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Posts posted by tmilanese

  1. That video proves that Todd knows how to flush the tax hikers out, And he did it, Where was Beverly when the citizens needed her to speak up?


    Where was Todd the following year when Austin actually raised the taxes the amount that Todd was accusing Jerry of trying to raise? And where is Todd right now when taxes being raised on 15,000 residential properties for no reason at all?

  2. more importantly, this means that the vast majority of people who posted in that thread will not have their taxes increased by said percentage.

    most saw decreases in excess of 12.5%


    Correct only about 25% of residential properties falls in that "12.5% decreased in value" category. However, that's about 15,000 residential properties that get a tax increase when its not necessary. They don't need to raise the mill-rate, they have enough excess reserve (our money from previous years) to cover this year's budget.

  3. A few people are trying to discredit Todd Pownall and his position on tax increases.

    Todd Pownall has for many years opposed tax increases well before he decided to run for post 2 commissioner.

    His opponent however has never spoken out against tax increases while serving as an Administrative Assistant to Commission Chairman Jerry Shearin. This video was taken during a County Commission meeting in July 2007.

    Thanks Todd Pownall for standing up for the taxpayers of the County when your opponent failed to do so.



    No vague promises inside a brown bag hung on certain citizens mail boxes, Just Todd Pownall standing up for you and I.




    AUGUST 10 2010


    That video proves that Todd Pownall doesn't understand a thing about the process for raising taxes.

  4. Thank you TSG!

    I don't like raising the millage rate, but as you stated, had SPLOST not passed they would have had to got for a triple increase and for me, I will be seeing a substantial reduction over last year. Our assessment was 25% lower.


    What I don't get with the Beverly Cochran supporters is they have no problem with her past $65,000 per year salary; $almost $50,000 severance package;p drawing full retirement in the next 24 months; yet we expect our sheriff's deputies, firemen, and all other county workers to take substantial paycuts and furloughs. What ? It just does not jive.


    RR's gang of thieves, headed by Shearin and Cochran left us in a financial debaucle. They dropped their back door tax increase for the Taj Mahal court house and green space purchase because they were caught trying to sneak it in with devious tactics in an election year. Soooooo, the incoming administration had no choice but to pass the increase Shearin avoided by robbing the surplus account. Which we are required to maintain to keep a high bond rating [meaning lower interest rates for the bonds].


    Now this year, they finally bite the bullet and propose a tax increase several mills less than what the reduction in assessments is taking away from county revenue. What do you want ? More cuts at the Sheriff's office, fire, and overall county services ?


    If the projected revenue for this year from the property tax base is 17.5% lower than last year, then they have 2 choices:


    Raise the millage rate to compensate




    Reduce county services accordingly to stop the hemmoraging Shearin left us with.



    The BOC proposed this increaste a month ago. SPLOST had not passed, but in reality, County M&O cannot be subsidized by SPLOST; although SPLOST projects can be subsidized by county M&O. So the SPLOST passing means we can move forward with capital projects, but the rest of the county operating and maintenance budget has to either get a millage increase, or be cut more. I don't want to see anymore county personnel getting furloughed and or dismissed. It will not mean an increase to the majority of the county as most everyones' assessment rolled back.


    You pay for the services, or agree to let those services go the way of the other extinct items. I want to know the deputy will be there when I need him, AND I want to know the capital projects we need to move forward [financed by SPLOST] are moving forward as well, and all the while basically keeping the taxes a little lower than they were last year.


    Not a lick of sense. Look at the numbers. No mill-rate increase is necessary to pay for the proposed budget nor in order to end up with a 25% reserve. Both can be accomplished without raising the mill-rate. No matter how much someone's property tax went down, the BOC still needs to justify why they are raising the mill-rate and right now the numbers don't add up.

  5. If the SPLOST wasn't passed, you wouldn't be looking at just a mil or so of rate increase, it would be more like 4+ mils. The stuff the SPLOST pays for would have had to be purchased one way or another.


    Even with the rate increase, my taxes will remain about the same or a little less this year for the county after dropping last year (even if the state ate up the reduction last year). That's a nice change compared to what happened over the 10 years before that.


    Austin could have raised rates last year and kept the budget the same, instead, he slashed quite a bit off of it. Now to be honest, I would have preferred that he have made his proposed budget closer to what he had to know reality was. But, we'll see, we have two more years until he's on the ballot again, hopefully it will be clear what his agenda is, giving the people of Paulding the best government for the bucks or not.


    This mill-rate increase can not be justified. The chart below clearly shows that the only difference between raising the mill-rate and leaving it alone is the amount of EXCESS reserve that will be acrued for year-end. The mill-rate increase has nothing to do with meeting the needs of this year's budget. You're a smart person SOUND GUY, look at the numbers.



