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Posts posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm sure many who own or are involved in the ownership or management of a business realize that many customers; especially those who are other businesses or doctors and lawyers often find those customers will pay rather slowly. When a business has a large amount of accounts receivables because their customers are very slow to pay, the business can find itself short the cash needed to pay its own bills.


    From my understanding, Braddock's business is one of those where the customers are mostly other businesses. It's quite possible many of her customers have outstanding debts to her business that she's having a difficult time to collect. It's also possible that many of her customers that are businesses haven't paid her yet because they aren't doing so well either in this economy.


    It's amazing how so many here are wanting to believe she hasn't paid her taxes or her bill to Xerox because she doesn't want to or believe she's just totally irresponsible. You guys are jumping to a conclusion without even having all the facts.

    So going to remind you of this when your hypocrisy arises again, just like out did when you blasted Fast and Furious but said you would have fine the same with Bush, but three links proved otherwise. Benefit of the doubt is only good when it advances your politics.

  2. My issue was not about candidates supporting it, as much as I saw bureaucracy and spending all over it, when the power to stop it has been in our hands from day one. It is not illegal for the public to profile them and ask that LE come check their credentials, it is a feel good look we are doing something.


    If the American people really wanted them gone they would have already been gone.


    I might be inclined to vote with someone that called a spade a spade, but that is not how it's done.


    There is no choice but to vote for this bill, your constituents will claim that you don't want to do anything about immigration. Just tell your constituents to the police on every Hispanic you see. We already have the laws in place to take it from there.




    The bill was designed to play on the emotions of the naive. It was a political game to tell the constituents that GA is doing something about those illegals, when really it is just a means to get votes to stay in power. It is a game and judging by the responses here, a lot of people are willingly letting the politicians manipulate them.

  3. Character and integrity only matter if the candidate you don't want, hasn't any. If your candidate has no character or integrity, it is simply explained away. Remember how awful John Edwards was to some people, but they supported Newt? Or how they blast Obama for using Executive Privilege but supported Bush when he did it.


    Politics. It's just disgusting.


    Really, I think politics shows the hypocrisy of the voter as much as it does that of the politician.


    Just a general observation.


    About Heath, I just think they guy is a dangerous right wing extremist. Not sure if the other guy is any better.

  4. I disagree LPPT. Last count there were over 450,000 illegals in Georgia. I have seen a number of carloads of Hispanics in the last month. Are they illegal? I have no way of knowing that. If they are illegal they should already have been sent home. HB-87 was patterned after Arizona's Law. The Supreme Court will be ruling on that one soon. Some of the GA Law has been put on hold but I expect it to move forward after the court ruling. I disagree strongly with Melissa on this issue as well as some others. They happen to be important issues for me when voting for a Representative.


    I'm confused as to what part you would disagree with Ms Morrison since she plainly stated that illegals should be sent home. Her disagreement is in how the bill invites abuse of American citizens' Constitutional protections. Other than that, she is in agreement with the bill and what you've said.

  5. I feel sorry for anyone getting on this thread hoping to see Melissa's views on the topics raised. This thread has been hijacked with lots of senseless arguments.


    Same as in all the other threads. Someone will just make another one. I asked her my questions and got answers. I didn't like all the answers but at least I see where she is coming from. I didn't get an answer from the other guy. And Braddock is not on here for me to ask. So I am still undecided while I keep looking.

    • Like 1
  6. The law doesn't allow someone to be pulled over because they look Hispanic or from any other region of the world. They have to be pulled over for a violation of the traffic laws. If a LEO pulls over someone for speeding and that person happens to be Hispanic and produces a GA driver's license then checking into his immigration status further stops there.


    You're missing the ENTIRE point. Again.


    There is no talking to you because you are not even listening but have already decided what the answer is.


    This is not just about a traffic stop. Or a drivers license. It can be for ANYTHING. If 2 people are together and are questioned for ANYTHING --- do you get that? ANYTHING. Whether they are guilty or not is irrelevant. ANYTHING. Stop and think about it. STOPPED FOR ANYTHING. --- if Bubba and Juan are together, which one will be asked for papers?


    Get it through your thick head, the HB never said a driver's license was proof of citizenship.




    Get it through your thick head. I answered the statement that said a drivers license IS PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. Again, it is NOT proof. The bill simply says it will be accepted but it does NOT prove citizenship.


