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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I believe Vito's Cafe is having a car show
  2. Those are to pretty to wash dishes with
  3. Can you tell me what your hours are? and what days you have speacils? we came by your place on sunday but it was closed we are wanting to try your place. or do you have a website?
  4. Fotogirl that is great work
  5. I am trying to listen to see if they give another description, but so far I have not heard anything else.. crossroads have you heard any more? The last I herad they were going to nextel
  6. The description I gave was what an officer was reading back to the dispatch operator crossroads and I may have been listening to 2 seperate issues going on.
  7. Officers do not check building, homes, stay in car while k9 is running track, I think they are parked at a church on bobo road
  8. I think my scanner just died, it sure is quite now nothing at all They are using K9 down Bo Bo road advising all officers to stay in car
  9. He is wearing a Black hoodie, green shirt, black pants, and has a knife. I have not heard if he left on foot or in car They are running a track on him, so he must be on foot.. we must be listening to 2 different cases LOL
  10. I was wondering about all the sirens I heard, I could not pick anything up on the scanner
  11. I watched Carrolton on GA Travlers the other night, I did not know the yhad anything either LOL Talk about a blast from the past it is good to see you!
  12. Thanks for posting your new hours
  13. Great deal can you tell me the price range of the shoes? I know of someone who is interested
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