  6. One things for sure, Will Avery isn't owned by anyone. If this county wants true, unbiased representation they should be voting for Avery in November.


    If you can show me some proof of Carruth calling any shots I will vote against any of his puppets.


    Will Avery is a huge Obama-loving progressive liberal. That will all be revealed this fall.

  7. We all need to oppose a tax increase, but don't throw Todd under the bus. Todd has no vote on the millage rate, but will when and if elected. He's already been ON RECORD as opposing a tax increase. Spin away, but don't get too dizzy!


    "Raising the mill-rate this year would allow Todd Pownall (if elected) to keep his campaign promise of “I am not in favor of a tax increase or millage rate increase. This means as a county we will have to look for creative solutions to accomplish goals, complete tasks, and provide county services.“ By the way, Todd Pownall has already backed away from this promise when given the opportunity on camera to speak against this mill-rate increase. Fast forward to the 25:55 minute mark and you’ll see what I’m talking about. David Barnett also took a pass on opposing this mill-rate increase in the video."


    Click on link and forward to the 25:55 minute mark to see Todd's response when asked by Pubby for his comments on the the pending mill-rate increase or you can just watch the youtube video below which summarizes his response:



  8. I could not get the chart to copy and paste, but I didn't know we were raising property taxes...




    August 7, 2010

    By Tom Milanese

    In a few short days, this Tuesday at 2pm to be exact, our Board of Commissioners will be voting to raise the M & O property tax mill-rate by 14.3%. Let’s take a look at this increase and it’s impact on our Fiscal Year 2011 Budget (dollar amounts are in millions):


    The Good: We don’t need to raise the mill-rate! You can see from the chart that even though expenses for FY 2011 will exceed revenues, we still end up with a 31% reserve. This equates to an extra 3.2 million above and beyond the required 25% (12.8 million) reserve. This is accomplished by using the current 2011 FY Budget proposed by Chairman Austin. Not one additional cut would have to be made.

    The Bad: The proposed mill-rate increase would raise taxes on every residential property that decreased in value by less than 12.5%. Now I know that this would not effect the majority of citizens in Paulding, however, how many would be impacted? Out of the approximately 60,000 residential properties in Paulding, around 15,000 of them would incur a tax increase on this portion of their tax-bill. That is about 1 in every 4 residential properties having their taxes raised unnecessarily in one of the worst economic years in recent decades.

    The Ugly: Why would Chairman David Austin propose raising the mill-rate for FY 2011 even though it is not needed to meet the expenses of FY 2011? Here are a few theories:

    1. Raising the mill-rate this year would inflate the excess reserve which could be used to alleviate any need to raise the mill-rate in future years. Meaning, why raise the mill-rate close to the 2012 Commissioner Chair election when you can do it now and get it over with.

    2. Raising the mill-rate this year would inflate the excess reserve, put the blame on the two exiting commissioners (Powell and Kirby), and allow Chairman Austin’s two hopeful replacements (Pownall and Barnett) to get a pass on having to raise the mill-rate during their first couple of years.

    3. Raising the mill-rate this year would allow Todd Pownall (if elected) to keep his campaign promise of “I am not in favor of a tax increase or millage rate increase. This means as a county we will have to look for creative solutions to accomplish goals, complete tasks, and provide county services.“ By the way, Todd Pownall has already backed away from this promise when given the opportunity on camera to speak against this mill-rate increase. Fast forward to the 25:55 minute mark and you’ll see what I’m talking about. David Barnett also took a pass on opposing this mill-rate increase in the video.

    Bottom line folks is that we need to call all 4 of our post commissioners over the next 48 hours and tell them to vote no on this unnecessary tax increase. Also, please come out and support me in speaking out against this tax increase at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 10 at 10:00 a.m.

    Keep Pressing On!


    I would change the name of the TOPIC to 14.3% "property tax mill-rate increase" to be more accurate.

  9. I think I am catching on to your M O, If a poster does bot adhere to your narrow scope of being a conservative then they are a liberal not worthy of posting ones position from a conservative point of view GOTCHA.... I moved here a few years back ,I attend some of the republican party meetings,And we have even had some conservations about our party, And we do not always agree. But you are no more conservative than I, And you hurt the image of the perty by ranting and raving about fellow conservative Republicans in an attempt to promote your own little narrow agenda of returning some of the previous office holders to power, You and Chris have became a disgrace to the Republican Party of Paulding County,And I shall do all within my power to prevent both of you from serving in any official capacity within the party, Enough said good night


    You're an impostor.


    That Todd Pownall would represent everyone, I think, is a good thing.


    Indeed, our society suffers when those who represent narrow interests are elected and pursue a narrow agenda.




    Case proven. Another liberal democrat backing Pownall.

