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Posts posted by tmilanese

  1. It just seems that sometimes people labeled conservative are anything but. The converse is true (sometimes at least) when the liberal label is used. And knowing Will, I have very good reason to believe he would be more fiscally reaponsible than some who are thought of as conservative.


    Not just smarter or more conscientious but also likely more fiscally responsible and competent than many who beat their chest and assert "my conservatism is bigger than your conservatism."


    We got it. You're a sock-puppet for the Will Avery campaign and your goal is to make him look conservative. Good luck!

    • Like 3
  2. Another thing that puzzles me re: political pigeonholing these days is exactly what is conservative? What is liberal? Do the two sometimes overlap?


    For instance, after WW2, Churchill initially opposed the National Health Service. Later on, he noticed the inescapable truth: that the people of Great Britain loved it, it worked (and still does) very well and that it saved tons of money. He came to favor it so much that he actually tried to get in on claiming that he was for it all along. Now Churchill, as the number one rated conservative of all time by american conservatives, considered saving money and being fiscally efficient conservative. Imagine that.


    And when "conservative" presidents broke (with no matter what flavor of Congress, Republican or Democrat) our collective banks, why are they still held up as conservative icons?


    Teddy Roosevelt was very progressive in many ways and is held as one of the best Repubican presidents ever. He is also claimed by conservatives. Old Trust-Buster Teddy would be breaking some excessively powerful corporation backs about now.


    These things are actually puzzling to me as I hear this person or that candidate being labeled either way.


    None of this has anything to do with Will Avery's acceptance of a campaign donation from a radical leftist group.

    • Like 3
  3. I have read all of the posts made here about the donation made to my campaign from People for the American Way. Many people have taken this small donation to mean that I am some sort of radical leftist liberal-- something which I absolutely am not. PFAW and my views are quite divergent in many ways, for example, I do not like their stance on "fighting the right" and I do not support their endorsement of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. However, we do share some similarities, such as our commitment to ensuring that all Americans are guaranteed the right to free speech.


    I have never been a sort of leftist Obama-esque Democrat. I consider myself more in the ilk of Zell Miller, to be honest. Coming into this campaign, though, I knew that just because I had a "D" next to my name, some people would prejudge my political beliefs, and write me off as a candidate. I hope to convince some people to open their minds to my campaign, however I do know that not everyone will agree with me, and that is okay, and just part of politics.


    I have never been your typical Democrat. Both of my parents are Tea Party Republicans from South Georgia, as are most of my high school friends. I've met all sorts of Democrats along the way, from far to the left to right in the middle, and I have had my policy squabbles with all of them. I'm not trying to pass myself off for something I am not. The reason that I ran as a Democrat for District 19 is because I am a Democrat, but my supporters span the political spectrum.


    I hope to be able to continue our discussions here on Pcom, because I greatly enjoy talking with all of you--even those who will never cast a vote for me. I know that, just because of what party I affiliate with, I will catch some flak. But I am a man of my word, and I would not lie to all of you about who I am. The Will Avery you see is the Will Avery that truly is-- nothing more, and nothing less.





    The ole "Zell Miller" card. That is the first trick in the liberal's play book when running in a conservative district. You're no Zell Miller.

    • Like 1
  4. No, not just on Bush (thought Bush's damage to this country will last for a good while to come.) I'm stuck on how anyone can be so dishonest or so clueless to claim that the short term deficit spending we need to do right now is suddenly so bad when just about every Republican president and member of Congress for the last 30 years never met a deficit they didn't like before Obama was elected.


    As I said, 100% of the increase in this country's Gross Debt (since WW2!) occurred under the last 3 Republican presidencies. That is easily verified. It is undeniable. It is a cold hard historical fact.


    Why aren't more americans aware of what that means?


    Not going to argue the STIMULUS. Probably about 70 percent of this county is and was against it. But you're welcome to push for another round of it.

  5. No, I am referring to the fiscally disingenuous party that suddenly has fake deficit religion.


    The party that took the surpluses Bush inherited and drove the great american economy into the ravine. Yes, I mean the two-faced ones who are delusional enough to believe voo-doo economics ever worked.


    The party that produced the only 3 presidencies since WW2 that did not lower the Gross Debt (total accumulated federal debt as a percentage of GDP) during their terms. The ones responsible for 100% of the increase in our country's Gross Debt since Roosevelt was in office. The presidencies whose candidates ran on balancing the budget. The same ones whose candidates ran as fiscal conservatives. The party most responsible (both parties share blame) for driving the economy into the ditch. The one by far most responsible for the monstrous structural deficit in place before Obama was even a senator.


