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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. If I wanted to get a picture made into a poster in a short amount of time where should I go. I need to make a poster for a baby shower on saturday and I checked on Wal-mart's website and they can have it by the 22nd but I need it my saturday. Where can I go?

  2. you know what I think is sad....the fact that once a month the inmates come out and clean bakers bridge of all of the debrit and trash, and you can really tell that they are about due to come and clean them again because it is a mess. There is crap everywhere. Sad.

  3. I have a tripod of some kind in my closet, in fact I might have 2, if anyone is interested in them. They are both nice, not expensive ones. I had put them in yard sales and never sold them. (I know I have one of them left if not both).


    Anyone interested in it, I would sell for $5.00 each.




  4. My primary is Dr burton in Douglasville and he is a Tanner Dr. He is on adair st behind the 30134 post office. He is great and so is his Physician Assistant Elizabeth Gaines. I heard Dr Boss is good at Tanner Villa Rica. Of course you can always use the Urgent care in Villa Rica, Tanner Immediate Care. They participate with Cigna. They see children as well. They are the ones that used to be on Highway 5

  5. I had it in may and my hubby has never had the chicken pox. we even did a titer to find out later. He never got it. My doctor said that as long as the rash isnt touched or oozing he should be fine. I had it on my head so most of it was covered with hair and my forehead and eyes got it. i lookied too horible for him to touch me anyway, lol I slept on the couch so sheets wernt contaminated and washed the sheets on the couch every day. Lysoled everything. He was fine. Do what your doctor tells you though. Ours could be just luck:)


    oh, btw there is a vaccine

  6. I love my garmin. I have one of the cheap Nuvi 200's Cost around 150-200 something like that. I put a memory card in it and uploaded the updated maps. I think you get one update free. I also downloaded the "extras" for the kids. Neat cars and the voice of dracula. I even have pictures on there. I'm not from here so I get lost all the time so it comes in real handy.

  7. You can find those stick on things for the wall at michaels. They have polka dots, and just about anything. Sign up on their website first and get one of their coupons before you go. I saw lots of stuff there in those colors. Looks great so far. you could even get letters there and paint them. Take a look around in Michaels and you could get real creative for her room. Have fun!

  8. I have heard about them, but never ordered contacts it does seem she is getting defective contacts I have been wearing contacts for 25yrs and I can count on one hand how many have popped out and ripped. Have you called them? What are there prices like?

    I think I paid 12.99. I don't remember them giving me a choice on brands.

    I haven't called them yet. I plan on calling them tomorrow.

  9. I read it. In my opinion it was a crock. I had a hard time finishing it. The only thing I agreed with was the section about milk. It made sense. Other than that she seemed a little psycho.

  10. I work in an Urgent Care and a few weeks a go a girl came in(a patient that had just walked out) and asked us if we could tell the EMT's to move the ambulance so she could get out. Dang! the nerve of some people. Like we would really tell the lady with chest pain.'hey, I'm sorry, can you wait just a minute?we need to move the ambulance so this lady can get out.' :glare:

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