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Everything posted by mathetes

  1. Pub by, I think we all filter our perceptions through ideological blinders. You correctly insinuated that i filter mine through my faith, but you didnt necessarily correctly interpret my viewpoints. What ideology do you filter your perception through?
  2. When you cannot make a reasoned and logical argument based on the facts, this is a common debate tactic of many liberals which is to make an emotional appeal through a straw man argument to destroy your character. I am not going to apologize if I don't leave my faith at the church doors on Sunday. True faith should be a part of your reality at any time. Perhaps if more people made their religion a part of their reality we would be less dependent on government to do what we are called to do ourselves and more people would take personal responsibility for their lives and the decisions
  3. You are continuing to make my point regarding the divide and conquer emotional strawman arguments. Where did I suggest I was against religious freedom? I stated I supported the constitution. Where did I state I was for theocracy? The constitution prevents congress from establishing a state church. As I said, I am a supporter of the constitution. Where did I suggest I am for a white only country. I am a Christian who believes all people, the born and those still in the womb are made in the image of God. If God loves them, I should too. Where did I say we should not help the
  4. Someone who believes in: Limited government Constitution and rule of law Separation of powers with their checks and balances Founding principles Fiscal conservatism Capitalism and free market economy with less regulation Social conservatism based on judeo/Christian values What's your definition? I am an American citizen. That is the only descriptor my country should need to make policy. It should not matter my race, gender, wealth, etc.
  5. You are making my point for me. You have invoked the race card and wealth envy in your response. I have not made any statements which would suggest I am either racist or wealthy. I am neither.
  6. I came up with these conclusions through observation. Contrary to the popular belief of many liberals, conservatives are capable of thinking for themselves, so I did not rely on any mentor to form these conclusions for me?
  7. The welfare system was not for the purposes of segregation but to create a permanent class of citizens dependent on the party of big government for the purposes of buying their votes. We are now in the process of adding to this dependent class through obamacare and immigration policy. The left has no guiding principles or values which direct their policy, but depend on pitting one group against another on the basis of wealth, gender, race, sexual orientation, social status, etc and somehow getting all of them to believe they are for their interests at the same time. To do this, they threw o
  8. In this particular instance you are probably right. It was a knee jerk reaction to all the other times when a certain bias has showed itself on this forum. Are you coming out against socialism? To answer your question, I am against socialism in all 50 states and worldwide.
  9. Speaking of "wage slaves" where do you think the ever increasing tax burden imposed by the "progressives" is taking us, especially obamacare through which the government will control all of us through monopolistic access to healthcare once the planned failure of our current system occurs and the government takes advantage of yet another crisis to come to our rescue and impose their single payer system. The "progressives" of today have nothing in common ideologically with our founders. In fact it it that very foundation rooted in the constitution and limited government that they seek to destr
  10. They also reject the constitution signed by our founding fathers. In what ways has there been no better time in America.
  11. What do today's progressives (liberals) have in common with the founding fathers? What "traditionalism" are you suggesting they did not cling to?
  12. I am offended by the term "Caucasian". I want to be referred to as a European-American.
  13. It was linked to a current topic. Regardless of the age of the topic, the point is valid.
  14. Controversey bumps up the hits on the site which helps to sell advertising.
  15. How is this somehow a cost created by Walmart. A fair wage is a wage at which people are willing to work. If you want to thank anyone than our president for obamacare which is causing businesses everywhere to cut hours to avoid the government penalties.
  16. Do you believe a loving God would create a person with an intrinsic behavior which He condemns at the same time? Would this be a loving God?
  17. Then you are worshipping an idol, a god to suit your preferences. As a professed believer, how do you reconcile, your support for this lifestyle with God's own word? God made all of us. We are all sinners, yet He expects all of us to repent of our sins and believe so that we might be saved. This includes homosexuals. When you spread a false gospel that denies the need for repentance from sins and makes people comfortable in their sins, you are not demonstrating love toward them but condemning them to hell. As an aside, I don't hate gay people. I have had gay friends who knew I dis
  18. Tolerance is respect for those with whom we disagree. The politically correct modern understanding of tolerance allows for neither respect nor disagreement with the false counterfeit moral standards of political correctness. The error is in equating this politically correct notion of tolerance with love. It is neither tolerance,nor love, but just the opposite, as it denies the truth.
  19. Do not pretend that you are unaware of what God's word has to say about this behavior. I don't make the rules. Your issue is with God. Take it up with Him.
  20. This vote is a direct violation of the Boy Scout oath: On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. They have undermined their whole purpose for existing for political correctness, caving to threats from godless corporate sponsors to withdraw their funding. I heard it quoted that 70 percent of their sponsorship comes from churches. Why would they put that funding at risk?
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