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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Existing and being utilized with higher goals and achievement are different. Many communities put all there resources behind college bound students and leave us to pay for kids left behind. The businesses that need these kids need them to have some skills, we are refusing to use educational dollars to meet those needs. We are hurting our business community and our local economy. You never can truly throw them away, you are going to not only be taxed for a failing education system but for the survival of these people.. I feel that you are personally attacking me for daring to even try to
  2. We don't care, nobody ask you to hire a kid that goes to trade school to make a decent living. Why are you even participating? Nobody discourages kids to get a 4 year degree, we are talking about encouraging and helping children that can't earn a decent living through a different type of educational process. You should not be having any trouble filling your position since so many with 4 year degrees are unemployed, in debt and desperate. You have changed the tone of my thread about a community that wants to help these kids, I am freaking annoyed about it.
  3. You have continued to pursue this train of thought, so are you suggesting that kids that are not suited to college go exactly were they deserve to be in minimum wage jobs, You are happy enough to pay taxes to cover their survival needs. Somehow you have made sure that this thread is all about you not only defending your college degree but rubbing everyone's face in it. I am not sure what is up with you because really this has nothing to do with you and you are taking this thread over and making it about you. You are shutting down the discussion and I am getting beyond annoyed. We are not
  4. We now have support in the way of a bill and educators that want the opportunity to make things better. I will be working very hard to garner support for this. They did not have the tools or support to help these children, the involvement of the department of labor and business community and educators is going to make a huge positive difference in communities that want this and prove it by getting involved. As a business owner I now have the ability to take some control over my local economy by helping our youth. The time for complaining is over we now have a green light to take action
  5. Our house will be paid for before student loans and you know how close we are to retirement. Of course the economy knocked us back on reaching our goals. We did everything right, it was the people that deregulated the credit market that hurt us. We did everything right, we are smart. It was the people that were given permission to take advantage of the ignorant that brought us down. When you do it right and your government rewards people for that throw integrity out the window for profit it makes you angry and sick. I can only imagine how people with 4 year degrees and thousands in debt feel a
  6. I am suggesting these kids get the same amount of help and encouragement that college bound kids do. There is a difference between a true trade school and a state run vocational school. I suggest that a business community can award scholarships for these schools. This is why, you may run your company with all college graduates, thats fine, you have a customer it may be that all your customers are college grads, but in an economy such as ours you need customers and unless you are the landlord of section 8 housing you are going to be better off when more people in your community make a living wa
  7. I am going to hijack for a moment because this reminded me about something. My husband and I both come from families of modest means. My dad is retired and finances are always a concern, he has SS, a small retirement check and a 401 k my sister manages very well, but he refuses to touch. He talks often about how hard it is to keep up. He had to have the car repaired last month. If my car needs repaired no big deal. When he says he had to repair the car or replace an appliance I get stressed and check to see if he needs help with bills. We simply don't realize what these 5 and 10% increase in
  8. When an athlete brings national attention to a sport everyone in that sport benefits. There are many sports such as tennis or golf that you never think about until someone becomes a super star. It means millions in endorsement and many times the competitors also benefit from the national attention. If a bicycle company sees their sales double from his endorsements then they have a very good reason to see their superstar is not popped on a drug test. His team mate may not of been superstar material, vials could have been switched with everyone;s knowledge. The new morality says we underst
  9. You don't know how sorry I am that this discussion went in that direction. The people that knew what I was talking about and wanted to discuss are now pming me. This was an important discussion, I didn't make up this stuff it is real, it is happening and people are looking at solving the problem. It was never meant to be a debate between zoo and her followers. A parent or even teacher might have wanted to discuss the kids that aren't college material, teachers may have offered hope and info with some of the new training available to these kids. There is no debate about kids gettin
  10. All I can say is wow! It is hard to believe the progress. I wonder how many said it was not possible. I wonder how many tried to stop it because they could not do it? This is simply amazing and wonderful, human life is so precious, every single moment of it. We can now hope for more moments, more hugs, more laughter a few more days to feel the sun on our face. How much more does one appreciate the days they would not have without the help of someone who is passionate about their work and pushes forward. I was so inspired by this. LINK I left my heart in Minnesota -- a tiny, pulsing
  11. We have people that are trying, learning with a purpose. I am very excited about the idea of motivating children, starting early and giving them what they need to be their best. I do know this we have devalued labor, even skilled labor. Because people feel they need 4 more years and it is unspecific in many cases skilled labor is becoming a commodity. We can fill that need and place some young people on that path rather than the unskilled minimum wage track. There are answers and there are people trying to reduce unskilled labor through a different type of education. My biggest concern is my
  12. Ok I saw you asking so I thought you were looking for full time. Are you ok with labor intensive or looking for something like night desk clerk. My daughter tried really hard while in school to get a hotel or motel clerk position so she could study on the job. My husband liked working as a convenience store clerk clerk while in college because the schedule was very flexible.
