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Status Updates posted by NumberCruncher

  1. haha! you're still older than me today!!!!!

  2. stick around. i just might show you a thing or two!!!

  3. you haz stalkerz. ugly ass ones!!!!!

  4. well, while you're down there......

  5. i'll letcha know when you get it perfect.

  6. hold still so's i can bedazzle you!!!!!

  7. thank you baby. i love you!!!!!

  8. better bundle up buttercup! we're gonna get cold out on that patio tonight.

    why do none of our friends have hot tubs???

  9. I'm wearing a childsize birthday hat and a bib. I am the def of sex appeal rite now

  10. i don't wanna know the literal translation of your screen name.

    i just read it as "in yer PAAANNTS"

  11. things are getting curiouser and curiouser.

  12. Just look inside yourself and you'll see me waving up at you, naked, wearing only a cock ring.

  13. dear god, you show up waaaay too early in the morning!!!

  14. keep it up and i'm liable to develop a crush on you!

  15. crappy week is finally over. miss you. pencil me in for lunch wednesday. our usual.

  16. If our Lord wasn't testing us, how would you account for the proliferation, these days, of this obscene rock and roll music, with its gospel of easy sexuality and relaxed morality?


  17. ah, the one to be jealous of..... obviously. someone has taken your chicklets.

  18. wanna go do that thing we do?

  19. holy crap! look at that......5 stars.

  20. seriously? you're looking at my profile?

    I doubt I'm your flavor.

  21. real bad, but in a good way?

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