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Posts posted by sharee.smith

  1. I got in a wreck a few years ago and my neck has recently started hurting constantly. I guess it started about a month ago. I have been having headaches daily as well and i am assuming its from the same thing. My question is could this be whiplash and is there anything i can do about it? The pain is killing me!

  2. Whatever happened to Tito Ortiz?



    I can't stand him!! I can't believe he was given another fight after not showing up for the weigh ins for his fight with Dana White. What a sissy..


    I missed the fight Saturday :( :( Ordered it and everything then an emergency came up.

  3. bite your tongue. I ain't said crap about no body being racist.



    I was replying to the post as a whole. That part wasn't necessarily aimed towards you. So..apologies for it looking that way.

  4. Uh, how does it help me to learn that some guys were in his neighbors carport, and he followed them? Or was the helpful part knowing that this moron thinks he can shoot folks if they come into his yard?

    I know, it was supposed to have helpd me to read his opinions on the state of the world according to the "colored" folks.


    Seriously? Help people?



    He was informing people that he saw people going through his neighbors belongings...hence theft...how is that not helpful if you live in that area? All the "regulars" on pcom post all day long about people stealing or looking suspicious in their neighborhood..and all of the responses are "thanks"..or "Gotta lock up my things"...or atleast are appreciative in someway. So why does C. Harris get bashed for doing the same thing? Just because he used words that ya'll don't like doesn't mean he is racist. I suppose I'm racist for taking up for him as well. Sad...really..its pathetic.

  5. wow...no poker...or fives players huh?


    alas....i am alone in this county....cardgames-wise




    LOVE texas hold em. Don't ever get a chance to play it though :( Im always telling my boyfriend we need to get some people together and play but then nothing else is ever said about it. :(

  6. I think this is a lady that lives in my subdivision. Her son and my oldest daughter were in Kindergarten together. Anybody have further info? I would like to take over some dinner or something if it's the Debbie I know.



    She used to live in a neighborhood off of 92 but hasn't lived there in a while. She had recently moved out of the state.

  7. This story is so heart wrenching..those poor girls. Im fighting back the tears...they should have had what they did to those girls done to them...in some way or another. That is just horrible. Prayers for that family ..i'm glad they finally have some relief.

  8. Debbie Moncrief passed away yesterday. I do not know enough of the details to share with anyone nor is it my place. I wanted to post this to request prayers for her family. If you knew Debbie or her family please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

  9. Maybe it was just to lighten the mood.


    People get tattoos to draw attention to themselves, they're gonna have to deal with the negative aspect of it, too.


    Your girls are old enough to fend for themselves.



    That is not true.

  10. I understand the concept of thinking someone wants to be alone when this happens...thats why i always tell my friends out right.."i am going to let you have you time but do not hesitate to call me if/when you need someone to talk to"....that way they know im not avoiding them. Im so sorry you are going through this.

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