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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. LOL Funny you say that, I was telling Greg one night that we should create a spin off of his business to do something like Trading Spaces. Have a completly reworked room in a weekend... I love stuff like that!


    Hey GandDCamp! Not trying to hijack the thread, but I love your avatar! I have the actual painting signed by the artist. I met him when I went on a mission trip to Maine!

  2. I would not cheat on my wife, because my life depends on it, cardie! I just like to keep a little awareness steered up.

    You are right. Cheating is cheating, no mater who does it. A person can move on, because of such a disrespect to them, and leave a cheater very sorry for what they did. In the days of both partners being bread winners, it's less devastating on the man than it used to be, but it's still a powerful downfall.

    I know that's right.

    I have had you pictured as someone who could do what he wished, without worry of repercussion, AcworthDad.


    That is very good, understanding, you have just admitted. :)


    :o What about love and commitment?? Is this the only reason you wouldn't cheat on her??

  3. Nanny, I have prayed a similar prayer many times (though of course not from a strictly Chirstian viewpoint ;) ). However, there is a huge difference between a Christian nation and a nation whose majority is Christian. We desperately need leaders that are honest, caring and can sleep at night with a clear conscience. We need politicians who can focus on issues that really matter for the future of our country and her people. Issues like health care, social security, education, fair taxes, and the national debt. Please note, these are social issues concerning the welfare of the people. Issues, based solely on His teachings, I think Christ would agree with.


    The politicians of late have proven themselves only interested in religion in as much as it serves their own purposes and gains them votes. All the while laughing behind their collective backs at the so-called conservative Christians who put and kept them in office. They choose to focus on divisive issues like aboortzion and gay marriage to divert attention away from the issues that will really affect the future of the nation and the good of her people.


    Religion cannot be mandated by our government without disastrous consequeces to everything we hold dear. But leaders who are not afraid to stand by their religion and what it really stands for, leaders led by a clear conscience, leaders with a real interest for the welfare of the people in mind, are much needed, possibly today more than ever. Sadly, they have been in short supply for many many years.




  4. I will be the first to admit that I have not been! TBAR, you have truly opened my eyes and mind to this issue! God is calling us to love and serve our fellow man so that he/she will see God's love and miraculous power within us and this will in turn, hopefully, bring them to Him. We have been so busy for so long condeming others for what they believe and trying to convert them that we have lost sight of our calling! This is why we have such a bad name and are having to fight so hard today to defend our beliefs and values!

  5. Reggie Ball REALLY is an.....IDIOT!!!!!



    He will not be able to play in the GATOR BOWL because he did not get a 2.0.....NOW WHAT GT FANS??? WHO HAS THE SMARTER TEAM NOW??????????????????


    Yes, RB is an idiot. I think he proved this on the football field time and time again and that he is not a part of our team. And if you think that he is "the team" and determines the smartness of the rest of the team...now who's the idiot? :ninja: I, for one, am thankful that Tech has not fallen suit with other colleges and has not lowered their academic standards just to get good atheletes!

  6. Yes. Just as yours is.




    I agree with Lesley! I am a Christian and all of my friends, family, and every church I have been involved in have decorated with Christmas trees. We had special services called "The Hanging of the Greens"

  7. You'll get no argument from me. I know the history of the Christmas tree and I could care less if people display them or not. I have one in my house, but personally, if it were not for my family I would not put one up. I think it is silly for people to insist they are an expression of Christianity and it is even more silly for people to insist that every religion under the sun must also be represented just because a tree is displayed. We have got to focus on the things that really matter in this country and get off this stupid, meaningless crap before we destroy ourselves. The rest of the world must be laughing their arse off when they see the dumbass things Americans fight over.


    :D Rock on!!

  8. There Goes My Life- Kenny Chesney

    In My Daughter's Eyes-Martina McBride

    Wind Beneath My Wings-Bette Midler: This was mine and my mom's song. She was in so much pain for most of my life, physically from liver disease, emotionally from my dad leaving us...But she was the strongest person I have ever and will ever know! She fought through the pain to be there for me, provide for me, and to support me in everything I did. My dreams were her dreams. And everyone that she came in contact with, she would tell them her story and that the reason she was still alive was because of her faith and that Jesus wasn't through with her yet. She continuously gave Him the glory, through all of her suffering because she knew God was using it to bring others to Him. I sang it at her funeral.

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