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Everything posted by InterestinglyBoring

  1. For you I'll give it my best shot. Just wish I could see that beautiful wife of yours too, but I'll take what I can get.
  2. Hey Froggie, try to let me know what's going on, I'll try to make it. Got a flat on the party bus today, so it'll depend on how fast I can get that fixed. You know....the fun just never stops with me.
  3. Good morning p.com!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous day! Happy Friday Eve!!!
  4. Of course!!!! Thanks ya'll!!!!! You all rock!!
  5. In West By God Virginia, it's legal to shoot someone who doesn't stop. Then they could wish someone stopped for theirs. Ok, maybe not, but I have always stopped out of respect.
  6. I've always liked the place over by Kroger off of Ridge. Haven't been there in a while though. Good luck!!
  7. Oh, it's all good, whatever happens, happens!!! Girl, you are welcome at my crib anytime!!!! Thank you!!!! Slow process, but it'll get there.
  8. Thank you all!!! I really am ok, he found someone else and moved on in less than a month after 19 years of marriage, so if he's happy, I'm all good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't keep a good woman down. (And I'm leaving that alone!!)
  9. Pretty close. Can't get rid of me that easy ya know!! Doing good LR, even with the divorce, initial shock finally wore off. I'll be around more once I get the "crib" set up!!!
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's all good, stuff happens. Doing well, but moving sucks!!!
  11. Just wanted to say Hi to my p.com buds!! Been a bit hectic with the divorce and all, but doing well. Got my own place now....scary!! Hope everyone is fighting nice and staying out of trouble!!!! Kristi
  12. Ok, I have two...will you just keep them? Ok, I'll be serious here for a sec.....the price isn't bad, but pm me with where you're located, etc please? Or post it? She scares me half to death!!
  13. Marc and Lisa, you two are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you, I will let you detail my car and drive it around town and let everyone know that you did it!!! (Yeah, I know I'm going to get shot down here, but it sounded good!!)
  14. PMing you now with what we talked about earlier. Hope your day has gotten better!! Not sure mine has.
  15. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....honestly, if there is anything I can do...please let me know.
  16. So so sad, so young. Come on people, I know we can help out....not asking for much!!
  17. Durn it LPPT, you saw me that day????? (Just to let people know, I couldn't walk in a pair of six inch heels if my life depended on it!!!! Just wanted to give LPPT a hard time ). Ok, second of all...welcome to p.com all of the newbies that have posted in this thread!! And now...my amazing answer.....I'm also happy that the police are out there. I know they can't be everywhere all of the time, but at least you can be out there and feel safer. Ok, that is all. Please bring me a beer and continue on with your day.
  18. I am so sorry to hear of this families loss. My thoughts are with them. Frann, hun, I'm still working on other venues for jars, a HUGE THANK YOU to you for making a difference!!!
  19. TADA!!!! Godo morning all!!! Oh and Good morning too!! Can't type today!!
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