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Posts posted by PastorMatt1978

  1. I said I would get crap for this...


    If I seen a drug deal yes I would call.

    If a mother drives with her kids and they have no seat belt. Then she would have to cary the burden if she got into a car wreck.

    I honestly think she would not change her ways if the cops pulled her over. And if her kids got killed then it would be on her.

    She knows the law and she made the choice.


    I also thank LE for all they do.


    wow. Her kids, her problem huh? I just don't get that.


    Children can't take care of themselves. They need someone to look out for them. If their parents won't, then you or me should if we see them in danger.


    I just don't understand your statement, and can't believe you actually spoke it. Perhaps you should re-read what you wrote. I don't want ANY child being killed because an adult who should have been responsible, wasn't. It doesn't matter if it's my kid, your kid, or someone elses kid!


    I could see how she could have been scared to death.


    I was robbed at gun point almost a year ago. After that I had a real problem being at work by myself...I mean REAL problem. I worked in a store front in a part of marietta that saw lots of robberies...it was also a high foot traffic area for some apartments that were behind us. I do remember once there was a very suspicious man who walked by the store repeatedly and was looking intently inside who put me into a panic attack. So bad, in fact, that I freaked out, locked the door and left without turning any lights out or anything. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Heart pounding, breathing shallow, sweating, etc.... And I am 30 years old, not as old as this woman.

  3. FYI - Rodneys at new hope is bigger, and will have more steaks available. New Hope will have twice as many steaks available than will Hiram.


    Rodneys at new hope has a party room that we may be able to see if it is reserved or not.


    I'm just sayin! :pardon:

  4. Hey Naturegirl. We are ready and waiting! haha....


    Do you guys know how many will be joining in? I can go a head and put some tables together.


    If you are planning on coming post and let us know...I want to make sure we make enough cajun chicken tomorrow! AND DONUT HOLES!!!

  5. I know there is a group of PCOMMERS who are planning on coming to the Neighborhood Cafe tomorrow....BUT, just because you are coming tomorrow doesn't mean you HAVE to wait until then.


    Today we have Chopped Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Fried Okra, Biscuit, Drink and Dessert....only 6,99!


    If your going to get the chicken tomorrow...might as well get some beef today!!! :D

  6. Are they open at 10:00 for coffee on Wednesday??? We have a group that wants to visit your place....:)


    Are you wanting to eat at that time, or just hang out with some coffee?


    If you don't mind us running around in the kitchen getting everything ready, you are more than welcome to come at 10am for coffee. I have the coffee going for you guys if you want.


    Just let me know. :D

  7. Went by..they were out. I'm sad! :(


    I'm so sorry! Perhaps next time give us a call to find out so you don't have to have a wasted trip...I know how that can be.


    Psst...Shawna is the one that got the last bit! You can blame her! :rolleyes:


    Ok, I'm in trouble now! :p



    BTW - tomorrow is Salisbury steak and gravy! mmm....

  8. Did you see the sports reporter lady who was at Stone Mountain get freaked out about going tubing down the hill, and then they made her go through with it and she was terrified all the way down the hill...then she couldn't get out of the tube and when she finally got up she fell down again!


    Suchevia (spl?) was laughing the whole time!


    I'm sorry, that's funny right thar I don't care who you are! :rolleyes:


    It reminded me of the reporter falling while pressing grapes!

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