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Posts posted by tmilanese

  1. Oh please, Beverly needs to apologize to the taxpayers for her $49,900 check she took from their pockets and the slanderous "brown bag" mailer she put out with untrue information. No apology needed by David or Todd and county employees, they already can't stand Beverly. She has talked down to them for years, ask some and you will find out quickly David was getting high fives all over the Courthouse when she was gone.


    David's statement speaks for itself and I've received feedback from many of David's "supporters" who said it was a mistake.

  2. Tom,

    You and Ithey and the rest of your ilk are really getting desperate.


    Shearin and company, including Beverly Cochran and Pat Crook left us with a mess.


    Are you familiar with the facts concerning the current position our Richland Creek Reservoir are in BECAUSE no on in the BOC office bother to respond to Corps of Engineer correspondence asking for details and information during the last 5 months of King Jerry's reign? No one at the BOC top levels bother to reply to the correspondcence from the Corp and as a result our Reservoir project went from the top of the expedited fast track list to no-man's-land. The Corp assumed the project was being dropped since our administration under Shearin and Cochran/Crook chose to not respond to their requests/


    And now you question Pownall and Austin for where they want to take the county ?


    They want to take us to economic development instead of just houses while the old group tries to get their greedy paws back on the purse strings to help the RBMDs. And you want to help them in their quest ?


    The Dark Force is on the way out. We need to move Paulding into some better economic times and supporting Beverely and Shearin and Company will put us back into the dark ages instead of moving us forward.


    You're so predictable. Not wasting my time with your on-going paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theories. You're boring the heck out of all of us. Come up with something new and accurate for a change. David and Todd messed up and need to apologize to the county and its employees.

  3. Your sources are wrong. I just talked to David, he will tell you he wrote the article himself without Mr. Pownall approving it because Ms. Cochran has been out lying about David and he is sick of it. Stop trying to spin the article. You can stand David; anything he does you despise. Just because he isn't supporting Beverly you and your little crowd can't handle it. You know that David is popular and that his article may hurt Beverly or you wouldn't be so concerned with it. Go pick up your Eric Johnson signs.


    Okay, if you say so.

  4. My sources are telling me that David is already apologizing for www.pauldingpundit.com/2010/08/david-austin-just-jumped-the-shark/"]"Jumping the Shark" with his Pownall "endorsement" ad in the Dallas New Era. Also, Pownall approved of the ad and is equally responsible for disparaging all past and current county employees.

  5. Wow, that was ugly.


    If they only knew how little time Jerry spends in the county and how few people even talk to him. I've had one private conversation with him in the four years I've been here. Oh by the way, I voted for Austin in 2008. But that doesn't matter, question any of Austin's actions and you instantly become part of the Jerry conspiracy. Maybe the first phase of Paulding's economic plan should include an insane asylum for those suffering from Jerry Shearin Derangement Syndrome.

  6. I do live across the tracks in the South End of the County, I also have some kin folks that live in Seven Hills, Senators Ridge as well as Bent Water that keep me aware of what is happening in that area.I was just curious how Tony came out in the round table discussion I heard he came out on the short end of the discussion?


    I know who has a copy ... :ph34r:

  7. NG,

    For the better part of 12 years we had no check and balances with Bill Carruth and Jerry Shearin. They had a solid 3 vote, or more control for their entire tenure except Jerry's last 5 months with Tommie Graham on the board.


    Have you taken a serious look at just why Beverly Cochran is running ?

    Even though her "boss" lost the election, she expected to stay on in her rather cushy $65,000 a year job when her new boss let her know he did not wish to keep her. But she was able to get the 3 votes on the BOC she needed to keep her.

    Most government employees are expected to hand in their resignation when the new elected official takes over. But she was special.


    She makes a "deal" with David to transfer to another position within the county, even though others are getting laid off, at her rather exhorbitant rate of pay. So she goes to the DA office.


    6 months later with massive budget cutbacks, the DA;s office lays her off. These budget reductions were due primarily to the fact that her former boss, Good 'Ol Jerry had so depleted the reserve accounts to service the bond for the Taj Mahal Admin Building and Courthouse and Greenhouse since their sneaky bid to get a back door tax increase to pay the bonds came into the public eye.


