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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Your mind not only seems to wonder, ca2ga, it sometimes leaves you completely.
  2. Not always being a student requires that you do some teaching. Your expertise has been learned. If you have not wasted your time, you need not continue to be a student in a situation where somebody else's rules and regulations requires you to learn and follow. Teach people that it's your rules and regulations that tell you what to do with your life. Why allow somebody else to pay you to live up to their rules and regulations? I had rather have them to live up to my rules and regulations than for it to be the other way around. The only way I can do that is to draw up my own contract,
  3. Everybody wants to be somebody, right, but a person has to be careful about the somebody they choose to be. Have you accepted a label in order to work within a chain of command that is not your own chain of command. Who are you? Did you apply for a job to work in somebody else’s chain of command, or is your own chain of command as healthy as you can make it? Your Chain Of Command Only Has Two Links. Your chain of command may be short, with only two links, but it has a strategic mechanism to execute what is necessary, in your life, at a project status level. Some of you
  4. I don't care what you've been told, what you have learned in school, or how you think things ought to be. You have been taught, by somebody else, how to live your life. You have been taught how you feel, and what you think about things you have encountered in your life. You may have spent a lot of time, in school, learning about how what it called "THE CHAIN OF COMMAND" works. You may have been taught that other people create jobs for you. But, nothing could be further from the real truth. Other people create jobs for you, but they reap the actual benefits. You only have two main lin
  5. "Whether or not one believes in a Supreme Being, the notion that there is nothing to be grateful for outside of the self is, in my professional opinion, the first step down a very slippery slope to nihilism, despair, self-pity, isolation of the self, depression and death. If we have 'nothing to be thankful for' we must by definition not feel grateful for the beauty of nature, marvelous sunsets, snow-capped peaks, peaceful sandy beaches, green and peaceful forests, and the melody of the wind. "If we have nothing to feel grateful for, let us abandon gratitude for the miracle of new life which
  6. Here is what you use if someone tries to get your chain of command working more for them than it does for you.
  7. Your chain of command may be short, with only two links, but it has a strategic mechanism to execute what is necessary, in your life, at a project status level. Some of your chain of command's strategic computation is automatic, but there is some of it that other chains of command can, and does, interfere with. The more you let outside influence interrupt your chain of command, the less your chain of command is working for you. People do what works. And, if they can gather up more secondary links to their chain of command it is better for them; not you. You are using your two links in
  8. Although my lover is not brand new, she's still my hearts desire, and she sets my soul on fire. http://youtu.be/6jxsCvZoQs4
  9. The only problem with that, LC, is that people no longer know what work is. Work is not sitting on your arse, and getting your panties in a wad, while raising cane because somebody else didn't do the work they were supposed to do according to your opinion.
  10. If I were a greedy man I would not work for habitat for humanity. If I were a greedy man I would not work at the voting polls, during elections. If I were a greedy man I would not cut and split firewood to to burn in a heater I traded for some work in did for someone else. If I were a greedy man I would not change all my incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs. If I were a greedy man I would not walk a mile or two in order to keep from cranking up my vehicle. I am just not a greedy person for the most part. Nobody is perfect, however! I am in no way perfect. I have skeletons in every
  11. Don't vacate your country. Support it. Inhabit this country with compassion for it's prosperity. Leave something in order for our country to sustain itself in the future. Walking over dead bodies will be the future of our country in the mindset of greed, but the bodies will haunt you. Zombies will rise up and eat you. I added that sentence, about the Zombies, only for Halloween, but this holiday came from the minds of our forefathers and mothers. There is something very real about its message. Taking all you can take from our resources is no way to walk away from this United States ta
  12. It is my universe, PSD! I don't need to go along with the status quo. The sky is blue in my world, and the grass is green. I have been accused of being jealous, and envious, of the status quo. But, nothing could be further from the truth. I am not jealous, or envious, of people who care nothing for our posterity, nothing for a more perfect union, nothing for establishing justice, nothing for our domestic tranquility, nothing about our common defense, and nothing about the GENERAL welfare of the United States of America, It would be foolish of me to feel that way about my universe,
  13. Going through life as a stepping stone for other people to use, in order to get where they are going, is no way to live. In contrast to the cruelty of being stepped on, and the harshness that is so much a pert of that kind of living, you can start creating a clear cut strategy of getting where you want to go in your life. It's not easy, but anything worth doing is not easy. If it was everybody would be doing it. Give yourself a turn, because it is damn sure your turn. Focus on your own needs, wants, values, and experience. If you have something you are good at doing, It's not even necessa
  14. It takes a victim to actually know one, ca2ga! You seem to know me quiet well. Were you a victim in California, or did you only become a victim after your move to Georgia?
