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Bumble Bee Bakery

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Take a trip back to childhood with our mouthwatering peanut butter bars! Come in and get some today!!


I passed your building the other day. It is so cute! I was in a hurry to get somewhere so I couldn't stop--but it really stands out. Next time I'm out that way I want to come try something. What kind of cookies do you sell?

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Yall are where there used to be a pizza place many years ago, right ? About 20 years ago I rented a basement apt off Cohran Store Rd, back when Ridge Road ended there and was gravel past it.

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I passed your building the other day. It is so cute! I was in a hurry to get somewhere so I couldn't stop--but it really stands out. Next time I'm out that way I want to come try something. What kind of cookies do you sell?

We have choc chunk, white choc macadamia nut, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, carnival cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter bars, 7 layer bars, thumbprint cookies, wedding cookies, triple choc chip cookies, and whatever other kind of cookie we get in the mood to make. lol. We love our job.


Yall are where there used to be a pizza place many years ago, right ? About 20 years ago I rented a basement apt off Cohran Store Rd, back when Ridge Road ended there and was gravel past it.


No, at least I don't remember a pizza place being there. it used to be Marion's Country store. Has gas pumps in front. (that now say Pure Honey on them. lol


yummmmm sounds good. hey i have a idea about something you could make for summer time treat. What about Watergate Salad.


I used to make that, many years ago. lol. Might be worth revisiting.

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