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Everything posted by xxyzxx

  1. Ignorant people like the ones in this post is the reason I stopped being a paid member. I have no need to be cooled off....I am just stating my opinion. Before I log off for my last time because of people like you that make ridiculous statements about things you really don't understand...I want to clarify something- I was not in any form or fashion trying to discredit fire, rescue and police. Nor was it ever about anyone getting personally acknowledged...it was about saying "Thank You" and "I appreciate all you did"...to whomever it would be..... It's not even about Public Safety Day...I think
  2. I don't think that is what is happening in my opinion! But when people talk about how the DOT, Water Dept., etc...doesn't put their lives on the line for citizens of this county...they are just being closed minded and can not see the whole picture of what really does take place on a day to day...let me say an every day to every day basis! I commend the Public Safetly workers and they should be shown gratitude, respect and appreciation....but since this topic has turned partly to the events taken place this week.....if we are going to say that the DOT, Water Dept., etc did not put their lives
  3. I don't see how you can say water department and DOT workers do not put their lives at risk..........have you ever seen what the water department has to do when there is a main that has broke?? And the DOT...they have to close roads down with insane drivers out there not watching what they are doing and plus...them closing roads down with rising waters and the risk of them being sucked in the flood waters...and then..how about the signal guys...when a light goes out..not only do they work with electricity to fix the problem....alot of times that are in bucket trucks while cars and trucks are p
  4. I have to agree....we don't need to leave all the power, water, DOT workers and everyone else out! Even the cable guy :0)
  5. God bless you!! It is so nice to know there are still careing people in this world! Just called and left you all a message!
  6. It's better for him to stay home until daylight!!
  7. Hey Kurstin!! Say a prayer for Jason if you will...he is working in this tonight, along with many other...trying to get the roads closed due to all the flooding!!
  8. Thank you Lord!! I just went on there and was about to post that about the schools being closed tomorrow!! I have to go into work...but I am thankful the kids will be with me and that my office is very close to me!! I know the bus drivers will be thankful...I could not imagine having that many lifes that I was responsible for trying to get down flooded roads!!
  9. Hubby usually does not get on here at all...but when he gets home and I pray he gets home very safely....I am going to let him read all of these post....so he can see all the prayers and support that people really do send out in times like this.
  10. Thank you all!! Please just keep praying for him and all the other many DOT workers, Fireman, Police and everyone out there tonight!! I just checked the radar and there is still ALOT of rain heading our way! He is suppose to call and keep me updated as he can and I will try and post when I hear.
  11. This is such a comfort to my heart to see this post!! My hubby is one of the ones out there closing the flooded roads! I know God is watching over him...it just scares me to know what he is dealing with and I pray his vehicle doesn't get caught up in the flood waters!! This is what we need to continue to do...because their are alot of people out there right now trying to shut down roads to try and prevent anyone from getting hurt or swept away with the water.
  12. Please pray for my hubby...he just got called in to help in the closure of the flooded roads. I am scared for him to be out there in this!! I know God will watch over him...but just please say a prayer. It's very scary knowing someone you love so much is out in weather and conditions such as this.
  13. I just saw this now Jennifer...but we have said a prayer for him and you all!! God will take care of him! Email and let me know how he is!!
  14. The Upward program is just an awesome program for children and it is also wonderful for the adults because you get to meet new people and just enjoy the fellowship while watching the children play...for fun!!! We have been involved with upward sports before and we LOVE it!! Hope to see ya'll out there on Saturday!!!
  15. May she rest in God's hands. She had a long battle, but is home now! Please pray for this little family today...it's been a rough few years on them.
  16. This family is in our prayers. Ms. Maxwell ( I have called her that since I was in elem school) and my mother went to school together and were friends.
  17. I just wanted to say "Thank You All' for everyone that said a prayer for us and was thinking about us. Ronismom..........I am sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers are with you.
  18. Cabe..........I am sorry to hear that. You will be in our prayers.
  19. I am sitting here in tears reading all the wishes.............Thank you!! Papa meant the world to us. He is my husbands grandfather but as soon as I first walked through there doors........I became his granddaughter and he became my Papa. He told me many many times you are as much my granddaughter as any. Please pray for our family today as we have the funeral. Pray for our Maw-Maw.........they had been married almost 58 years. You don't find the kind of love they have for each other everyday. I am so blessed to be apart of this family. I am so blessed to have been able to know this wonder
  20. My son is in 1st grade at McGarity and they sent home a letter about this yesterday. It just breaks my heart. This child is a blessing to everyone. He had went through alot in his few years with the two heart transplants. I pray for this family. It was very hard last night trying to explain and answer a 7 year olds questions about death and why he died so young. After we talked a while and he began to understand....my son went to bed and he then got up and said he needed a drink........well he didn't drink very much...on his way back up the steps he said....Mom.....I prayed for Luis and I pra
  21. Jana was a very sweet, genuine person. My prayers are with her family and I pray that God will give them the strength they need at this time. When my father passed away 17 years ago, I remember Jana telling me, not to cry that he is with the Angels now. Jana is with the Angels now.
  22. Prayers are being sent. May God Bless this family.
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