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Posts posted by solosoul

  1. Yeah I tried to call 911 5 times to report the one on 278 and got no answer, then busy signal twice, then twice again no answer. I figured by the time I got through someone would have already reported it. Hope that was the case, anyway.

    Something like no answer even one times needs to be reported .

  2. I don't understand. I hadn't heard anything much about this and just assumed it was a small time thing that would be settled and be over with. Is this for real? I mean, really? Are our former county leaders (and evidently some current ones too) THAT corrupt? Funneling money from the tax payer to their re-election campaigns and using a lawsuit as a means to fleece us and finance themselves is just DAMNED WRONG.


    I'm not doubting what you're saying, but I just find it hard to believe the local Republican Party has not done something about this if it were true. Where has the local Republican Party been? Where has the Ethics Committee been? Why hasn't this been turned over to the DA or FBI for corruption charges?

    Again, I'm not doubting you but I just find it really hard to believe our former commission and now elected representative (plus the local Republican Party) are corrupt to that extent.


    Not blaming the REPUBLICAN party??? Strange that seems to be the only party you did mention. :rofl:

    • Like 1
  3. So, like, is that a threat? Why should he? Have U spent that much money trying to keep what is yours? Are you offended because he said Paulette's name? Anyone is subject to investigation regardless of who they know. I sincerely hope surepip finds a resolution soon and would love to see Shearin and his buddies go through an investigation. But I don't expect to see that happen as long as everyone can be bought. And I mean everyone.

    A threat??? really??? wow NO it is just what I would think of as being smart. Maybe I am the only one who gets that all this is being put out on the internet and can be reached by millions of people. There are companies who now pay people to track the use of their name being used on the net. You see and read online more and more lawsuits being filed but hey if you wish to join the party go ahead...me I think I will sit this one out.

  4. Why do you say that? I promise I'm not bustin' on you...I'm genuinely curious as to your thinking.

    Because he may be in the right with the law suit but to keep attacking the Law Firm and others could land him in very hot water. It is just NOT a smart thing to do..but hey that is just me. I guess some people just enjoy court room drama. I would hate to win a settlement and then loose it and more because I was so bitter that I could not control myself.

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry, I am too angry to post much.


    We spent 8 hours in court today to sit there and have the Holland & Knight Lawyers try to nit-pik every part of our attorneys bills for his work in our cases over the past 5 years.


    They basically spent another $100,000 of your tax payer money to try to reduce the bills by $10,000.


    And, they spent the day re-arguing and citing case law which has already been denied and squashed by the judge.


    But at the end of the day, they got concessions for another 10 days to provide cases supporting their arguments, and then we will have to wait for another couple of months while the judge reviews it all.


    But, they will be able to flush another $150,000 to $250,000 from the Paulding BOC to their Political Action Committees to various other PACs and candidates that can then send the money back to local Paulding politicians.


    We have traced $300,000 from 2006 to now of which we can show $150,000 to Paulding politicans. How much more is out there ?


    For those interested, Paulette Rakestraw Braddock even got $25,000+ the end of October/early November from State Reps and PACs you have never heard of who got more or equal to what they gave from Holland & Knight in the 30 to 90 days before hand.


    Your tax payer money, to Holland & Knight, to their PAC, to various politicians and other PACS, to Paulette.


    Nice scam isn't it ?Our system is broken. And this is a classic case to show how broken it is.


    The International Poultry Exposition opened this morning at the World Congress Center with 25,000 visitors, and for the first time since 1976 I had to sit and literally twiddle my thumbs sitting in a courtroom needlessly instead of greeting my customers from around the world at the congress center. And I left the Paulding County Courthouse with NOTHING, and knowing I have to sit and wait another 1, 2, 3 or 8 months waiting for a ruling on what we are to be paid.


    Our legal system is broken, and I am beginning to think it is broken beyond repair. I hope I get to live long enough to be able to spend the money the BOC will have to pay us. It has been 4 years and 8 months since we entered suit, and it has been 8-1/2 years since this fiasco started. We have expended our kids college funds, our IRAs and 401ks, all our stocks, all of our savings, and have put ourselves in hock for everything we can. And to date we have nothing to show for all we have spent.


    Is our legal system broken ? You tell me.


    By the way, the Paulding County Tax Payer part of this fiasco is approaching $1,300,000. Just so they can protect one of their developer buddies who has paid nothing. His insurance company provided his legal defense.


    We now have to wait while the opposition has 10 days to provide cited cases to support their position of why our attorney's fees are out of line, and then somewhere between 1 and 8 months, based on previous rulings, before we get a new ruling, based on the ruling we got November 18th from the oral arguments presented on March 17th 2010.


    And the Good Old Boys of Paulding County continue to get their way.


    Yeah, I am disgusted. Can you blame me ?


    Your case is one thing but I think I would lay off the attacks.

  6. I was looking at the Forum Page and there is an ad for a company that buys gold. Across their add they say 'Don't get scammed' That just flew all over me so I have to say this.


    These people bought stolen goods from the folks that were doing the robberies in our area. There are pictures of our jewelry and the driver's license of the crook. Of couse they didn't ask any questions and immediately melted down the gold as soon as they could so they couldn't be accused of possession of stolen goods. They even denied buying the stuff even though I've seen the ticket from the jewlery store with the photocopy of the goods and license. Don't be scammed? Oh, the nerve of them. I'll never buy from these folks!


    Who? Let me know and I will never buy from them either.

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