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Posts posted by dirttrackbabe

  1. im going to cook for my friends in douglasville (they are guys and they live on their own so i have to take care of them :D ) and then we are going to see final destination 3 also.....i hope its as good as the others..then ill be so tired when i get home that i wish i was able to sleep late saturday but have little sisters birthday party..its her 7th

  2. and what better way to say "I Love You" than 14 Brown Eggs for the price of 12. Layed by contented chickens. These chickens are so spoiled, my husband sings to them as he gathers the eggs. They even eat before he does. $1.00 for 14 eggs until valentines day.



    a romantic redneck dinner is champagne and a fried egg sandwich. :lol:

  3. i have nextel i love it i have service every where but at school and in some places in walmart. ive also had cingular and verizon they were pretty good to.

  4. 13 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

    11 years old on the first day of Y2K

    9 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

    6 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

    6 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

    4 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

    2 years old when Operation Desert Storm began

    a 1 year old during the fall of the Berlin Wall



    71 years 7 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 89

    66 years 11 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 84

    64 years 0 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 81

    56 years 8 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 74

    54 years 7 months younger than Larry King, age 72

    48 years 4 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 65

    44 years 11 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 62

    41 years 11 months younger than George W. Bush, age 59

    36 years 11 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 54

    32 years 7 months younger than Bill Gates, age 50

    27 years 10 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 45

    21 years 11 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 39

    17 years 11 months younger than Jennifer Lopez, age 35

    12 years 5 months younger than Tiger Woods, age 30

    6 years 0 months younger than Prince William, age 23

  5. I don't have a daughter, just two sons, and they know better than to put their hands on a girl.


    I would do what I did in that case, after finally having enough, pick up the longest, heaviest thing you can find and hit them across the top of the head. Then bust the windows out of their car/truck for good measure.




    yeah your sons aint that stupid there to scared of you.... :D

  6. I think you owe a few people apologies for jumping all over them when this news first came out.   There have been two arrests, apparently there are witnesses.

    i will admit that i was wrong for getting mad about that stuff but they were my friends so it kind rubbed me the wrong way. im sorry if i made anyone mad..

  7. I just have to ask, do they not teach grammar in school anymore?  Every kid that comes on here saying they went to school with these kids, can't type in a  complete sentence or use proper puncuation.



    i go to paulding county high need i say more!!!!!

    the teachers dont do anything they suck at being teachers i think the only requirment for being hired at paulding is that you can spell your name.

  8. This is a duplicate topic on this tragic wreck.


    No one is going to prison at this point and I would suspect that the young girls parents and/or friends have bailed her out of the Cobb County Jail.


    The wreck itself was caused by racing and to suggest that anyone 'outed' them is to fail to understand how the system works. Said a bit differently, it was relatively well known that the two cars were racing as I personally had heard rumors of it weeks ago. There was even a discussion at the time of the accident (in the other thread) that mentioned a car swerving causing Justin Hotchkiss to lose control.


    The criminal justice system is relatively slow and my gut is that this will never go to trial in the sense of a judge and jury.  Rather a plea bargain will be reached that will punish the drivers for their actions and serve as a reminder to thousands of other teens in Paulding, Cobb and the METRO area that automobiles are, when driven wrecklessly and illegally, are a dangerous weapon and that misuse of a weapon will get your butt stuck in jail for a long time.


    It is sad but true.





    just wondering but who told you they were racing?

    because justins brother told me and everyone else that he was just trying to change lanes and that they werent racing he said that at bretts viewing......not trying to be rude...

  9. You said she was going to jail...I don't believe there has been ANY sentencing as yet.  That's why I asked where your info came from....


    i know she is going its 7 years but it may be downgraded but as of now its 7 but not a for sure 7 but she will get jail time if she dont then its not right cause if justin does then she does.

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