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Everything posted by ITMFA

  1. That's one thing we can agree on. You absolutely like snakes.
  2. ​ I'm not setting any traps and I don't have admin access. Anyone could do what I did because you opened the door yourself. I'm just asking you to come clean about your beliefs or just admit you have no intentions of coming clean. You haven't been clear about your beliefs or you would be able to provide direct answers to the questions I have asked. Instead, you would play a shell game with your opinions. Are you sure you are not Foxmeister?
  3. My "Guard Dad psychic senses" are tingling again. You are dodging again. Apparently you don't have the strength of character and the conviction of your beliefs to say specifically what is on your mind. You would rather cower behind insinuations and innuendo. Why don't you just man up and say what is on your mind?
  4. Okay we are getting somewhere. I'm trying to understand your perspective. What is the source of origin for how they are raised an influenced? Who or what specifically is that influence? What statistics support your belief that the majority of white people really try to be fair these days? (We have a black President is not the correct answer.) Specifically which forces do not want peace and why?
  5. Why do you think statistics are so unfavorable for blacks? Is there shared responsibility for those statistics? According to you, the statistics say blacks are more likely to commit crimes, in your opinion, why is that? My "Guard Dad psychic senses" are tingling. I can already sense the nonsensical non-answer that he will provide. What I think doesn't matter. The statistics say yes.
  6. Is that anything like wingnuts claiming George Sorros is single handedly funding Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream? Do you agree with what you claim the police are asserting? Do you not agree? How is it that the "spokesperson for most of us" is afraid to voice his opinion?
  7. What you think does matter. Are you hiding radical thoughts? Why all of the innuendo? Out with it, man.
  8. Isn't that what you do as "spokesperson for most of us"? (Until you made that one mistake.)
  9. Do you think blacks are more likely to commit a crime?
  10. Having a "wide set nose" means you "fit the description"? You post wingnut blog posts that cast doubt on the character of slain individuals whose family's are later awarded settlements. The articles you post include someone being a suspect, smoking marijuana, having troubled pasts having nothing to do with the current situation. Fact Police use blanket catch phrases to cover themselves: "Fit the description" "I was afraid for my life" (objectively reasonable fear, your favorite) "He's going for a gun" (oops it was a cellphone or wallet) I'm not saying you are delusional,
  11. Smearing the slain... ahhh you are quite the master at it yourself.
  12. Look GD, can I call you by your first name since you made it available? Wait, there is a rule about that so never mind. Can I just call you the "spokesperson for most of us"? Just know that I am not now or have I ever been [insert name here]. I am the one and only original COWA.
  13. Isn't that what you do to victims of police brutality? Just recently you raised a wingnut blog's allegation of a victim being a robbery suspect. That is devaluing and marginalizing someone's life based on their suspected past actions just like you do. That makes you no better than anyone you hypocritically blame. Link to the article: http://www.huffingto...b_10953276.html
  14. We have a winner! I was wondering when someone would wheel out this apologist. I thought it would be Foxmeister or mrshoward. You wouldn't happen to be Foxmeister would you? I figure if I'm TP, TBar and [insert name here], you might as well be Foxmeister.
  15. So often wingnuts complain about bad school teachers getting a free ride due to teachers unions. But when police officers get a free ride to abuse due to police unions, there are no complaints. Some want all public service unions disbanded except the police unions. All unions have a right to exist. It is the responsibility of the police union to allow officers to point out the bad cops and protect the good cops that identify the bad from any retribution. Good cops that "rat out" bad cops should be applauded and not threatened by their peers.
  16. That would be an idiotic statement. That is potentially no better than what you do when you say the victim was a robbery suspect. That is devaluing and marginalizing someone's life based on their suspected past actions just like you do. That makes this writer no better than you. Edited to add the link to the link to the story that you didn't provide in your attempt to limit this writer's context to fit your narrative. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jesse-benn/slain-dallas-cop-mightve_b_10953276.html
  17. If you are primarily targeting blacks then "statistics" will reveal most crimes are committed by blacks. Just another reason for the disparity in numbers.
  18. Well, you know what Freddie Lee Cobb says about that thing.
  19. I'd gladly accept your debate challenge but my Guard Dad psychic senses are tingling. Circular reasoning throws off my equilibrium.
  20. Jeffrey Dahmer was very charming to the people he ate. You cant judge a book by it's cover.
  21. Politically speaking, you were making a general statement?
  22. When it comes to Repukes, stoopid is as stoopid does. That's why Trump is their nominee. Keep nominating a string of perennial losers and writing laws that get overturned in Federal Court. Just a waste of taxpayer dollars to fear monger and pander for votes.
  23. I never see you complain about the sites that mrshoward pulls out of her... Twilight Zone.
  24. Or just a traitor for treason that celebrates the inauguration of Confederate traitor Jefferson Davis.
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