    • Like 1
  10. Notice to all liberals or democrats in Post 2- Beverly's supporters like Regan Republican are so one sided they don't seem to want any support from democrats. I know if I were running for office I would try to gain everyone's support regardless of the party they were affliated with. Regan Republican, thank you, I am sure Todd will take the votes and represent those people too.


    Don't worry. Most of the liberals are already putting out yard-signs for him. Not sure what about Todd attracts liberals but it probably made up half his vote in the general.

  11. Wow, 11 posts in three years....might be a new Pcomm record....need to check on this...


    Ya, this person is a total phony and should be called "ULTRA LIBERAL". Their language about jobs gives them away.


    "With NO MENTION whatsoever of how that candidate proposes to bring jobs to the unemployed or under employed citizens of this county".


    No conservative would talk like that because we know that the government doesn't "bring jobs" to the unemployed. A total plant trying to lend "Conservative" credentials to Todd Pownall to make up for all the liberal democrats supporting his campaign.

    • Like 2
  12. Bella,


    I think you are asking yourself and answering the same question that a lot of people are starting to wonder. Why? Why does David want Todd on the board so much- and why does Todd want on he board so badly he's willing to do it for 'free'. These people are too eager. What is the agenda that King David is afraid that someone like Beverly would "hold back the commission" on? If drawing a paycheck on the county (taxpayer) dime is so bad, then why is David doing it? So drawing a government paycheck is a bad thing? Attention all teachers. firemen, cops, judges, water employees, sewer employees, DOT employees, etc.- apparently you are all evil! It was a cheap shot, but it underlines how desperate David is to get Todd on the board. Why?


    A republic form of government is centered on checks and balances. If King Jerry had the balance tipped too much one way then that was bad. If his administration is to blame for so much of the bad things in the county then was it because he had his finger on the scale, tipping it too much. David's support for Todd is just that- attempting to put his finger on he scale. I thought post commissioners were supposed to be placed in their position by the will of their people, to represent their people. When did the chairman get a say in that (and before you get started on dredging up the past Surepip, if King Jerry did that regarding a post commission race it was wrong too). Yes, politicians endorse one another across political boundaries, but they don't do it in their own back yard.


    The question remains- why does King David want Todd on the board so badly that the is wiling to 'jump the shark' and pay a significant amount of money out of his on pocket to help him do it? And why does Todd want it so badly? And why does everyone seem to so easily forget that Todd was heavily involved in David's campaign? He isn't some guy of the street who 'took on the commission'. He's a 'business partner' of David- and David wants the citizens of post 2 to formalize that partnership. Why?


    King David? Hmmmmm...has a ring to it.

  13. Regan Republican AKA as the author of Jumping the Shark Article, And, a cohort Of the writer on the other web site who has been issuing press releases, Articles, Etc, (Praise Thee) In support of the Candidates of their choice who is being abetted on this web site by the likes of MEvans, Wonder WHY and others Who do you think that you are fooling with this garbage that you are spewing out Against David Austin And Todd Pownall?

    Everyone on this web site already knew that Beverly Cochran and other members of her immediate family have been on the County payroll for many, many, years and some are still on the County Payroll today. And, some are trying to obtain employment on the County payroll today as I type this message.

    Why would you write an article in a defunct web site Provide links to this article on this site and try to influence the voters? I am quite sure your cohort on the other web site (PRAISE THEE) is quite busy writing his own, little article and some of Beverly?s surrogates sometime today will link to that site with his commentary.

    This County, It?s Citizens, And many unemployed workers are really going through some very tough times today, And some of the problems facing our County today were brought on by the previous administration, and, those associated with the previous administration and its policy of BUILD, BUILD, BUILD, TAX, TAX, TAX We all know what the previous administration and its associates have done to our county. Why do you and some of the other leaders in the Paulding County Republican Party want to cause this strife within the party during this period of time that we need our leaders to make some tough decisions, To get our county our of the doldrums caused by the previous administration?

    The Paulding County Republican Party should be about working together to bring jobs to our county, the needed water resources, improved transportation, Improved Public safety etc. Not the infighting of the old guard and the new guard (shaking head in disbelief) It?s JOBS, JOBS ,JOBS folks not all this infighting


    Same poppycock. Do you just copy and paste your posts?

  14. Oh really like who? I would bet you and David's supporters are probably not chatting it up, not the same crowd. Do you mean you spoke only with Jason? That is more like it. Why can't you stand David having an opinion, just seems like you are pretty worried about what he says and does and who might listen to him. Ironic.


    You are so out of touch. Good luck with your continued defense of www.pauldingpundit.com/2010/08/david-austin-just-jumped-the-shark/"]Todd has not spent the last 12 to 18 years drawing a Government paycheck.

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