  13. I will be talking to the labor department rep this month, I will ask if they have any free skill set courses they are offering for specific placement. I will pass that along to everyone if there is something to help. I wish you luck I know you have been looking hard.
  14. Hey lulu good to see you! let us know if you find out.
  15. Beyond the debate with zoo. For parents that are struggling and worried about their child's future because they may not be ready for college I will be presenting some things that may help your child to learn skills or a trade that he can make a decent living at. If you own a business in Paulding that is willing to do apprenticeships and create good candidates for trade school scholarships I am interested in hearing from you. If you are a business that is interested in an organization that helps provide scholarships for trade school please let me know.
  16. I am sorry hun something is wrong when graduates are having the level of difficulty with gainful employment that we are seeing. I don't think gainful is 25,000 a year paying off a 30,000 student loan, not including what I have picked up with various grants, or have gotten stuck with. I have no issue with education, but it should not be crap shoot and success levels as far as compensation should be much higher. You have to start younger than high school with career choice, make available secondary school with specific skill sets, This will drive down the cost of education. They will need to
  17. Education needs to conform to the job market, we keep telling kids you have got to go you can decide what you want to be once you get there. We tell them that because we want them to be self sufficient and we are scared to death that they will end up in minimum wage jobs and dependent social services all their life. College degrees are not netting big paychecks for everyone, I am curious about the real numbers as it relates to salaries. Degrees don't make you anymore teachable when it comes to specific jobs and the skills required. I don't think they even give aptitude test anymore, they jus
  18. I just watched a video where a man owned a store stuck his hyper kid out there to spin a sign, now he is famous! What do they get paid anyway?
  19. Educators and employers are starting to look at the models, there is a lot of dysfunction in the system. The educators do not know what the employers need, they are doing their best but they are not result driven.That goal has got to be the same. We are creating an employee pool that employer have no use for. I can tell you a scholar is not going to make a great plumber, electrician, hvac , mechanic, machine tech or even heavy equipment operator. yet there are thousands of jobs open for skilled labor many making much more than people with 4 year degrees. How does your kid that has difficulty
  20. Those degrees are a specific skill set, who hires them and the money they make will still be somewhat dependent on their soft skills especially if 2 of them are looking at private practice they will have to be able to sell themselves.
  21. If you are willing to offer apprenticeships for young people that have taken soft skills( work ethics training) and can pass a drug test please let me know. I am making a list. We may can even arrange some scholorship money for trade school if you decide your apprentice has what it takes.
  22. That is so sad, but it is reality, companies are looking for more specific skill sets they are also looking for innate skills such as communication, conflict resolution, ect. Resumes can't express these things, for most employers it's a crap shoot. Degrees are a dime a dozen, we are still pushing kids into them with no regard for what employers really need. Training in advanced soft skills can and will put your resume on the top of the stack. If you have been provided any of these workshops or seminars by a previous employer make sure you emphasize them. Smart boy this one of the hott
  23. I am going to be brutally blunt, my tax dollars should not be paying for secondary education for that bull puckey right there.
  24. You might be surprised that it is coming back. Our kids are already graduating with computer skills that adults are going back to school for. Still I am trying to make the point of creating a larger work force making a living wage without spending more on education. 1/2 of all the expenditures in our state go to education. Our return on that money is not that great. We have got to look at skill sets that cost less and still produce people that can earn a living wage. Education should be result driven, what percentage of graduates from any type of school result in a productive member of soci
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