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Regarding Lawn Mower Repairs...Please NOTICE

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I am supposed to start a full time job on August 23. I will be working 8-5, Mon-Fri. However, I will STILL be doing mower repairs, but will only be able to work on weekends and a couple of hours a night after work during the week days. I will have all next week to continue full time on mowers, so you may want to call me and get them in before next week is up. I have enjoyed doing this for the past few years, and will continue to do all that time will allow. I will be revising my work hours next weekend to try to get the word out to people, especially my regular customers.


Thanks for all the business you guys have brought me over the times. I will always appreciate what you've done for me, and still look forward to doing this on a limited basis.


Thanks! :)

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Thanks yall!!! :) I'm excited about it, no doubt!

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Great news. Dh told me to ask where you will be working. If you would rather not say, I understand. :drinks: :clapping:


I'll just say it's a global wide company who set up a branch in Dallas back in February, doing all sorts of drafting and GIS work. ;)

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I don't know which sounds better that it's full-time or that it's in Dallas.


Actually, they both ROCK!!! Couldn't be a better opportunity~~~ Thanks! :)


Thanks again to all of you who have provided so much moral support for me. You folks really are a rock and foundation in my life! And I mean that, sincerely! :wub: I look forward to not only getting back on my feet, but being financially sound enough to start helping out other folks who are still struggling. That's what this life is all about- taking care of each other. :good:


I figure that if I can knock out 1 push mower a night after getting off from work, I can almost double my pay, so it shouldn't be long before I'll back in the black (out of the red) and then I'll feel like a real man again. The anguish over the past 3 years of not being able to provide for my family is something I hope no father has to endure. But, unfortunately there are thousands, if not millions of dads who are struggling with the same thing. My heart will always go out to those men, and I plan to always be here for my friends in their time of need. Lord knows, if HE smiles on me, then it's an obligation to help others out. ;) It's also a blessing to be able to do so. :blush:

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Glad to hear that the job worked out for you. You have a story of survival that you will be able to share with, and encourage others.


Never thought about it like that, but that's a great point, Freebird! :)

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