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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. I just have to say I'm from the North and love the snow. I'm not jaded and wanted to point out I don't have a chip that makes me accustom to cold temps, we adapt!


    Copschick- Glad you got an answer to your question :)

  2. Best, Hmmm thats a tough one.


    Most fun would have been when I was a kid and got my Nintendo.


    Most meaningful was a check from my Grandfather who had passed earlier in the year. He didn't have a lot left after he died but left enough to get all the Grandkids something. I purchased a framed print of old Tiger Stadium with the money which was a place that was very special to both of us.


    A close second is.....


    The first Xmas we were married the Mrs's got me a Tony Stewart Diecast that means a lot to me also. We didn't have a lot of money but she worked extra shifts to get it for me. :wub: A few years later I met Tony and he signed it, its one of my prized possessions.



    Best gift I gave, I'm not sure. I try to put thought into all of them so I don't know which one was better then the others.


    You gave me my kenny and cartman dolls :drinks:


  3. To the OP-I'm sorry about what your going through :( and hope you can resolve it.



    sidenote not directed at the OP-

    Its sad to see some of the repsonses about others. A little of topic but in my neighborhood I see kids kick and hit dogs all the time but no one does anything about it.Parents don't care they just look at you like your the crazy one. When the dogs finally snap it will be sad. Some parents don't teach their "precious" children how to treat other living creatures. Its a shame. :(

    I have my priorties just where I want them. They are mine may not match yours but at least I can say thats OK.


    JMO :) -Thank you for respecting it, you don't need to agree with it.



  4. Mental note PAYPAL


    no way would I send cash/check in the mail these days.


    I get scared just writing checks (some companies I still have to pay by check) I figure that if people really want your money they will do anything to get it. Nothings safe anymore or I'm just paranoid- maybe both :lol:


  5. If someone in my office told me that they had once been hospitalized because they smelled an orange from 10 feet away, I would have stifled the biggest laugh you have ever heard, tried to look serious, and would have promised to bring the orange to work triple wrapped, eat it in the break room, and dispose of the peels in a toxic waste bag.


    I would have no problem being a gentleman in that situation. But, boy, would it make for some great stories over a beer.


    What is this severe reaction you get from smelling an orange from 10 feet away?



    UMMM same way kids can't have things with peanuts in their lunches because someone else may be allergic. :unsure:


  6. I don't think your wrong at all. I would be demanding that they sell it to me or at the very least they should set one aside for you so when "it's time" you get one. Our mistake just wouldn't cut it for me. If it's on the shelf then its for sale. JMO

  7. I got through easy, but medium is a whole other issue.


    Make sure if you are playing on and HDTV that its in "sync" there is a option on the menu to confirm the guitar and the TV are on the same page, that may be part of the problem.


    Yeah my husband thinks he is sooooooo cool when he "rocks and rolls".......then he attempts to play medium and then only thing that rolls are my eyes. :lol:

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