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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. Normally we would just be getting home from Church, but my little man has been running a high fever & vomiting all night. His fever has dropped from 103.4 to 102 & the vomiting has stopped. He asked for a donut & choco milk :wacko: I don't think so! Raiderade & jello it is. Since it was such a rough night my 14 yo son decided to cook breakfast for the family, grits, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits ....YUMMY!! But I think he may be up to something, these actions could be considered suspicious. Anyway that is Sunday at my house :pardon:

  2. a few more I thought of

    *there are 2 comforters on my bed one for hubby and one for me

    * I too shake my feet to go to sleep* I constantly check to make sure I have my kids & keys when leaving my house or getting out of the car, cause I locked Lyric in the car with my keys when she was 2.

    * I check on my kids like 6 times during the night.

    Thank you, I knew I wasn't alone, Hey Oscartaunt013.gif

  3. I prefer to eat things in pairs/ even numbers. If there isn't an even number, I actually bite it in half, so I won't be "off balance." And, I don't mind the ends of fries, but I will NOT eat a bread butt. :nea:

    I don't like "bread butts" either. :lol:

  4. I constantly worry I have locked my keys in the car, I check & recheck to make sure they are in my purse.

    I hate socks, I don't own even 1 pair.

    I have to shake my feet at night to go to sleep, DH gets angry.

    I hate putting away laundry after I fold it.

  5. Really? See I just don't find that offensive. I don't care that it was typically used as a term for poor whites in the old south. If someone ever called me a cracker I would laugh so hard.

    I disagree, it is meant to be to a racist remark. But the thing that ticks me off is if my kid is called cracker it's no big deal but if my son, he knows better, were to use the n-word he would get the crap kicked out of him. Racism is racism & those 2 words are equally degrading.

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