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About Cassi8888

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  • Gender
  1. Yeah - well evidently you can only vote for each picture once in round 1 - which ends this Friday @ 12:30 - then @ 5:30 on Friday we will find out if he is in the top 100 or not. Thanks for helping!!
  2. We just found out last night that you have to be a Star 94 A List Member to vote - so if you don't mind registering to vote that would be wonderful!! Thanks!!
  3. After you copy the URL on your profile thing and go back and click privacy at the bottom of the page you put the URL in and your email and the code thing -then go to your email. I just did it for hubby and it worked.
  4. Yeah I tried both - my mom did this a couple weeks ago she may have beat me to it.
  5. I heard it when I was at lunch around 1 or so right after it started raining.
  6. Sounds like you had a "Cassie Moment!!" No more making fun of me!! LOL!!
  7. At my baby shower they played a game called My Water Broke. You get some of the dixie cups and put ice cubes in them that have a little baby object in them. You give them to the guest once they are all there and they have to keep up with it and the first one to have their ice melt and the baby object is free has to yell My Water Broke - and they win the game. Another that was played at a baby shower I went to was Winner Takes ALL - it's basically a raffle - guest give $1 for a ticket - the winner wins ALL (laundrey detergent) and the money from the raffle is given to the Mommy to Be to g
  8. I can so see you losing your temper on them - it's boot camp they are suppose to yell at you. HAVE FUN!!
  9. I got my state refund back last week and am still waiting on the federal.
  10. My Top 5 would have to be: 1. Robert Pattison 2. Kellen Lutz 3. Andrew Seely 4. Paul Wesley 5. Ian Somerhalder **All but 1 play vampires**
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