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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. I normally keep the air on 72-73, but it just aint cutting it!! My house is 65+ years old and my walls are not insulated, so I imagine that is where all of my heat is coming from!!


    There ya go -- Like I said older units will only cool about 10 - 15 degrees cooler than the outside air temp -- So it was 100 yesterday you shouldn't expect it to be any cooler than about 80 - 85


    Our old house was the same way no matter what we did it would be 80 plus in there during the summer months -- IT SUCKED -- Our new house is soooooo nice -- I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  2. #1 -- We want to buy a DVD Recorder so we can record our VHS tapes to DVD and also record movies from the cable box onto DVD -- so........... do the current DVD Recorders allow you to dump VHS tapes to DVD???


    #2 -- I need an external CDRW drive -- I don't want to spend to much money on it -- Anyone have one for sale????

  3. What do you keep your air on normally? Ours stays on 73 all day -- Me and Dd might get cold during the morning but when Dh gets home after sweltering in 100 + heat all day it's worth it --


    It's better to have it stay cool all day it make the A/C work LESS!!!!!!


    I do keep my blinds closed and the lights off too --


    We saw on The Weather Channel that keep the blinds closed does make a BIG difference in the heat in your house --


    Good luck!!!


    Just remember most A/C's especially older units can only cool about 10 - 15 degress cooler than the air outside --

  4. I am looking for some Wiggles fabric. Walmart doesn't sell it and I don't live near another fabric store so..................... If you see any would you mind letting me know so I can make the trip and buy it -- I have a HUGE Wiggles fan that lives with me and would like to make her a shirt etc.



  5. I had something similar just recently. Had a mammagram. (a second one because the lump came up AFTER the first one that said I was fine). Second one said no problems. Diagnosed me as having an infection in a gland. Doc gave me antibiotics for a week. It went away. But, I have to say, it worried me until I got in to have it taken care of. I, personally, hoped that they would just aspirate it and let me go home. But, NO. I had to get it smooshed again! That was wayyyy worse!


    I'm sure it's not the big C. My doc said that nine times out of ten, things like this are nothing. Besides, what does worrying get you??? A nervous stomach? A headache? Sleepless nights?? And for what? The lump will stil be there. Just stay calm. And hug the little one differently. Tell her you have a boo-boo there and she can't hug you on that side. She'll understand.





    Thanks Tripletmom -- I am hoping it's an infection etc. We shall see Wed. of next week if it still hurts or not ...............



    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers -- I will update next week -- or earlier if I get in earlier!!!!!!

  6. I don't feel so bad now -- At least I am not the only one who's child is acting CRAZY -- Funny thing is Ds was a baseball camp and VBS 3 different weeks out of the 10 weeks he was off so I don't know why she is wigging out -- She is now pitching a FIT in her room -- I said GOODNITE and poof I was gone -- I gotta have a BREAK or I am going to go CRAZY!!!!!!!!

  7. are you pregnant again? ^_^ Please say no...babies come in groups in our family and I think I'm the only one left that can reproduce. Go to the doctor...that's what I would do. If you have to wait then you have to wait. I can't imagine a week being a big set-back, other than that it's going to hurt. You never know, it could go away between now and then. A friend of mine had this problem and her doctor told her it was from 'the Happy Meal Hand-off' (passing things to kids in the back seat).



    NO BABIES FOR ME AGAIN!!!!!!!! I can reproduce so can Aunt G -- but we are DONE!!!


    it doesn't feel like a pull -- I talked to Dh and he said to keep the appt. in a week -- maybe it will quit hurting by then -- I can't feel a lump or anything -- Now I am worried more! <_<

  8. My poor hubby -- he is a mechanic for Cobb County Govt. and has to be in the heat all day -- that is why our house stays on 73 --- we might be cold during the day but it's worth it for him -- He works hard for us!!!!

  9. Tell her she eats what you make, or she does not eat.


    It is too early to let her start acting like a little princess.



    Do you get a choice for lunch? Why shouldn't she?!!!!


    School lunches are not as bad as they use to be -- Especially when you get in High School -- When I worked at North Cobb the kids had multiple choices


    Pizza Line

    Hot Line (This is your meat, and two veggies line) could also get a premade salad on this line too -

    Ice Cream/Cookies/Slushie Line

    Mexican Line (Taco, Nachos, Fajitas, etc.)

    Chicken and Fry Line (sometimes had egg rolls, chicken wings, chicken sandwiches etc.) ALWAYS had FRIES!!!

    Sub Line (Roast Beef, Ham, Turkey with all the fixings) and Soup


    I miss working there -- Can't wait till Dd goes to PreK in 2009 cause I will be going back to work -- Hopefully at North Paulding High!!!!

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