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Guard dad

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Posts posted by Guard dad

  1. Electric I have flipped the switches in the fuse box and it still doesn't work. It has to be something with the Thermostat


    Maybe the thermostat, but odds are it's something else.


    Assuming you have a central forced air system, and this will not work if it's a heat pump so be sure before you try this....


    Take the cover off the thermostat and short between the red/white/and green wires. If the problem is in the thermostat the heat will come on. But it will run until you remove the jumper wire so you can't leave it that way. It's low voltage so it won't hurt you.


    I'll be away for a couple of hours but I'll check in later.


    Edit, if it's a heat pump you'll have 6-7 wires on the thermostat, otherwise it will only have 4.

  2. My husband does HVAC as well and said that he would help you.


    Ok, spoke with CC, at this point it looks like the electrical issue is the sole problem and he will update us on that shortly. He's checking on possible gas/propane and if that looks like a possibility I'll get with you so your hubby and I can try to help.


    Thanks :)

  3. I believe all electric

    Dang, that limits our options. If she had gas I might could help more. Would you mind PMing me with a contact number so I can speak with you? I'm a heating and air guy. Not sure what the situation is or what we have to work with, but worth talking about.




  4. Springer is trash. Unfortunately, it does depict a sizable segment of our population. Quite sad actually.


    But no, we don't watch it, the "kid" didn't watch it either. We don't need that kind of drama in our home.


    I know a guys who's brother was on there, his girlfriend left him for a lesbian. Bad thing is, she came back to him after the show and they got married.



    A few months later they got divorced. What a surprise.....

  5. Hey and thanks again for the dog house!!! :rolleyes:


    We had already put Pleasant Grove 1st on our list, you'll probably see us in the nest couple of Sundays. I've visited a few times when there was something special going on, but never a Sunday morning.


    Maybe we'll run into you.

  6. Unity Baptist would also be within your criteria. They run a banner here. In fact, go to the Church Forum here. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showforum=11


    I'd certainly visit a few as there are many positive congregations.




    Thanks Pubby, that does look interesting. We definitely want to take our time and visit multiple congregations to try and find where we're being led.


    And thanks to the others that replied as well.

  7. Guard Dad, we attend Pleasant Grove Baptist on Angham Rd in Hiram, about 5 minutes from your house. From what you described it sounds a lot like what you are looking for. We would love to have you visit anytime. If you follow Main St thru Hiram, it turns into Angham Rd, I think, when you cross the rr tracks.. Give us a try!


    That is on our short list. My daughter was under Doctor Davis while in school and I know a lot of people there including your pastor. We'll definitely be visiting there.



  8. Happy New Year everyone.


    Wifey and I are looking around to possibly change churches. We've been going to our current church for almost 20 years but it's quite a drive now and we're just not feeling it there anymore. Here's what we're looking for....


    -We're Baptist but would consider a similar denomination or even a non-denominational church so long as they teach the Bible accurately.

    -Within 15 or so drive from Ridge Rd/92 area

    -Prefer a medium sized congregation. Small enough to be intimate but hopefully grown out of the "small church/controlled by the clique" phenomenon.

    -We're singers so the music program is a big factor for us. We prefer a blended type of music with traditional, Southern gospel, and some contemporary. We would eventually want to get involved in the music.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)


  9. We eat pretty healthy as it is. I'm all about the whole grains and fresh veggies and the like.


    I am southern so there are some things I won't give up. But gone are the days of fried everything. We even bake our fries.


    I use very little salt, much to Jimmy's chagrin. I just tend to like the flavor of food as it is.


    I think we'll be fine in the weight gaining dept. I'm just glad to finally be done with smoking. I know this time it will work. I'm ready for it to work.

    You've got more willpower that I do, I have trouble staying away from the sweets. Funny, I could take 'em or leave 'em before I quit smoking but now I crave the fattening stuff.

  10. Jimmy and I are planning on doing some weight training in the new year. If we lost any weight we'd disappear. The one thing we are doing is quitting smoking. I've had the scripts for Chantix for two weeks. We want one more night out at the bar and then we're officially non-smokers. My normaly skeptical physician was more than eager to write the scripts for us. He's had 50 patients quit using Chantix and we are quite hopeful that it will work for us. Nothing else has.


    I wish everyone good luck on whatever changes come about in the New Year. Keeping in mind that I follow the Buddhist philosophy that change is neither good or bad it just is.

    Good that you're quitting smoking but if you're like most people your appetite will go crazy. I quite 20 years ago, gained 30 lbs in a month and about 40 more over the next few years. I've lost most of the extra weight now, but it's been a struggle.

  11. The biggest problem with Vista right now is the el cheapo computers they're selling. Too many folks are buying the $400-$500 laptops with Vista basic and it's gonna be a dog. Most of these are running an old Celeron processor and 512 of RAM, slooooooooooow! At least get Vista Home Premium on a comp with a dual core processor and no less than 1 gig of RAM. If you really want Vista to wake up you need 2 gig or better.

  12. Two things...


    -The self-checkouts at WalMart are some of the worst designed I've seen. You'd thing the worlds largest retailer could do better.

    -To use the self-checkouts, one must have at least basic knowledge of certain things. Some of WalMart's clientèle are not the brightest bulbs on the porch.

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