    I say this as someone who has voted for many decent people who happen to be republicans. As someone who has contributed money to republican candidates.


    But guess what? The last 4 years of this Bush economy (and it takes someone incapable of critical thought or at least unaware of cold hard reality to call this the Obama economy - that would be peculiarly stupid, at best ignorant) have prevented me from employing the people I formerly employed. (or from having money to contribute to any candidates)


    I am an independent. I register and vote in the Republican primary. I also vote for Democrats. I am campaigning for R and D candidates in this election. I am not prejudiced . I do not worship the "R" or the "D." It seems that some Georgians are so dense about what the parties actually stand for that if Jesus ran as a dem and Lucifer ran as a Republican that Satan would carry Georgia.


    No, I stand by it. Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and even Reagan would not like they would see today. The smartest most decent informed republicans are being kind of quiet till someone else takes out the lunatics. It's sort of what Eisenhoewer did during McCarthyism.


    And I say this as someone who will pull the lever for some republicans this election. In July and in November.


    Stuck on Bush.

  6. But bear in mind, unlike the GOP, to run on a Democratic ticket the candidate does NOT have to sign an oath to the party so your statement becomes irrelevant.


    Nowhere do I see Will Avery promoting the national agenda you refer to with the party headed by Pelosi and Reid.


    Like myself though, he could not run as a member of the Paulding GOP and sign that required Oath to support that group. Possibly some on the state and national level, but not on the local level.




    Will Avery is a loyal and committed progressive/liberal democrat. This is not a case of an old-time conservative blue-dog democrat from the sticks. He has a photo, paper, and internet trail. He'll have to own up to it and run with it. There will be no morphing into a conservative in order to win. It won't work.

    • Like 1
  7. IMO, it shows that groups from all ends of the political spectrum believe in Will as a candidate and a person. One does not have to agree with someone on all points to find common ground, nor does it mean that the characterization of one is equal to that of another.


    Nice try. We'll see ya in September when Will Avery will be exposed for the far left liberal he is. Paulding County won't fall for an Obama clone. No matter how slick talking he is.

  8. E-verify is the only resource available for employers to cover their backside. Without it you risk getting caught hiring an illegal or being sued by an applicant because you're guessing on whether they're legal or not.





    Using E-Verify allows the employer to comply with state laws and the upcoming rule for federal contractors. In addition, the MOU states that no person or entity participating in E-Verify shall be civilly or criminally liable under any law for any action they take in good faith on information provided through the confirmation system, such as terminating an employee. Many companies are using E-Verify to protect their brand. As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE is the investigative arm of DHS) steps up audits and worksite enforcement actions, employers are increasingly concerned about the negative impact an audit or enforcement action may have on the company’s brand image and stock price.


  9. Jason is in good company. Rick Scott is the anti-establishment candidate for Governor in Florida and has called for E-Verify to be implemented state-wide.


    Scott Slams Obama as Out of Touch with the Immigration Crisis


    It is clearly time for the states to take matters into their own hands. That is why, when I am governor, I will bring Arizona’s common sense immigration legislation to Florida. And unlike President Obama who wants to blame well meaning employers who are victims of the federal government’s failure, I will pursue legislation in Florida that protects law abiding employers from the wrath of the government by requiring all employers in the state of Florida to use the free E-verify system to verify the legal status of their employees.
  10. Looks like O'Willy boy took money from one of the most far-left radical groups out there.


    Name: Avery, William Howard

    FilerID: C2010000182

    Year: 2010

    Report: June 30th - Election Year


    People for the American Way

    2000 M St. NW STE 400

    Washington, DC 20036


    Monetary Primary 2010



    Just a few articles about this group's radical leftist activities and associations.


    The American Way: Mobs in the Streets


    People For the American Way: History, Agendas, and Activities



    "In 1998 PFAW established the People For The American Way Voters Alliance, a political action committee whose raison d'etre was to "fight the right" by giving financial support to leftwing political candidates and representatives. Between 1998 and 2004, this Voters Alliance gave $478,711 (99.3%) of its political contributions to Democrats, and $3,500 (0.7%) to Republicans."

  11. Some information about the Dustin Inman Society and D.A. King.


    D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, a non partisan, multi-ethnic coalition actively dedicated to enforcement of American immigration and employment laws.