    And that is EXACTLY the point Ms. Morrison made in her post 143. The point is that if Bubba from Buchanan is questioned without a drivers license, will he be asked to show citizenship proof? But if Juan is questioned and he has no drivers license, but is a naturalized citizen, will he be asked to produce papers? How hard is it to see that it makes a CLASS of people immediately suspect while another class is not, based solely on how they look or sound?



  8. Apparently you now have grasped the difference between immigrant and illegal. Good for you. It only took 20 posts or so.


    I think I'll let Ms Morrison try to clarify her position without the Zoospin. She's confused enough without you "helping" with your interpretation


    Do what? If there is no drivers license, how is there ANY difference?


    Perhaps you should re-read her post 143.


    Mandates that all immigrants, legal and otherwise must ALWAYS have their documents on their person. Jim Crowe all over again.

    Allows "Show me your papers" or "let's go to jail" by profiling. This includes US citizens who unknowingly have an illegal in their car if stopped.

    Are we to require proof of residency/citizenship of anyone we allow into our automobile ?

    Do you carry proof of residency/citizenship ?


    I will ask again. But in the absence of that license, will Bubba from Buchanan have to show papers? How about Juan, an immigrant from Mexico? Which class of person is presumed to be illegal in the questioning of papers? That was Ms. Morrison's point.

  9. Ooohhh I get it now! She was totally on point and read the case law extensively on that point, but then posted total made-up bs on the rest of the proposed law.

    okkk. :rofl:


    Like I said, you really should read up on what the lower courts have said about the AZ law that GA based ours on. What Ms Morrison said is what the lower courts have said. But I'm sure you're advising the courts on all this, right?


    Now when the activists on the Supreme Court rule, I'm betting you're gonna be in the "right" since they have been much prone in the activist ways the last few years.




    What the law says is that possession of a driver's license is presumptive proof of being in the USA legally. It has nothing to do with citizenship.



    Get it?


    But in the absence of that license, will Bubba from Buchanan have to show papers? How about Juan, an immigrant from Mexico? Which class of person is presumed to be illegal in the questioning of papers? That was Ms. Morrison's point.

  10. Nope. Only lets you off the hook as pertains to this law. There are other laws pertaining to fraudulently getting a driver's license.






    Missed it again.




    Do you not agree that non-citizens can have drivers licenses?


    Do you not agree that the law says a drivers license is "good enough" to show citizenship?


    Now tell me how that makes ANY sense at all?

  11. She was NOT making that point, read the rest of her post. And read the proposed law. If Juan, or Bubba, are pulled over for probable cause, and produces a valid driver's license, they are good to go, no further "papers" needed. Yes, there are a few problems nationwide with driver's licenses being fraudulent, but I see nothing unconstitutional in this law. What about the rest of Ms. Morrison's post, and what about the neighbors cousin causing you to get a felony charge? All BS. Care to use your extensive intellect to explain to me what she "actually" meant on that? Since you seem to be so intuitive about what she "meant" instead of what she posted.

    And what does "Bubba being accosted" have to do with anything?

    I don't appreciate your condescending attitude.




    And that was the point she was making and you missed it entirely. You're missing it even more here. If you don't get that, there is no way there can be any meaningful dialogue.


    You really need to read up on the court rulings thus far on all this. Really. You're waaaaay off base.


    Granted the activist right wingers on the Supreme Court will most likely let it stand, but the lower courts have all said you're wrong on this.

  12. Really? You want to back that up with some facts? Please show me where illegals can get a drivers license. Please.



    The requirements for immigrants to be granted a Georgia driver's license are:


    • Valid (not expired) foreign passport with I-94 card or stamp or I-551 stamp
    • Permanent resident alien card (I-551)
    • Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
    • Reentry Permit (I-327)
    • For Refugees/Asylums: I-94 only (no passport required), or Refugee Travel Document (I-571)
    • For F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2 status:
      I-94 with valid foreign passport
      I-20 (F-1/F-2) or DS-2019 (J-1/J-2)
    • For customers from Visa I-94 waiver countries: Valid foreign passport with Visa I-94 Waiver stamp

    Being an immigrant and therefore eligible for a GA DL is an entirely different status than being an illegal.


    Surely even you can comprehend that? Or is it over your head?


    "Illegal" as in the sense of non-citizen. One doesn't have to be a citizen to get a license but a license somehow lets everyone off the hook as being a citizen?

  13. Oh? It's going over MY head? We have a candidate who can't or won't even read the proposed law as it is written but makes ridiculously false claims about it and you think it's going over my head...laughable.


