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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I just don't think children should be allowed in the control tower. It should remain distraction free...
  2. As far as spelling goes, the basher usually misspells in their next post. Cracks me up every time...
  3. Your UE would begin after the six months payout is disbursed. The UE office can give you the length of you UE. If you took your severance as a lump sum, I think it would begin the following week...
  4. As far as a message board goes, I think it has a lot to do with the information a poster puts on the board. IRL a stranger normally doesn't walk up to you and give you their personal history...
  5. Give us an example...
  6. 42 views and no responses, hmmmm...
  7. I love this Lee's raspy voice. Awesome song choice, too. The judges must like him a lot or he wouldn't be the last to sing....
  8. Maybe now he will be able to make the refunds...
  9. Okay, it was Bluecollar...
  10. There were so many funny threads today I can't remember which one it is in...
  11. Wasn't it HeeHaw that said it? I'm so confused...
  12. I like Aaron too! He also has a great story...
  13. I will bet 100 that the schools will too...
  14. Mine too. Him, Big Mike and Casey are the best guys IMO...
  15. I don't expect anything less...
  16. Are y'all still sitting in here waiting on "that" call?
  17. What was that hump on his head?
  18. That guy did go overboard...
  19. I kind of do too. He wasn't as scared tonight...
  20. If that was a mullet then mine is a mohawk...
  21. I always crack up at the sight of a crack...
  22. That is part of his charm to me...
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