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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. Why shoot, Sally; You are the first woman I've met who can handle the truth! B)


    But, did you like him when he said, "Herrrrrrrrs Johnny!" in The Shining?


    I like mustangs, too!


    You've been running all over the town; guess you better slow your Mustang down!


    Just kidding, Sally, you can ride all you want to!


    YES! I love "The Shining"! REDRUM, REDRUM!

  2. Privately!!!! You are to go to your brother - one on one and discuss the situation. If that does not work take Elders of the Church! Where does it say you pull out the sins of others to be pointed at, ridiculed, and judged by man???


    Thank you!!! It's funny how the Word of God can be taken and twisted and turned to make it fit what someone wants it to say!

  3. One of these early mornings,

    You gonna be wiping your weeping eyes.


    I bought you a brand new mustang... 'bout two thousand five.

    Now you come around signifying a woman,

    girl you don't wanna let me ride.

    Mustang Sally, guess you better slow your mustang down.

    You been running all over the town now.

    I guess you gotta put your flat feet on the ground.


    Believe me! When I get it, it ain't gonna be slowin' down :D

  4. Wow this may end up being longer than the "Do you kill a Thread" thread


    - Isn't it great to see "Christians" argue with each other. . . does great things for Christ I'm sure!


    :o :( I do apologize! I realize that I have fallen into the trap and in doing so, I am no better than the ones who posted the thread! I truely apologize for my childeshness!

  5. Mustang Sally, you better slow your mustang down.

    Mustang Sally, now baby, you know you better slow your mustang down.

    You've been running all over the town .

    I guess I'll have to put your flat feet on the ground.


    All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.

    All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.

    All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.

    All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride


    :p :lol: :wub: B) I have to admit...this is true!!!

  6. So since you won't break it down...then I will. And don't put words in my mouth.


    So here is the original post and I will break it down from what I read in to this post and YOU tell me where the bigot part is.



    I was asked by a fellow Christian approximately eleven months ago to evaluate your post for accuracy. I have found very few discrepancies with your post. The problem is that you link to another’s opinion.

    Do you have an opinion of you own?


    A question was asked. They also found NO discrepancies of his posts but wanted to know why TBAR cannot answer with is own words. Is there any bigot comments stated here? No.


    Unfortunately the answer is yes. I really wished you would have given topics without giving away your own heart!


    Here the OP states that in order to speak political issues, using God as a tree to lean as if all he says is truth to the matter, then since using God, it must be true and no one will dispute it. It appears to me that the OP asked to seperate the two. Any bigot statements? No.


    I must say, by the Holy Spirit of God, that you do not represent the “Christian faith”!

    Again, another referece to seperate the two issues and not use God as the pulpit as if God is agreeing with everything he posts. Any bigotry? No.


    Although I understand exactly where you are coming from, please reframe from stating that your view, is a Christian point of view!


    The OP understands his views and concerns but to not state that it is all a Christian view which is a stated fact because not all Christians are in agreement with most of what he states. Any bigotry there? No.


    I searched your background and I believe we can agree no further discussion is needed, RIGHT?


    [EDITED BY SHERIFF ANDY TAYLOR BECAUSE WE DO NOT ALLOW MEMBERS TO BE NAMED], explain to this humble public of Paulding County your intentions and receive the support due you.


    Not sure what the OP means here other than he obviously knows TBAR. I guess he is asking that TBAR explain his true motives rather than beat down everyone who does not agree with him. I see no bigotry here either although I am not sure what his real meaning is.


    Reframe from pretending your opinion is one of the Christian faith, because it does not represent the mind of Christ.I agree with this statement because not all of us agree that what he says is from the word of Christ.

    I believe you have stated that you are a Christian? If this is true you will seek the lord and ask him your self if he is pleased WITH YOU.


    The OP has asked TBAR to go to God and pray and see if what he is doing pleases GOd. Any bigotry here? No.


    Mark your territory where you intend to return tbar. You are known by the lord by the company you keep.


    I'm not quite sure what this person is saying but it appears to me that he is telling TBAR to stand back and get back to his Christian ways. Which means, he needs to do more witnessing than just being friends with non-Christians. Jesus sat with sinners but He also witnessed to them. I think this is what the OP is saying. Any bigotry here? No.


    Finally, you are as far from the representation of Christ church as a shoe is to represent a glove.

    Repent my friend, repent!


    This last one is about as clear as a sunny cloudless day. The OP feels he has stepped away, too far away from Christ in his zell to concentrate on things that appear to me more anti-Christian than pro-Christ. More like a balancing act but has gone further down one road than the road to Christ.


