. It's an acquired taste.


    Yea, maybe I'll try it again some day. I'll just stick with my liquor for now.


  3. What's wrong, you don't like beer with flavor? :D

    Not when I drink it and it feels like a cat took a sheeze in my mouth.... :-)


    I was excited about trying it though....

    I prefer liquor over beer anyday!

  4. I remember being eager to get home from middle school in the early 90's to watch Saved By the Bell. Occasionally I'll think about that HUGE cell phone that Zack had. :)

    I think of his phone too. My mother finally upgraded her phone a year ago, she had the prior phone for about 8 years and it was HUGE (not Zack huge, but huge)

    I miss calling her Zack though...lol

  5. LMAO, A thread very similar to this one was posted about a year ago....then, I sais Bud Light....simple


    Since then, I've been ruined and i drink miller lite...it's just easier than buying 2 types of beer and it isn't half bad.


    Yuengling, Blue Moon, Pilsner Urquel

    I had yuengling for the first time the other day....I ordered it out here at a bar...Ick, it's not for me.

  6. Yep, I tried a good number of them...and then I had to "walk" down the "aisle"....I was the maid of honor at a beach wedding.


    They are very good...hmm...maybe I need to head to the store....I think a bushwacker would go great with my movie!


    Thanks for the idea!

  7. I miss being so close to the mountains, hell...I miss hills. It's all beautiful really..just depends on what your into. I go up the the family property and just look...it's nice to just watch, it's so peaceful and there's no phone! I love that part. I like to stay on the family land and then head over to Helen for dinner/lunch.


    Take the drive up 411 to Chatsworth and turn onto Hwy 52 and go across Ft. Mountain down into Ellijay. You will love the drive and you can go to the apple festival when you get there.

    That is a great drive. I love going through Ft. Mountain...

  8. :lol:


    Chicken nacho thingy?


    It's chicken, sour cream, cream of chicken soup, and taco seasoning all mixed together. Layer of tortilla chips, chicken mix, cheese, repeat.



    And the Hobo dinners are easy. Hamburger patty in foil topped with seasoning salt and veggies. Throw it in the oven.





    See....I just don't get it, so simple...but so yummy!! Hmm...Thanks!


  9. :blink:


    I really, REALLY hope these are real people and not the bugs you were talking to the other night.




    You know our fallback. Grill some burgers and dogs and call it a day.


    Ohhh, ohhh email or message or whatever me that easy, yummy chicken thing that you make...you know what I'm talking about??



    The things in the foil...with the veggies....YUM!!!


    LMAO..Real people...just a few new people...I'm takin for a test drive. lol....if they aren't the type that'll get naked and jump in the pool....they gotta GO.

  10. How much time??


    Nacho's, tacos? Get everyone in there to help slice and dice.


    Order Pizza's.


    KFC...or Winners, even Publix, or Zaxby's.


    I haven't seen any of those places here...except KFC...I'm in the middle of no where!! That's a thought though. Easy....



    Huge pot of soup or chili. Serve with some nice bread and a salad.


    I think I like that....now...I have to pick a soup that everyone will like.


  11. I'm having some people over and I need to feed them....I used to be pretty good at this stuff....I just don't even know where to start this time. I'm super stressed and don't have the energy to think about it.


    I need to feed about 7 adults and 2 children. Any ideas?? The message board in my new place...it's no good...they can't help me. lol

  12. giggle rhymes with wiggle.


    You make me wiggle too...I wiggle when I giggle....




    Oh, on the way outta town the other day...I got to see your beautiful face!! Made me smile.


    ........and jiggle. :D


    I certainly jiggle when I giggle.... :D

  13. p.s.

    no, the bug spray does not make the front steps unnecessarily slippery. :p


    Damn that's the key, gonna have to remember that...could have saved myself some trouble this weekend if the front steps were "unnecessarily slippery"

  14. I was in Cedartown, and the local Cedartown Paperboard Company donated it. School Box does have large rolls, but I'm not sure they are as big.


    (Our signs were 6 rolls high, and if I remember correctly, they were 3 or 3 1/2 feet rolls. The signs stood well over 15 feet high.)


    Yep, that's the type that I need...it won't be 15 feet high though! Thanks!!

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