    So Beverly hires an attorney and threatens to sue the county for eliminating her job. She accpets a $50,000 out of court settlement instead of sueing.


    And 7 months later she decides to run for a seat on the BOC.


    Yeah, all the right reasons to "serve" the county.


    She was the BOC administrative assistant during the time Bill Carruth was the chairman, privy to the insider scoop that the Hiram Parkway, nee Bill Carruth Parkway would be built, and where. And by a massive coincidence, his father, Aiken just happened to get a hankering to buy up all the property along where the parkway was coming.


    Beverly sat in on all the meetings with the BOC, and the various developers over those same 12 years watching and taking down the note for all the deals done to give us Paulding as it is today, with thousands of empty lots and houses and a dwindling tax base [since this same group threw up roadblocks on any decent potential industrial developments] since all they did was approve zonings and infrastructure to build houses, houses and houses.



    The voters took the first step in dismantling the machine installed by the RBMDs 2 years ago by sending Jerry packing and putting Tommie Graham on the BOC.


    Now the voters have the opportunity to finish dismantling the RBMD machine that has run Paulding for way to long. Todd Pownall and David Barnett will both help to start steering Paulding to planned growth and encouraging industrial development to help diversify our tax base.


    A vote for Beverly Cochran, Tony Crowe, or Paulette Braddock are votes for the Jerry Shearin Cartel and the ROBBER BARONS. It is long past time to send the RBMDs elsewhere to do their business.


    Your choice...


    Now Tony Crowe is part of the Cartel? You're really getting desperate.

    • Like 1
  8. Nope, from all the information that I have seen there is no proposed millage rate increase from either the school board or the County commissioners. This is certainly a breath of fresh air, you should see a significant decrease in your taxes this year based on the reevaluation you have posted as will many other citizens


    Check again.

  9. Sound Guy,

    I believe the chronilogical sequence of the preliminary budget proposal was prior to the tax commissioner's preliminary tax digest. Hence, the original budget proposal was based on much higher expected revenues.




    Wrong. Estimated General Fund Revenue is listed as $47,969,000 (based on 6.65 mill-rate) in both the June 1st and July 9th versions of the budget. Nothing has changed since June 1st. Except now David Austin wants a 14% increase in the mill-rate.

  10. I believe Todd has ran on a platform or fiscal responsibility and lower taxes while Mrs. Cochran was part of the Jerry Shearin administration that nearly bankrupted this county.


    Actually he is running on the following which he now looks very wishy-washy on.


    "I am not in favor of a tax increase or millage rate increase. This means as a county we will have to look for creative solutions to accomplish goals, complete tasks, and provide county services." Todd Pownall

  11. It really is a non-issue for them.


    They won't have a vote on the millage rate to be set any more than you or I would have a vote.


    I do think most folks favored rolling back the millage rate to compensate for inflation in the tax digest.


    However, as a supporter of shrinking millage rates during times of inflation, I think it a bit hypocritical to oppose increasing millage rates to compensate for deflation.




    I have no doubt that criminals would like to see the millage rate remain the same during a deflationary time as they know total revenues will plummet forcing a layoff of deputies, among others.


    Pubby, you have to do better than that. The county is getting ready to increase the millage rate by 14% and you think the candidates should get a free-pass on commenting? Why were the candidates browbeaten for their opinion on the SPLOST which isn't even in the control of the commissioners? However, on a property tax mill-rate increase, which the residents don't get to vote on, you want to give the commissioner candidates a pass? Come on.

  12. If that is what the county needs to stay safe and financially stable then I think they should support it. That is their job, to keep the county running properly for the voters. However, David should not have put out that misleading budget to begin with if their was no plan to keep it.


    I want my representative to do what is needed to provides the minimum required services the county must provide to keep us safe, traffic moving, etc. If that means maintaining the current tax level, then fine, I'm used to paying it, after all, I paid more than this for the last 6 years under Jerry! Just be up front about it.