    Any bigotry there? No, not all. Christians are suppose to point out the faults of other Christians. It is suppose to be private but it appears the OP decided to do it publically. The OP asked TBAR to repent and also called him friend. Again, no bigotry.


    Since no one cared to analyze and I do this quite well to other than to be a good observer as well, I have now broken the entire post down as an explanation of what it meant to me when I read it and I have read it several times.


    And again, I am not the OP, I do not know who the OP is either. But I have now stated my opinion of what each statement means from what I feel they meant.

    One of the dumbest comments I have ever read.


    The OP is basically judging TBAR's faith and assuming he is not a Christian because TBAR's opinions do not fall in sync with his own! How is this not religious bigotry??? Jesus is the only one who can judge our faith because He is the ONLY one that knows what's in each of our hearts. And I mentioned this last night, but let me repeat myself! Do you and the OP not relaize all of the damage you are causing to this community...in particular to those who are not Christians??? You are just pushing them further and further away because of your self-righteous attitudes! I know that I have taken up for you in the past, but I will be the first one to say right now that you and the OP are wrong...and yes you are partaking in religious bigotry :angry2: :angry2:

  7. I have also been successful with Weight Watchers in the past, but I think the key is that it should be a lifestyle change of eating right and exercising...this is why I think Weight Watchers is so good because it teaches and encourages this.

  8. And you stand to learn more from that Pagan than you will ever admit to yourself. :) I know I did.

    I reckon that is why there are so many people with different beliefs in this world, and I also reckon that God would have us learn certain lessons from different places.


    Just remember what I told you, when the message is powered by disdain and anger, it totally distorts it.

    You spend more time defending yourself and your actions than promoting God.


    It's not about hate in anyway hon ;) It's all about the love, and I'd welcome you showing it to everyone, even those that don't agree with you. :)


    :D :wub:

  9. Thanks for being half-truthful.... :angry:

    I'm posting in both...I can multitask.


    BTW, WFL, we think it's either a duel ID for St. you know who or the member formerly known as righteous. Either way, its someone from *their* site, which is a scary, scary place!

    "The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray" (Proverbs 12:26).


    What does this have to do with the thread? Yes, we should...but that doesn't mean that all of our friends should be believers! In order to impact or inspire someone, in this case share God's love with them, you have to build a relationship with them! Jesus said to be in this world not of it!

  10. TBAR,


    I was asked by a fellow Christian approximately eleven months ago to evaluate your post for accuracy. I have found very few discrepancies with your post. The problem is that you link to another’s opinion.

    Do you have an opinion of you own?

    Unfortunately the answer is yes. I really wished you would have given topics without giving away your own heart!


    I must say, by the Holy Spirit of God, that you do not represent the “Christian faith”!

    Although I understand exactly where you are coming from, please reframe from stating that your view, is a Christian point of view!

    I searched your background and I believe we can agree no further discussion is needed, RIGHT?


    [EDITED BY SHERIFF ANDY TAYLOR BECAUSE WE DO NOT ALLOW MEMBERS TO BE NAMED], explain to this humble public of Paulding County your intentions and receive the support due you.


    Reframe from pretending your opinion is one of the Christian faith, because it does not represent the mind of Christ.

    I believe you have stated that you are a Christian? If this is true you will seek the lord and ask him your self if he is pleased WITH YOU.

    Mark your territory where you intend to return tbar. You are known by the lord by the company you keep.


    Finally, you are as far from the representation of Christ church as a shoe is to represent a glove.

    Repent my friend, repent!


    :o Oh my gosh!! Who are you to assume what type of relationship TBAR has with the Lord, or anyone for that matter??? Our relationship with God is personal because He lives in our hearts and it is not our place to judge our fellow man, but to love him as God loves us. Do you not understand and see the damage that you are causing by this judgemental and self-righteous attitude??? Yes God calls us to go forth and preach His Word, but to do it with love and compassion...this is how others will see and witness God's love and message because they will see evidence of Him in our lives, by the way we live our lives and treat others. Think about Mary Magdalene and Zacheus. Would they have responded to Jesus and followed Him if He had shunned them and condemned them. Please think about your actions and the consequences they are having!

  11. I had a teacher tell me a few years ago that BRITNEY AND JUSTIN are the bad ones! :ninja: I think she was half joking! And no she doesn't teach here in Paulding.


    :blink: There might be some truth to that... :ninja: :lol:

  12. Choosing a name for your child is so tough, because it is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives! It's especially hard when you're a teacher because some of the names you really like may be ruined by "problem" students!

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