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Posts posted by dirttrackbabe

  1. Oh no! :o


    Now I can't get this song out of my head...


    On Top of Spaghetti


    On top of spaghetti,

    All covered with cheese,

    I lost my poor meatball,

    When somebody sneezed.


    It rolled off the table,

    And on to the floor,

    And then my poor meatball,

    Rolled out of the door.


    It rolled in the garden,

    And under a bush,

    And then my poor meatball,

    Was nothing but mush.


    The mush was as tasty

    As tasty could be,

    And then the next summer,

    It grew into a tree.


    The tree was all covered,

    All covered with moss,

    And on it grew meatballs,

    And tomato sauce.


    So if you eat spaghetti,

    All covered with cheese,

    Hold on to your meatball,

    Whenever you sneeze.


    Anybody remember...or is it just me? :blush: :lol:



    i use to sing that all the time. lol

  2. i like dirt track racing, mudding, i really ont collect anthing except mt tickets and wrist bands from the races so i hope that helps cause i really have no clue about what to change it to but my fave dirt track racer is C87 thats all i can think of


    oh yeah and i like the dawgs

  3. That's ultimate redneck attire. One should never wear camo outside of the woods!


    overalls = fashion faux pas


    camo = fashion challenged


    camo overalls = Fashion Emergency!




    Unless you are a farmer or a deep sea fisherman, you should never even consider overalls!

    well you may not like them :D but the people i hang out with think they are cute(guys mainly)lol :D guess im a redneck shucks

  4. i cant stand shoes i love dirt track racing and would rather be at dixie speed way then the mall like most girls. also i love muddin' truck s 4 wheelers it dont matter to me as long as i can go. oh yeah and huntin' and of course fishing

  5. I can't remember the last time I was there,but we used to always stay at Bikini Beach motel, right next to Salty's oyster bar. I *think* it's still there & I read the bar was rebuilt after a hurricane, so maybe they are still together. I loved that bar. The motel was affordable & still nice & clean. Had kitchenettes & ocean side rooms too, & a nice pool. I just remembered I went back in '94 & stayed at the Holiday Inn I believe. It had a super nice pool & waterfall. I do not recall the prices there, but it was more expensive than Bikini Beach. I have no idea what standards the Bikini Beach Motel meets nowadays. If you can get some rates online or by phone, maybe that will clue you in some. We always liked it there, though.


    Also, keep in mind it is Spring Break time so nothing will be really cheap. We always took our vacation the week after Labor Day when prices on everything are cut almost in half. Hope this helps!



    bikini beach dosent have any opening because i was wanting to go at the end of june and they didnt have any openings and they also told me that the were booked through july

  6. fried green maters, fritters(fried cornbread) and onions , fried bologna Sandwich with mayo, pork skins, sausage and mustard biscuit, sausage and gravy biscuits, and country fried steak with mashed taters(with lots of butter) and maters with a lot of salt


    i call them maters and taters cause of my mawmaw

  7. I don't think anything was done because they didn't know who the other guys was. Well, I have asked people about it and they have heard the same thing. If something was going to happen it would have already happened.


    not really. they wont do any thing if their are cops at school they will wait till everything has cooled down. because they think they wont get caught if they bring a gun if their are not any cops.

  8. It is quite rediculous that there are pictures of these guys on this web page.


    I walked out of the room with Jamal (Mallard) as he was confronted. Although I don't know who is to blame for the original conflict, I do know that the whole period (1st) these guys were in the hall staring Jamal down and when they confronted him in the hall he said "Let's take care of this out of school," and one of the other guys.. Either Brice or I guess it was Raymond said "We'll take care of it right now BOIIIIIEEE!" ..More words were exchanged and then, bam.


    So here's Jamal's picture up here.. for defending himself?




    i agree with you i was right their when all this stuff happened. and its not gang related it was because of someone disrespecting someone else.

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