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Posts posted by dirttrackbabe

  1. One Hog ;)


    Hog is just slang for a scooter.


    I thought you had seen it :blink:



    nope i havent been over to your house since....??????/ i cant remember.....oh yeah last june when i first got my hair done ya'll were having a yard sell......and i came to see momma and let her see my hair

  2. You have to jump up and down and stomp your feet, and throw a bird around too :lol:


    :lol: LMAO you aint kiding but what can i say its in my blood. i wish my momma bill and my dad would let me get out their... they said its cause im a girl and i might get hurt....i could be walking donw the street and a car hit me or something but she got mad when i told her that .....you know how she is. :wacko:

  3. Hey!! that's good!!! ;)

    Could it be...... :unsure: ....that today will be a good Hijack Day?? :rolleyes:

    Jabbers...you gotta doctor this pic for me!! :wub:

    Ain't they though :rolleyes:

    Nope, we spend all our free time on the Hog! ;)


    oh sounds like ya'll have fun.....i still go to the races and make a fool out of my self hootin and a hollerin, cant help my self it just happens :D and i get looked at like im stupid by people that dont understand the sport of racing... :lol:

  4. Hey now I am not gonna be here today to clean the HH I got somewhere very speacial to go :wub:


    PC_SENIOR06LLR how about "Dirtrackchic"


    PC_SENIOR06LLR or Dirtbikchic



    i like "dirtrackchic" still thinking dirtrack_junkie_C87 maybe tolong im still going to think who knows i may just combined some that everyone has suggested and it will be great :D

  5. Me too! :( The frecks just want us to suffer :blink:

    Happy Birfday Jordan!!! :wub:

    Ewwwww.....ticks!!! <_< Found one on my son last night and one on my foot this morning!!! Mine wasn't attached though....ewwwwwwww :unsure:

    Again? :blink:

    Good Morning Everybody!

    Where's my OS? :huh:

    hey how are the boys???



    no, just pm pubby about the name change, he will change your existing account, don't set up a new one....

    ok thanks

  6. msd5052001... your post count will stay the same if Pubby changes it.... and all your old posts change to the new name as well....

    so what do i do go to register again and then pm pubby and ask him to change my posts back to what they were with this SN

  7. I have done this, except i have taken my boys to the creek and we have looked for crawdads I had forgot all about that:


    also dig for worms in my yard to fish with.


    Horseshoes is a favorite also, in the back yard. and i can not tell you how many trees I have climbed trees just to be able to reach that perfect Crabapple, or plum;


    me to i still do all of that but i dont climb trees unless i have to...had a bad experience i fell out of one and broke my arm.


    I am a redneck, and so very proud of it ;)


    Jeff Foxworthy should write a book about me and my family :rolleyes:

    Maybe I'll write him and tell him as much :lol:


    My summer attire is cut off's and flip flops

    I have more camo pants than I have jeans :blink:

    Like LR, I wear a hat more than I don't :rolleyes:

    I do have most of my teeth...some might think that disqaulifies me...but don't even get me started on that <_<

    I prefer the mountains to the ocean

    Getting muddy is a favorite hobby, whether it's in a truck, or on a four wheeler

    I can shoot straighter than many men that I know


    Hell, I could go on forever, but I gotta run off for a few ;)



    ya'll are the most redneck family ever... :D :lol: :lol:

  8. I believe Halo2 started the original one on p.com.... he likes to get the credit, or he gets all touchy about it! :lol:

    why? I think I need to go back to my original name....


    oh ok.....what was your original name?


    if you make a different SN the wont your post start over and all??

  9. PC_SENIOR06LLR yep you got it: I do not watch Nashville stars My son does Iwill see if he watched it last night andlet you know:


    DId you decide on a screen name yet?



    ok good i didnt think i had it.....ok thanks i would appreciate it........nope still havent decided iim leaning towards dirt_track_junkieC87 or with out the C87 whateever still thinking though

  10. We have too many dawgs.... It's easier to remember people and to get to know them when they have good screen names. :)


    It was just a little helpful hint.



    oh ok i see...there are alot of dawgs fans in here..thanks for the helpful hint :D

  11. Good Morning PC_SENIOR06LLR!! Good luck on that name change!! Pick something unique... nothing with 'dawgs' in it!!! ;)


    ok thanks i still aint decide on a new one yet but still thinking. do you no like the dawgs



    Welcome! Sure you can, at least for a little while!!!


    thanks...i hope i can

  12. i love L&O SVU but i misssed it last night i was so tired that i didnt even make it through the first 10 minutes...i was asleep before i realized it so olivia didnt die and her and elliot are no longer partners? i think i got this so far...i think lol


    not to chnage the subject but who got kicked off nashville stars? does anyone know???

  13. You mean I have been lying to myself and saying I was just a country bumpkin and I am really a redneck.

    Dang fire!! I know my hubby is a redneck.



    you can stop lieing to your self now..its all over you are a redneck offically :p

  14. When you own more than one pair of overalls (camo,summerons, winterons,thenstillsomemor)

    does that make you a Radneck or a country bumpkin?

    I go muddn,4wheeln,fishn,huntn,and can't get enough of a Rc cola an moonpie!



    i think it makes you both ambrooks....lol

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