  15. What you see is what you get, ca2ga! After all, you saw Georgia, and came to it. It matches your view better than California did. Your perception causes you a lot of misunderstanding, does it not? Do you actually perceive this one person as being the master spokesman for Occupy Atlanta?
  16. There are chains of command headed by, and associated with one simple goal in the minds of people from the top down. What is on the top of the chain agenda is to control everyone and everything. The intent to manage your life, their lives, and anything and everything that you have the misfortune of sharing with them, is the dominate principle. And, they dominate all of their interactions with you. They will tell you what you think and how you feel. They will use you and everyone around them to get what they want. Their agenda includes the fact that if you become a casualty it's only a m
  17. The kind of individuals you want out of your life, are the kind of people who follow a chain of command, and have to flip-flop their own attitude in order to stay within that particular chain of command. Your own knowledge, your own insight, and your own understanding tells you that somebody else chain of command is not the chain that life requires you to live in. Having what you want out of life requires doing what it takes, and it does NOT take going along to get along in somebody else's chain of command. If you go through life trying to please somebody else you are neglecting the most
  18. Support for compromise requires getting rid of friends, and even family members, who flip-flop in order to get along with the status quo. There is no compromising in going along with things that are obviously not what you stand for, which is what you honestly believe. Going out into public with an attitude of getting along with everyone, and changing your opinion according to the different listeners in that audience is not compromise. That is what you call flip-flop. You might as well get you a pair of flip-flops and walk around with the rubber slapping your heels. People will understa
  19. A lot of Baby Boomers were not taught the way your grandfather taught you, Ivy! . They came up with a different motto. "On My Honor I Will Do My Best To Take What I'm Given And Steel The Rest." The smartest Baby Boomers know how to Rat Hole the Loot.
  20. Greeting someone has a different meaning for some people. Some people like it better if the word is greeding someone. These are people who will what someone gives them, while trying to figure out how to steel the rest of what the person has. There are rich people, and there are poor people who do this. But, the rich rat holed the loot. It's easier to identify the ones who rat holed the loot they have been taking. All one has to do is look around. or they could follow the Occupy Wall Street people to find out who rat holed the loot.
  21. The world is hitting global limits in its use of resources. We are feeling the shocks each day in catastrophic floods, droughts, and storms – and in the resulting surge in prices in the marketplace. Our fate now depends on whether we cooperate or fall victim to self-defeating greed. http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sachs175/English
  22. Thanksgiving is not only about thanking God for our food, to me, but it's also to thank your family, friends, and all your fellow citizens. And, to me, there is no better day than, TODAY, and on Thanksgiving day. I like to share my all time favorite poem, which was written by, Dr. Louis Cady! "Whether or not one believes in a Supreme Being, the notion that there is nothing to be grateful for outside of the self is, in my professional opinion, the first step down a very slippery slope to nihilism, despair, self-pity, isolation of the self, depression and death. If we have 'noth
  23. Money can't buy knowledge, but knowledge can get you money. The most powerful resource in this country is the knowledge of our people. The health of our people comes from knowledge. The strength of our people comes from knowledge. And, the well being in every other aspect concerning our people comes from knowledge. Knowledge is even evil in the wrong hands. A country cannot survive if knowledge is concentrated into a special interest group. When a smart person goes to work for a bank, or one of the corporations that has grown up around the banks he is concentrating knowledge into th
  24. Is it any secret how supply and demand became so different around the year of 1982, and continues today? Look at these two charts, again, and notice that 1982 was when "voodoo Reaganomics" were actually introduced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is going to pay for , voodoo Reaganomics, as 20/20 hind sight already tell us is the actuality of it. View Poll Results: $9,000,000,000,000 in Debt: Which Generation Will Be Paying? Senior Citizen Voters (Bab
  25. I'm going to try another link, sense I can't get the one you guys are concerned about to work. It's in regard to "voodoo economics," which is more commonly referred to as Reaganomics. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/270292.stm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George Bush Senior, has turned out to be right in calling Reaganomics "voodoo economics." Here's what he said: George Bush senior famously called Mr Reagan's ideas "voodoo economics" before he became vice-pres
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