    Yep. Right over your head. You missed the inconsistency. A drivers license can be granted to an illegal, but it is accepted as proof of citizenship? Yet, if Juan with an accent is suspected of being illegal, he can be asked to produce papers. If Bubba from Buchanan is accosted for any reason, will the police ask him to produce proof of citizenship? That was the point Ms Morrison made and you didn't even get it.

  14. Considering how obviously mistaken she is about the entire content of the law, I don't think that was the point she was making at all. In fact, a driver's license is proof enough if the law says it is proof enough.

    But I'm not here to debate that with you. I am trying to determine who I'm going to vote for. As of now, I have only concluded who I'm NOT going to vote for.


    I really think this is going right over your head. I'll just back out. You win.

  15. However, he did include a section of the actual law, which you did read, but chose to ignore the facts it contained about the GA driver's license. The issue isn't citizenship, but lawful residence and entrust into the country, which the GA driver's license would show as an illegal immigrant would not be permitted to obtain a GA driver's license. Once again, I stand by my comment there is nothing wrong with the law; only those who fail to understand it. Keep up.

    Let's try this again. My comment is about the drivers license. You don't have to be a citizen to get a drivers license. The point I made is answering the false statement that a drivers license it's proof of citizenship. It is not proof of citizenship. Please read what is said and not add, modify, assume, take from, or otherwise make up something that I didn't say. Please keep up and follow the line of discussion.

    • Like 1
  16. The problem isn't really with the law; it's with those who really fail to understand what it says. A good example is yourself. The law doesn't say a driver's license is proof of citizenship. What it does say is this:



    Sheesh and you complain about people not paying attention.


    That's not what I said.


    Let me help you because you obviously have such a difficult time with reading comprehension.


    TNIamb said: A drivers license is proof of citizenship.

    To which I replied: Sorry, but a drivers license is not proof of citizenship. That is pretty common knowledge that a drivers license is not proof.

    Then you replied: The problem isn't really with the law; it's with those who really fail to understand what it says. A good example is yourself. The law doesn't say a driver's license is proof of citizenship. What it does say is this:

    Please try to keep up.


    And if that's a newborn baby, who gets the benefit? That baby can't go buy formula.


    And if it is a newborn, that child is an American citizen. That baby was born here.


    Only citizens get the benefit. Or is it that you had rather an American child starve?

    • Like 2
  17. A brief review of HB87 refutes much of what was said above. You must have more than 7 illegals in your car to be convicted of a felony punishable by 1-5 years. A drivers license is proof of citizenship. And they still have to have probable cause to pull you over. Had me worried for a minute!



    (a) As used in this Code section, the term 'illegal alien' means a person who has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of federal law.

    (B) During any stop of a criminal suspect by a law enforcement officer, where the officer has probable cause to believe that such suspect has committed a criminal offense, including any traffic offense, if, during the lawful detention of such suspect, the officer develops reasonable suspicion to also suspect that such person is an illegal alien, then the officer shall, when reasonably practicable, make an attempt to determine the immigration status of such suspect.

    © A person shall be presumed to not be an illegal alien if the person provides to the law enforcement officer:

    (1) A secure and verifiable document as defined in Code Section 50-36-2;

    (2) A valid Georgia driver's license;

    (3) A valid Georgia identification card issued by the Department of Driver Services; or

    (4) If the entity requires proof of legal presence in the United States before issuance, any valid driver's license from a state or district of the United States or any valid identification document issued by the United States federal government.


    Here's the other part:

    A person convicted of transporting or moving an illegal alien who moves eight or more illegal aliens at the same time shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5,000.00 or more than $20,000.00 or by imprisonment of not less than one or more than five years, or both.


    Sorry, but a drivers license is not proof of citizenship. That is pretty common knowledge that a drivers license is not proof.


    5 or 7. Come on. The point that is being made is that there is a problem with the law.


    Probable cause. DWH. Driving While looking Hispanic. "You were weaving. Lemme see your papers."

    • Like 1
  18. Hmmmm.

    Break into my home and you stand a good chance of getting shot.

    Break into my country and you stand a good chance of getting WIC and support from ... well people who I guess think breaking the law is ok.

    Ever try buying land in Mexico, a US citizen can't buy land there.

    They can get a long term lease but they can't buy it.


    Illegals are not eligible for WIC or other welfare programs. Children born here are American citizens and they are entitled to assistance but not the illegal aliens themselves.

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