    We can argue the actual mill-rate on another thread. My issue is that the guy who wants to represent me has already contradicted his www.toddpownall.com/index.php?page=future-of-paulding"]website. When did he think mill-rate increases would be proposed? During good times?


    "I am not in favor of a tax increase or millage rate increase. This means as a county we will have to look for creative solutions to accomplish goals, complete tasks, and provide county services." Todd Pownall
  13. ...


    Via Todd Pownall's www.toddpownall.com/index.php?page=future-of-paulding"]website:


    Taxes and Millage Rates: I am not in favor of a tax increase or millage rate increase. This means as a county we will have to look for creative solutions to accomplish goals, complete tasks, and provide county services. Todd Pownall


    Well, I'm a little late discovering this (due to this County's non-existant method of communicating with its residents):


    In my opinion and with careful consideration, the only responsible option is to slightly increase the millage rate. (David Austin, page 2, July 9, 2010 Budget Revision www.paulding.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=471"]www.paulding.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=471 )


    That's right. Even though the original www.paulding.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=440"]June 1st Budget said there would be no millage-rate increase, David Austin and the BOC will be voting on August 10th to raise the property tax mill-rate from 6.65 to 7.60 (a 14% increase).


    Now, here's my question to Todd Pownall. Will you be at the Public Hearing to tell David Austin and the rest of the BOC not to raise the millage rate and to "look for creative solutions" to solving our budget deficit?

  14. And while you are dreaming, think about the $1Million+ the BOC has spend defending themselves and the developer buddy in our lawsuits, .....money spent just to keep us from getting into the courtroom, while laying off county employees and making others take furlough days.


    We are just waiting for our day in court, and dreaming about that day.


    Why won't David Austin give you your day in court?

  15. Just for arguments sake on the transportation bill; As I understand it that bill was just to allow a referendum to allow the voters to decide if we would or would not support a regional transportation 1Cent sales tax.


    Why would you choose to make up our minds for us, instead of approving a bill to simply allow a resolution to put this issue on a voter referendum next year ?


    And even more so considering the transportation woes of Paulding County ? There was no "tax increase" issue here. It was simply to allow or not allow a referendum to let the voters decide for themselves, much the same as the SPLOST.


    Can you explain this further ?



    Read much?


    "I made this promise base on the (mis-)understanding of the bill that it would require all of the districts to pay a new penny sales tax whether they approved their specific plan or not. So I misunderstood the specifics of the bill when I promised not to support it. I found myself in the position of voting FOR what now seemed like a good idea, thus breaking my word, or keeping my word to the voters and casting a no-vote on what I thought was a good idea."

  16. I have been told that there has been a development in the Post 2 race that most voters might want to be aware of. I will not state what I heard because I have not seen paperwork on the issue and do not want to get in any trouble, but a campaign staffer told me today that there is a serious problem in her run for Commissioner due to some serious allegations.


    Has anyone confirmed this before I vote next Tuesday?



    Just do not want to get caught off guard again before the day of the election. Stuff like this is why I wait til election day to vote.


    Thanks! I do not want to offend anyone, I am just trying to make sure I am educated before I vote. I also sent an email through her website to ask and am hoping they will respond.


    Did it happen at Winn Dixie?

  17. I never said you or anyone else are "extremist posse fascist teabaggers." I'm not sure what that means exactly but I at least detest the fascist part of it.


    I do not "think" I am a republican. I don't even think that many of the people who call themselves that today are republican. When I think of great republicans, I think of Lincoln (radical progressive,) Teddy Roosevelt (mixed progressive and conservationist which today is bad bad bad librul,) and Eisenhower (mostly conservative.) And being cognizant of what is going on (nationally at least) in the republican party these days, it is painfully obvious that these great men would be ashamed of the obstructionism that the republican party is harming the country with today.


    Someone said though that "all politics is local." So I am an independent (lower case i) who registers republican, votes in the republican primary, campaigns for mostly republicans and some democrats, and votes for who I think will do the best job. (without regard for their party) So if I have to be one of those less than discerning doofuses who pulls the lever for and worships the big "R" only, then you might imagine that I was trying to masquerade as a republican. Sorry to have misled you.


