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Posts posted by zoocrew

  1. They are only kids and my friends. I' m sure all of you people have done things you could get arrested for but go away with it. why do people love seeing other people fail or get in trouble? If anything you should feel horrible for these kids and pray for them. But instead you say " awesome". They are ALL good people who made bad decisions. Not "gangsters". Makes me sick how an adult can say things like this to young teenagers. If it was your child I know you wouldn't want every one talking about them. All of these guys life's will be changed forever, and , maybe for the better. Maybe they will make smarter choices and even meet the lord through this. Love you guys. Still my friends through hard times.


    Zach Cummins


    Zach, I'm sure you want to be a friend and think that this is just so hard on them but the fact is they committed crimes. The crimes really hurt people. Maybe they didn't hurt people physically but they harmed people financially in many ways. These are not "kids." They are more than old enough to know better. They didn't make "a mistake" but committed crimes, crimes that I and my husband told our children were wrong from the time they were old enough to hear my voice. They don't need empathy. They need a swift kick in the ass and some good, old-fashioned punishment. People are fed up with this sort of crap. They thought only of themselves and the rest of us really don't give much of a damn about their punishment. They will be tried. They will be given a fair trial. They will have their rights protected. And, if they are found guilty, they should serve the punishment.


    You seem to confuse compassion with a lack of anger over what they've done. We're mad. We've had this sort of crap done to innocent people too many times. If they felt so calloused towards people as to steal from them and then ruin their credit with fraud, then I'm sorry but they deserve some anger directed toward them and their actions. Sure, we have compassion but that doesn't mean we aren't fed up with that sort of stuff and the people that do these things.


    We've had it. Up. To. Here.


    And we're glad they've been caught.


    And we'll be even more glad when they serve their time.


    We will have plenty of time to talk about compassion after we get over our anger.

    • Like 3
  2. WSB did a story that said Delta gave Platinum and Gold upgrades to several of our state elected officials. Clark Howard said these are worth $10,000 - $15,000 each per year.


    And some of the officials were on the state's Transportation Committee and the Economic Development Committee.


    But I'm sure these elected officials don't consider any of that when they regulate Delta or other airlines.


    And the Supreme Court thinks it is a good idea for corporations to be able to invest directly into campaigns?


    My Link

  3. Class action suits are designed for one thing - to make law firms rich.


    The plaintiffs get a coupon or a few dollars or other insignificant amount while the attorneys make millions.


    And corporations can keep being unethical.


    Small claims only ever benefit the lawyer anyway.


    All the court said is that if you enter a contract with someone or a corporation, or whatever that includes mandatory arbitration, then if you have a beef, you'll do mandatory arbitration.


    If you don't want that, don't do business with them.


    I know it doesn't really seem possible to do this (and its probably not), but we can't have the courts voiding contracts just because one party doesn't like them.



    Contracts have to be fair in order to be binding.



  4. This is disturbing. The Army knows, or should know, of our soldiers who are indiscriminetly killing civilians. What the article is reporting is not war: it is murder. Let's hope our military does the right thing and doesn't cover up any of this but brings these people to justice. America is better than this.

    My Link

    Yesterday, Rolling Stone published new pictures of U.S. Army soldiers posing with the corposes and mutilated cadavers of Afghans. The magazine also published a lengthy piece that it says shows that many in the military knew about a group of soldiers, dubbed the "kill team," killed Afghan civilians.
  5. Once again, try to spin it - whatever makes you feel better.


    You still haven't answered my question - do you frequently attend school board meetings here and are you active in the betterment of our community (and yes, News Junky is) as to helping to achieve the best results possible for our students and citizens?


    This topic is not about me but about vouchers, and stopping vouchers is helping to achieve the best results possible for our students and citizens.

  6. Let me have the pleasure of referring you to YOUR above post former member. As you will note, you said and I quote "But you're never wrong". "Elitism." Obviously with the word "you're" and being that you are replying to News Junky's post, most people would have the common sense to realize you are referring to News Junky.


    Please don't try to insult the intelligence of anyone that might by chance be reading this thread.


    "Elitism" refers to the voucher system, not a person. An "ism" is not a person. If I were referring to News Junky, I would have said Elitist and put it in the same paragraph as the sentence that said "But you're never wrong."


    Please don't try to insult the intelligence of anyone that might by chance be reading this thread.


    There is a voucher topic to discuss but you're still bent on making it personal.

  7. Why in the world would you not answer my questions as they are very relevant to the topic at hand? What makes your opinions about vouchers superior to News Junky's opinons about vouchers? It is a very innocent question that you are refusing to answer.


    After all, you are the one who called her the "elitist." Not by any stretch of the imagination the first time you have called anyone here the same thing simply because they don't agree with your opinion. :rolleyes:


    Didn't call her an elitist. I said the voucher system was elitism and an elitist system.


    My Gosh....I can't believe I am engaging in this silly conversation but if YOU don't like MY posts, then simply ignore them - it is a very simple concept.

    There is a voucher system to discuss.

  8. So answer my question. Do you regularly attend our School District meetings as News Junky does?


    And please, don't go there about the "personal attacks." I am simply asking you to prove your opinion is superior to that of News Junky's opinion (who happens to be a very well informed citizen of this community). Can you do that or can you not? It is simply a question.


    I don't have to answer your questions and engage in making this personal. There is a voucher topic to talk about.

  9. Are you going to answer my questions? Do you frequently attend school board meetings like News Junky does to stay informed?


    Just because it is YOUR opinion that vouchers are not good for our children DOES NOT make it so.


    Will you not go there because there might be a possibility that you can (gasp) be wrong?

    Not. Going. Into. The. Gutter. With. You. And. Personal. Attacks.





  10. I personally don't "hang out in the gutter" and anyone who KNOWS me, knows that.


    Now on a different note, I KNOW News Junky personally and I KNOW she takes the time to educate herself about not only issues affecting the education of our precious children, she also takes the time to be a civic-minded, community oriented, contributing citizen to our community. I know she attends school board meetings frequently to stay informed on what is going on in our school system as well as many other commumity oriented events.


    I don't know you but can you say the same? Or are you just another who loves to sit back and play "armchair quarterback" and loves to disagree with others and resort to "name calling" simly because others simply don't agree with your OPINIONS.


    You said different note and then proceeded to stay in the same gutter about making it personal. I. Won't. Go. There.



    Vouchers are not good for the children, the schools or our society.

  11. Not surprised you feel that way. I want the best for all children, and if they were allowed to take the money with them, private schools would crop up all over. Schools that would accept what the public schools get to educate them..


    Not surprised you feel that way either. It is a defacto segregation end run, exactly like what popped up after Brown v Board of Ed. The wealthy get a break in cost while getting to remove the undesirables via pricing mechanism, while the poor get a short-changed on their education and become sharecropper-consumers for the educated elite.

  12. Yes it would treat them all the same. They could all get a chance to go to a better school.


    No, it wouldn't. Only the wealthy could afford the tuition, transportation and associated costs. Worse, the private schools segregate by using the price to ensure that.


    They don't give them the money that the parent paid in taxes to educate their child. It belongs to that child and he/she deserves to get the best education for it. The best system is not the public school system for all of those kids but they are trapped in it. People who fight to keep them there should re think what they are doing..


    Wrong. We all pay to educate the kids. Everyone does that to ensure a basic, minimum education. If someone wants a private education, that does not relieve them of the public school tax we all pay. Everyone pays the school tax. If you want a private education, you pay extra AND the school tax.


    We all pay to pave the roads we drive on. If you want your driveway paved also, you still pay the taxes for the roads PLUS the cost to pave your driveway.

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