    On the Web: www.TheDustinInmanSociety.org


    Good article from D.A. King on the 287g program.




    Here in Georgia, there are now four sheriffs with 287 (g) authority. The results are predictable and very visible in that all the right enemies are endlessly working to eliminate existing use. And to stop more sheriffs from gaining access to the federal power to use the database which reports immigration status of non citizens arrested for crimes in addition to illegal immigration.


    And who is against more counties getting 287g certified?


    Brilliantly illustrating the effectiveness of 287 (g), the ACLU has founded and supports the ‘Georgia Detention Watch’ here in the Peach State.


    Their stated objective:


    “We are dedicated to stopping the proliferation of 287(g) Agreements between localities and federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as well as other attempts at local enforcement of immigration laws in Georgia…”

  12. It's only a matter of time. There is long waiting list for the 287g program and we need to get on it now.



    Illegal immigrant population in Georgia doubles, confirms changing migration trends




    In the years since, the number of illegal immigrants living in Georgia has skyrocketed, more than doubling to 480,000 from January 2000 to January 2009, according to a new federal report. That gave Georgia the greatest percentage increase among the 10 states with the biggest illegal immigrant populations during those years.
  13. Ahhh?




    I spoke with Sheriff Gulledge today. Jason, and you as well, are out on a limb with this one. Please explain how we as tax payers will even come close to breaking even on the costs for keeping our Paulding County streets clean of possible illegals ?


    Jason wants to cut the budget by another $500,000 and wants to add unfunded officers to participate in ICE at the same time ?:



    Sounds like some grandstanding to me.


    Jason, come on here and tell us how you are going to fund this great plan. RR is not doing well with explaining it for you/


    Still not true.

  14. Why don't you call Sheriff Gary Gulledge and ask him his take on ICE?


    He says TRUE!


    But like I said earlier, your buddy Jason apparently wants to tell the Sheriff's office how to run the department while taking away funding at the same time. ?????


    Not true.

  15. From where I sit, the county getting involved in the Federal ICE program is a no-win deal. We spend money rounding up an occaisional illegal and then IF the Feds want him we turn him over. But we have to dedicate like 6 officers a day to this program and pay their costs. Is it worth it financially...? I don't see it.


    Not true.

  16. I disagree. Why is it that something Arizona implements is good enough for us? Did I miss something? Is Arizona now known for its superior intelligence?


    Another problem I have with EVerify is the government is making businesses do its leg work. Between taxes, insurance and government regulations, it's is getting hard to show a profit as a small business. But I guess some Republicans are still hoping the old trickle down economics will work out one day.


    It is against the law for businesses to hire illegal aliens. The governement has provided a free resource for them to use to verify their new hires. Businesses should use it unless they have a better way of figuring out who is legal and who is not.

  17. The county could tweak it a little but if it's good enough for Arizona to implement state-wide, it's good enough for Paulding.


    "As of January 1, 2008, all employers in Arizona, regardless of size, will be required to use the federal government’s E-Verify program to verify the status of new employees."

  18. Nope. They came out of the chute wearing their religion and their right to life crap on their sleeves. I have seen way too many set themselves up for failure by doing this sort of thing. No-freakin-body can live up to these standards. I just want people to be honest with me, and to do that they are going to first have to be honest with themselves.


    Pownall doesn't wear his "religion" on his sleeve?


    Picture of him at Prayer Garden at WRC - http://toddpownall.com/index.php?page=letter


    Todd, Kevin & Darren at the Prayer Rock at WRC - bottom of page - http://toddpownall.com/index.php?page=family


    Referring to “Give of your Time, Give of your Talents and Give of your Treasures” in his letter.


    By the way, I don't have an issue with Pownall for any of that. I'm just saying if you're so sensitive to the issue of religion mixed with politics, it would seem that Mr. Pownall is very conscious about communicating his faith to the voters also.

  19. http://www.ethics.ga.gov/Reports/Campaign/Campaign_Name.aspx?NameID=558&FilerID=C2006000219&Type=candidate


    Make sure that the "registration information" tab is the active tab. Under Candidate Information, sixth line down. Very Interesting, he qualified as a Democrat in Democratic Doraville and Chambodia four years ago, and as a Republican now in Paulding. I wonder why? Maybe somebody should ask him.


    I don't believe he qualified. Wasn't on the ballot. You can register prior and start raising money and then later decide not to qualify or run.






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