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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. So as with Kavenaugh, he's guilty until proven innocent? Is this the way of the Democrats? I think the Constitution would disagree with you.
  2. That's a dumb question, most of the wealthy are too old to serve. If the draft was ever reinstated, I'm sure some of the affluent young would go. But the truth is, the rich pay the vast majority of the cost or war. Some of them produce the weaponry and related equipment. They are doing their fair share.
  3. Some would like that to happen. But it wouldn't change anything. Her story was debunked and investigations revealed nothing against Kavenaugh. It's over, your side lost. Get over it.
  4. Cain hasn't shown anything. Here are a few https://christianaction.org/hillary-clinton-calls-for-end-to-civility-tougher-unrest-until-dnc-in-power/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/09/politics/hillary-clinton-civility-congress-cnntv/index.html https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/10/24/take-trump-out-maxine-waters-impeach-sot-newday.cnn https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/25/maxine-waters-democrats-reaction-trump-feud-648028 https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/rep-steve-scalise-when-eric-holder-other-dems-call-for-violence-thats-a-direct-threat-to-our-democracy https:
  5. That's not true at all. The United States is a constitutional republic. Our constitution calls for a few items that some might call Socialist; common defense, interstate commerce, etc; but they really aren't. While we do have some Socialist elements in our country, they were added over time by congress, and many of our problems can be traced directly back to these elements. Regarding monetary classes; one of the beauties of the United States is that any one of us have the opportunity to become one of the rich is we work hard and make smart decisions. That is part of the American Dream
  6. You post this as if this issue is still going on, and it is not. Dr. Ford's claims have been pretty well shot down by additional people who have come forth. NBC had that information prior to the who televised debacle, and intentionally held it. The polygraph test she took has been discredited. The FBI investigated and found nothing. Actually, they have investigated the man several times now for other appointments. Dr. Ford herself has dropped her case and decided not to pursue it. It's over, dude. And the Democrat's hate campaign lost this one. Move along.
  7. This is the latest narrative from the Democrat's mothership, I've seen quite a few of you post it. Nice try, but I have always maintained that minor children are off limits, and I am on record saying that here. But here's the difference...while there were certainly some nasty personal made about Obama, especially the racial ones; they came from individuals. The hate from the Democrats is coming from the top and filtering down through the ranks. Many congress people, the last Democratic nominee for POTUS, and even the previous president have made horribly nasty remarks and even cal
  8. Personal attack with zero relevant information. As usual. As I have already pointed out, I'm the one here who has posted multiple links to support my claims. None of you from the left have posted any support whatsoever; all you've done is to say I'm wrong and make personal attacks. But that's typical for your bunch.
  9. Somewhat of a misleading article, and cptlo is correct that there's absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing. I don't know the situation of the second company offhand, but for one of the companies, the truth is that Kemp is an 8% owner. The article makes it sound like it's all about Kemp himself. The company borrowed the money in '08 if memory serves, and then the economy tanked, leaving the business in financial struggles. Certainly not a good thing, but not unlike a whole lot of businesses at the time. One of my companies struggled badly around that time as well. Luckily, we didn't owe any deb
  10. Yes, that's a good way to describe Socialism. The people of Venezuella would probably agree with you.
  11. Please explain how the basic tenants are different.
  12. Also....there are variations on Socialism, but the basic tenants are always the same. And it will not work for any long period of time. Proponents keep trying over and over, and it fails over and over. Socialism is at odds with human nature. It prevents the very motivations that make us want to grow and excel, to better ourselves.
  13. The snide remarks about my education/qualifications. That had zero bearing on this discussion. BTW...I never said Socialism is a form of Communism, I said it was a component of it.
  14. What do you call your last post? It was also an attempt to discredit me. You haven't posted the first support of your claims; you've only said I am wrong and tried to discredit me. Hey, we all make mistakes, even her.
  15. I have many skills. And your reading comprehension is kinda lacking. But since you're just trying to redirect because you can't refute my claims, I will ignore the rest of your post.
  16. You see things very differently than I do. I'm done with you for now. At least until I post more proof that Socialism is a failure. Of course, that is your greatest fear, which is why you try to disrupt threads.
  17. Dunno why you have to make every discussion a pissing match.
  18. I've provided multiple links to support my statements. All you and Peaches can do is to say I'm wrong. Until you can participate in this discussion on an adult level, please let the grown ups handle this.
  19. There comes the arrogance, saying I don't understand my own links. Wow! I bet you didn't even bother to read the multiple links I posted. And I bet you paid little attention to the lady above who lived under it before coming to the United States. Here ya go. https://www.dictionary.com/e/socialism-democracy/ The biggest difference between Socialism and Communism is ownership of property. In Socialism it is believed that property should be publicly owned, while in Communism the state takes control of it. Basically, bad and worse. But Communism has survived where Socialism has
  20. Not nice. She left there to become an American. What she does for a living is as capitalist as it gets. She's one of the most hard working and nicest people you'd ever meet.
  21. Well, Cain is out of ammo so he's going on the attack again.
  22. As I have told you many times, mechanical engineering is one of my many skills, and I do own a company that provides those and other services. But it's hardly my only area of expertise. More importantly, I own multiple businesses. So another failed attempt from you to try and discredit me. The "nonsense" I posted was well supported by multiple links. Links that I'm quite sure you did not bother to read. The one about macroeconomics is likely over your head, anyway. LOL. I do love you, my friend!
  23. Spot on!! And said president had a unique opportunity to bring us together racially; instead, he did just the opposite.
  24. Since Socialism is a component of Communism, all Communist nations start out Socialist regardless of whether their form of government is Communist or not. And when Socialism fails, the government has to change something. If they are lucky enough to be able to institute some capitalist elements into their economy, they might have a chance to recover. This is what both China and Russia have been doing over the last couple of decades. It's still not the best arrangement, but possibly enough to survive. To some degree, this is what Marxism is...a mixture of Communism and Capitalism, but it's the
  25. I'm headed out the door to church, so any long discussion will need to be later. Can you give me one example of a Socialist economy that has survived long-term? Since the answer is zero, that will be an easier way to answer the question.
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