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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. Is this being handled in Paulding county courts ??? Is DFCS involved..

    I am the Grandmother caring for my G-child, and they did home study, drug test , we had to provide

    records if our income, We had not chosie but to give this information to them to be able to get coustody.

    But the courts

    would have liked for the father to have coustody, but he was Gracious

    enough to say at this point he could not give her the care see needs.

    We have a great relationship and I would never deny him time with his

    daughter. Mom,(my daughter) on the other hand is just a mess right now and has a no contact

    order with her ....Very sad. These kids need their Daddy, I will say a prayer that all goes well

    (of course kids need both parents, in a real world some times it just don't work out)

  2. I have a kindergartner starting, I will be taking her the first week, But

    she will need to ride the bus later, How will I know what time the bus will

    run.... Will BOE / BUS BARN give me the driver name and number ???

    I will really like to talk to him/her.

  3. I am am raising my five year old granddaughter, she will start Kindergarten @ Allgood on the 6th .

    I haven't done this in 22 years. I am just a mess, worried about everything.. will she miss the bus ..what if she looses

    her lunch money...what if he can't find her room ETC......SHE IS SO EXCITED.. I am trying not let my anxiety show

    But yeah....I think I will be sad, but I know that she will do just fine

  4. My SIL died of breast cancer..... she suffered... but it was not her wish to die(even tho she new it was terminal) she fought so hard to live and beat it, I don't think she would have ever consitered "it" she wanted to live so bad and stayed strong until the last minuet of her life Maybe it is not for eveyone. But feel it should be your on personal decision to live or suffer.

  5. My 2 CENTS WORTH ..................

    If you have to deal with Paulding county DFCS,


    They have heavy case loads and I had to do alot of pushing to get things done

    I don't think it is because they don't care ,I think it is because they have so many cases

    and are so over worked.

  6. My Rookie son with the PCSO worked the Melton wreck, His heart was also broke, I pray

    everyday for their safety, but also for the stregenth to handle the heart break of the "bad" calls they

    go on.

    I was told by deputy that has been on the job for 25 years, that the day you quit feeling the pain of a loss, is the day you need to leave the job. God Bless your son I thank him for the job he does !!!!

  7. Oh mmmmmmmmmm I am so tired of the "BUT WHY"

    5 YEAR old, it is the answer to everything. Clean you room, BUT WWWWHHHHYYYY

    Eat you supper, bUT WWWWHHHHYYYY. tie your shoe BUT WWWWHHHHYYYYYYY ETC.......................



  8. We Just got back from a camping trip

    We had the "camping neighbors" from Hell.. 3 families show up Late friday afternoon with

    5 dogs, 3 little poodles and 2 jack russells, mawmaw, pawpaw 6 grandkids and several other adults

    Now I am all for family camping, BUT PLEASE between the dogs barking, kids fighting, everyone yelling back

    and forth between camp sites. It was plain disrespectiful, Has anyone else had "one of those kind of trips"

  9. This is the best .... My husband came home with a hospital "gurney" and unloaded it in the driveway

    GUESS WHAT !!! it came in handy(two years later) when we needed to "Jack-up" the pool deck

    after it sank in the ground..... "see I told you we might need it " as he walked away and grinned

    mmmm I hate when that happens.

  10. Does this person know how you feel.... Is it a mututal feeling ????


    Has this person done something so bad that you wish "it" WAS DEAD....

    Those are some BIG words.....

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