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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. My great grandmother was a hoot, she would say "I have to go to the maree house" which meant to the bathroom.

    Great granddaddy would say put on your swapping pants we are going to town.


    Pawpaw would have a "porkchop" in a can for dinner sometimes.


    My son would call a hammer a knock knock when he was little.

  2. Hairazor did a great job on my hair today! She added in a highlight and darker color to my already dark blonde/blah hair. I love the cut! It is so easy to maintain ... I'm already wearing it tucked behind my ears. :ph34r: I wish I took a pic early when it had a bit more "umph." It still looks great to me tho!


    HPIM0770-1.jpg HPIM0777-1.jpg



    Now did you REALLY think you were going to see my face? :rofl:


    Thanks Hairazor for a job well done! :clapping:

    Aren't you cute :p

  3. You know I am glad the person who found my sons wallet in the mountains did not feel the same way as people on here do. They were walking and found his wallet beside the road ( he had left it on the top of his truck at a store and it fell off when he was going down the road). They were nice enough to mail it back with everything still in it. It made a BIG difference to him. It got home before we did.......10 dollars could be all that stands between eating and not eating to someone now days. I just could not sleep thinking I did not do all I could to help someone get THEIR OWN money back to them.

    I have found wallets before & have went out of my way to get everything back to the owner, loose cah rolling in a parking lot is different

  4. Sorry I typed whay instead of what...but ya'll get what I'm saying. I actually found a large sum (over $1,000) in all $100 bills. I was pumping $10 in gas because that was about all I had, and looked down and saw some bills. I stuffed them in my purse and went in to pay. I came back out and saw more $100 bills under my car. I grabbed them and pulled away from the pumps and called my mom and asked her. She said well how much is it. When I told her she said put your car in drive and get the hell outta there! haha. I was so ecstatic. I kinda looked at it as a blessing. I had a kidney infection earlier that year and owed my granny $500 for my doctor bills. Not to mention countless other bills.

    Yeah, I think you found my money :p

  5. I have at&t and I love them. I had a problem last year my son, 13 & figgety, kept hitting that media button(1 cent everytime), he would hit it over & over, for no reason other than it was a button to hit :wacko: , the bill came in over $400.00 in charges from his spastic pushing of the button, I called them, no problem mam removed the charges!!!!! :clapping: needless to say the button has been disabled & I didn't have to sell his personal belongings to cover his crazy thumb. And that is why I love my cell phone provider :D

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