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Everything posted by ITMFA

  1. Legacy employment existed long before Affirmative Action? George Bush is the son of a good 'ol boy so let him attend Yale. It's not what you know but who you know. BTW, the greatest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action are women. Women who couldn't even attend Ivy League schools until the 60s. Women who have minority business status and are awarded government contracts as a result.
  2. BLM is a hate group? Based on what information? Or are you just stereotyping and promoting ignorance that is one of the root causes of misunderstandings? White families receive more handouts than black families. You do know there was a time in history when "the handouts" were not available to black families?
  3. Why is it when a black person says something you want to hear you lend credence to the claims that are made? I may have missed it but I'm surprised that Stacy Dash hasn't been on Faux Noise contributing to the discussion. Why didn't he include an analysis of armed and unarmed suspects when deadly force is used? Is deadly force more or less likely to be used against unarmed whites than unarmed blacks? Is deadly force used against black teens more than white teens? Studies can be skewed by the desired results. Who paid for the study? What bias/motive does the person conducting the study
  4. Why don't the police wait for facts before they start shooting? Everyone should wait for the facts except LE? A man, a woman and a toddler are in a car. Looks like they're going to commit a crime and the toddler is the look out. Better open fire with the child in the car before waiting to find out precisely what the actual facts are. If you are too afraid to fact find before using deadly force, then call for back up so you can get all of the facts before you "mistakenly" kill someone.
  5. Any part of that description will be used to make a stop. 5ft women with no boobies will be stopped. 6ft women with boobies will be stopped. 4ft women with "wide set noses" will be stopped.
  6. Sounds a lot like the "Blue Code of Silence" doesn't it? Good cops won't snitch on the bad cops but when the bad cops kill, they're still considered good cops.
  7. Whether the policy is written or practiced in secrecy, the primary difference is blacks cannot take their skin off during the day and practice being black in their basement. Changing your last name doesn't change your skin color. You have a grasp of your ethnic experiences but however many black friends you may have, you have little understanding of what their experience is.
  8. Nice of you to change the narrative. Have you ever been to a black church? The black community is well aware of this problem and spends time and money addressing it within the community where they have control. Where they don't have control is when police officers kill black people. Stick the topic. It doesn't say black on black crime anywhere in the subject heading.
  9. I wouldn't consider a source such as powerlineblog as factual. They offer a familiar right wing spin to data to support their carefully constructed narrative. Police approach whites in a calm and respectful manner. They approach blacks in a confrontational, authoritative manner. Whites are approached in a manner of "serve and protect". Blacks are approached as "combat ready". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ShQUWT209Y
  10. Well if he's got your vote, he must be pandering for a future political career.
  11. The "wide set nose" made him fear for his life. Your ability to devalue someone's life is incomparable. To put it quite frankly you are scum. Telling you so would be well worth having my account suspended, deleted and thrown off a cliff. Since when did being a "suspect", never arrested or convicted of anything, mean LEOs should fire your weapon into a car with a child in it. I hope your sentiments are the same the day you and yours experience the same level of "reasonable fear" that you find so acceptable.
  12. I'm not so sure you know what you are. The level of disconnect you have achieved is astounding.
  13. A troll is someone who spreads wild fire rumors and conspiracy as if it is factual.
  14. People are dying needlessly but let's not inconvenience the living. The living should not be interrupted from getting home to their families just because some mothers are trying to get to the morgue to identify their children.
  15. Isn't that what Newt said? http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/08/newt-gingrich-on-police-shootings-sometimes-whites-dont-fully-appreciate-that-its-more-dangerous-to-be-black-in-america/ I'd ask some Native Americans what they think but I can't seem to find many. I wonder where they all went.
  16. Correction- It was only 5 million emails that vanished under mysterious circumstances during Georgie's last term. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/04/13/white.house.email/index.html
  17. Can you provide details into this "conspiracy theory floating around"? Where did it originate? What made you decide to keep it afloat? Like when George Bush and his Homeland Security Dept. used to have a terrorist Orange alert every time he needed to get the media away from something Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and Karl Rove did?
  18. What would you say the current President has done to divide us?
  19. You offering your great nephew as a level up? So your family's future is dimmer than its past? Are you breeding extinction?
  20. I'll make my request again. Try not to stonewall. Please show me specifically what responses I gave that show I approve of what happened in Dallas. Please point to an incident where a police officer was held accountable for his actions.
  21. zz You and I see things differently. There is no one in the community more powerful than LEOs. Officers are the face of LE. Many people never see the inside of a courtroom but they do interact on some level with police, eventually. An officer is the only person in LE that can arrest, detain or even kill you in the middle of the street. Officers should know the community and the community should know the officers. It should not be a J-O-B where animosity is allowed to suppurate. A j-o-b where the officer places his own self importance above the community in which he serves because it
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