    Eisenhower said our country is in great danger from the military industrial complex. He was right. We have entirely too much control of government from corporate puppeteers. It was happening in his time and is worse now. It is more pervasive in the national republican party but is strong in both national parties. If that doesn't cause you concern then you are clueless.


    On the deficit issue: I mentioned the Gross Debt. It takes into account inflation, growth of economic output, etc in that it is Total Debt as Percentage of GDP.It is possible to grow the deficit but decrease Gross Debt. Say you owe $10 and your yearly income $15. Gross debt is 67%. Then next year your income is $17 and your accumulated debt/deficit increases to $10.70. The deficit increased but the Gross Debt decreases to 63%.


    The Gross Debt is a much more meaningful measure of debt/deficit for an ongoing concern but not for individuals with short working life, then period of little then possibly no income. When fiscally competent presidents (republican and democrat) ran this country and submitted budgets to the House, every single one of those presidents since World War 2 MANAGED to have the Gross Debt be smaller when they finished their terms than when they their terms started...except for Reagan, Bush1 and Bush2 who are undeniably the current deficit champs.


    Now Obama, similarly to FDR, inherited one hell of a mess including an on-going accelerating financial meltdown, two wars that Bush was keeping off-budget, and a crumbling housing market (just to name few of the leftovers.) So this is the first time since FDR was in office that it is entirely appropriate to use deficit financing and increase not only the accumulated deficit but even the Gross Debt. Then when things recover, you begain the adult process of paying down the Gross Debt. It is that last critical part that our last 3 republican presidents neglected. Make no mistake, their profligacy is hurting us today.


    Most of the people who suddenly got deficit religion (they took no note of the massive deficits under our last 3 R presidents) are now worried about deficits. Some of them actually understand what is going on but know their constituents don't. So they dupe their supporters for political gains to work for the party more than for the country. So if republican is supposed to mean decency and fiscal competence, then we have not had many real republicans on the national scene for a while. They are the ones masquerading as republicans.


    Actually, there are several really good ones that can't speak up till the lunatics stop running the party. Eisenhower had to restrain himself while McCarthyism was corrupting the politics of that day. Sometimes things don't change that much after all.


    So I want good smart fiscally savvy people to run things for us. If you vote lockstep straight republican ticket, you are in effect trying to prevent competence. The same is true if you vote straight ticket for either party. Learn and do better.


    A history major....hmmmm...are you Will's campaign manager?

  18. I hardly think that anything I have ever discussed on here or with conversations I have had with voters could be considered left wing. I am honestly a pragmatist and don't want to bring class envy into the picture. People work hard, some get rich from it, some don't. Some people are lazy and expect things to be handed to them, which is not what I support!! I have been a manuel laborer since the time I graduated from UGA until I started to working on my Masters Degree but have never expected anything from anyone and do not condone that behavior in the least bit. Hard work get rewarded, be it monetarily or through the satisfaction of knowing that one has worked hard. And I am proud to say that I have worked hard in my life.


    Your website:


    "I believe that under the Gold Dome, we need strong leadership that will represent Paulding's working middle class—folks just like you and me."


    " For too long, Paulding County has endured career politicians looking out for the interests of big corporations, while forgetting about the real Georgians like you."


    "We have seen our representatives continuously vote against education, vote against small businesses, and vote against working class Georgians."


    If that ain't good old-fashioned "us vs them" class warfare then I don't know what is. Exactly what is a "real" Georgian? And would you care to tell the folks in the lower and upper classes why you won't be representing them if elected?

    • Like 1
  19. More class warfare. That is how Obama and his cronies got elected. I was never envious or angry with folks who made more than my family did. I just wanted to make sure we worked for the education and opportunity to compete for the jobs that EARNED good money. Capitalism has made this country great, envy and the nanny state will destroy it. JMO


    Correct! Another "spread the wealth" liberal who's trying to pose as a independent pragmatist. Won't work this November.

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