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Posts posted by PastorMatt1978

  1. PM_ Curious Where are you a pastor at? Sorry to hijack. I just have always wanted to know


    I don't mind hijacks too much, it's ok.


    I pastor St. James Community Church close to downtown Dallas. We are moving this month into the old PKU building on Butler Industrial though.



  2. Hopefully this will be seen as it really is. An unfortanate oversight that was unintentional.


    Glad to see that when Bama realized this they corrected the problem, reported themselves, and imposed their own penalties on themselves. Hopefully after a few years of what they have just been through, they have learned their lesson.


    I really would hate to see them get really hurt by this again!

  3. I'm glad some got the joke and hope that no one got offended. Guess you have to know me to know that that is the last thing I would want to do.


    I can say that I have my political opinions but I am very open minded to others...my father in law is JohnnyJ for crying out loud! haha.... :p

  4. I think they should change the name of this nice little cafe to the "The P.com Conservative Outpost". B)


    Well, we use to have a Liberal democrat group come in but I made them leave. They came in and drank the coffee, but then couldn't pay for it so they asked me to bail them out!

  5. well, guess my family and friends really know me! hehe.... I was going to reply to the original post with..."So, what's my wife gonna eat?!"


    Guess you all beat me to the punch!! :rolleyes:




    ....but serious....what's my wife gonna eat?

  6. It was GREAT to meet you today! Hope you enjoyed your lunch.


    And you had perfect timing too...as soon as you left someone opened up the floodgates of customers! If you had been later I wouldn't have been able to have a nice (although short) conversation with you.


    Thanks again!!!

  7. I can't see the menu...


    it is a pretty big file...It comes up for me, but it takes a while. It is in Adobe PDF 9 format


    I have asked before but didn't see an answer. (I probably just missed it) So, I am asking again......how late do you serve breakfast. Your menu looks SOOOOO very good but I am not an early riser. :)


    Sorry. I didn't ignore you on purpose. :)


    Around 10:30am is when we start making the switch from breakfast to lunch.

  8. Here at the Neighborhood Cafe I have 5 big boxes that I am going to break down and throw away in a little while. I had rather someone who needs them get them.


    3 of them are 3 feet tall, and 1-1/2 foot by 1-1/2 foot wide

    2 of them are 2 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot


    I need to get them out of here by at least lunch time or a little after!



  9. Ok, we haven't said a whole lot about out breakfast because we have wanted to make it right before we really get it going....so now....


    ...WE'RE READY!!!


    Tomorrow, Thursday will be out official "Grand Opening" for Breakfast!


    We had some Pcommers in this morning and it seemed like everyone enjoyed it.


    Come in for a full breakfast or drop in for a quick biscuit to go!

  10. I ordered Chick some flowers from ProFlowers.com and when she got them they were bruised and brown. I ordered 50 roses of assorted colors and they came in a bunch and the vase was seperate. So she had to arrange them after cleaning up the roses. They were EXTREMEMLY small roses and just looked like crap. The advertisement was beautiful but was not a correct representation of the delivered product. A fellow that I work with also ordered some flowers from the same site and they just didn't show up. He even payed extra for next day delivery.

    I will say that they were very friendly and refunded my money with no problem. I would just like to know if anyone else has had any good luck from using them. They are cheap and I would like to use them in the future (NOT ON VALENTINES THOUGH) if they possibly have a good product. I guess with the gaurantee I couldn' go wrong though.

    Oh yea, Chick got a dozen of red, a dozen of yellow, and a dozen of white long stem roses to replace the lowly ones. I still came through, but no lovin in return....:(


    I order flowers for Chickadee from Proflowers as well. I was a little upset because I didn't realize that it was going to be delivered by UPS! I just assumed delivered flowers were "delivered" by a person. Guess I didn't read the fine print.


    I got the assorted flowers for her also and they looked good. They were a bit smaller than I was thinking they would be.


    She said that they were great and she liked them....but, I don't think I will use them again.

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