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Everything posted by sharee.smith

  1. I've never been but apparently every year towne center does an event where santa arrives on his sled with reindeer . My little girl is going to love it!
  2. We are taking baby doll to see santa arrive at Towne Center friday. Anywone else going?! We have never been so i'm excited. Going to have to dig out some hats and gloves though!
  3. I stumbled across this and it's a great site with some yummy recipes! Thought i would share http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/2007/12/alphabetical-listing-of-recipes.html Now my question...as I browse the recipes so far all of the chicken ones call for cooked chicken. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? These can still be made with raw chicken, correct?
  4. I don't see bbq sauce in any of these...what is that sweet and spicy taste i taste when i eat the bruswick from folks? I have never liked brunswick stew either but theirs has me turned on to it
  5. For this to be in a crockpot does it just need to be set to warm all day? Or on "cook"? I wouldn't want to "cook" it for 8 hours on low and then everything just be overdone.
  6. That's odd. It's actually the exact opposite with me. Everything that took DAYS to post with wachovia now goes through right away with wells fargo. I haven't had any problems with them at all.
  7. I know. I wasn't insinuating that. But SOLO, i did find out that i can actually go and have them put it in there for me. Thanks for your help.
  8. So i can still go to the post office and have them do it. I just can't do it myself? That makes sense.
  9. I guess i just assumed there was a "mail slot" on each box so you could put something in it.
  10. Can I go into the post office and physically put something in to someones po box?
  11. No, my renewal didn't say anything because i was in the middle of a move...supposedly anyways. I didn't move anywhere near the time i received my renewal. Good to know though, because i never have cash and i am pretty sure i intentionally left my check book at home today.
  12. So i just called.......and she couldn't tell me what i needed without my tag number . I said "there isn't some sort of general guidelines such as bring your ins card, emissions etc" She said "well yes but i don't want to tell you to bring something you don't need." Sigh.
  13. I hate it too! Lol That's why i wanted to prepare my quick entrance and exit. Lol
  14. Guide me I walk in and go where? What time do they close?
  15. I am so going to be this next year. That made me laugh!
  16. Fried Green Tomatoes is an awesome movie!
  17. I refuse to go inside that store. The older guy that works there that is really tall (to me anyways) always stares at me in ways that makes me uncomfortable even as a 27 year old. I just stay away.
  18. My service has been off since saturday or sunday. I have misplaced my phone as of Tuesday. I am thinking that a woman i work with may have taken it bc she coincidentally has been using a new phone that looks just like mine. I am not ready to blame yet as i may have just misplaced it. Anyhoo, my question is would the phone still be attached to my account although it is temp suspended, or would someone else very well be able to use it on their account with no questions asked by the provider when they went to switch it?
  19. sharee.smith


    I'm on canton and sandy plains and i think it's passing now. It sounded good while it lasted.
  20. Nope, town center. I have never liked arbor place.
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