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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I suspect that your kind likes to keep people alive as long as you can, if they are willing to do the dirty jobs, around here, Do you like the healthiest babies to do these dirty jobs, or do you care anything about their health, as long as they can do dirty work. If I was a woman, I rather have someone on my side, than to have someone telling me what to do with my body. Someone who don't want me to have contraceptives, nor the Row v. Wade court decision on my side.
  2. Gen. Sherman said Georgians were a hostile people, and even turned their backs on their comrades in South Carolina. here's what Gen. Sherman said: "...we are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war, as well as their organized armies. I know that this recent movement of mine through Georgia has had a wonderful effect in this respect. Thousands who had been deceived by their lying newspapers to believe that we were being whipped all the time now realize the truth, and have no appetite for a repetiti
  3. Well, I can see there's no breaking the ice with you, I don't see why you wanted to get personal in the first place. you are to cold heated for me.
  4. Sense you wanna make this personal, sweetheart, I've got something for you. You'll be crying when I take it away, cause you can't keep it.
  5. I've got your Dude, baby, right here. BTW. Who's ya daddy? Have you got any calluses in your hands, peaches?
  6. It's a crying shame when people think being paid money is all that inspires a need to do anything. It's a crying shame when rich people get more respect than people who work doing the dirty jobs, in this country. It's a crying shame that people go out and vote for their own destruction, due to valuing their resource for so little. It's a crying shame that our young people are so much smarter about what's going on, around here, than we are. it's a crying shame, indeed.
  7. I'm speaking figuratively, of course, Ud98, but concrete evidence is easy to find regarding what i'm saying. I can support the facts associated with the fear, and intimidation, that has been and is being used on people here in this land. I choose not to be that specific, because educated people know these facts. The only way an educated person may not know these facts is by ignoring the reality of their existence in our history. And, we are not done making history. Nevertheless, some people are done trying to understand our history, and don't even mention what's actually going on around them a
  8. My dad would not allow me in his house, if he were alive today, unless I kept my mouth shut in regard to my beliefs. When I was a child there were grown people calling my sisters, and I, Mr. and Misses. While my father would call them the N word. My father was an Old Southern Democrat. He was no Republican, and didn't like people who were. We lived just a short distance from here, in the backwoods of Felton, GA.
  9. I think the young lady in the photo, above, did art work. and used a very u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g perception regarding the way things actually are, around here. She charged nothing, and made no money by any means whatever. She is not working for money, but she is working for understanding. Their are status-quo fools who would not do the kind of work this young lady is doing, because it pays no money. She understands that the calluses, on her hands and feet, want be from sitting on her arse while other people do all the the work. She made her on sign, even. People with calluses on their
  10. Old Southern Democrats are now the so called Republicans, in this area. They are still of the same opinions as the Old Southerners used to have. They didn't leave their party. Their party left them. I am voting for the Republican with the most original opinion, which started with the Republican party, years ago.
  11. You can allow yourself to become a victim of fear, and intimidation, in this wonderful land of ours. It has been written down in the history of this land for us to view. One only has to look at this country's history to see the fear, and intimidation, that was bestowed onto people with less at their disposal to back up their rights. If you don't have a closet full of guns, and ammo, you are taking a serious chance with your rights, and even your life. History will tell you this, no matter what I say. Hired thugs are the ones who shoot somebody else's guns, and use somebody else's ammo. Bu
  12. Don't be a spineless (share cropping idiot) fool, who is the only one with deep calluses on his hands and feet. Tell the one, with only calluses on his arse, to get with the fugging program.
  13. [extract]STAND UP, SPEAK OUT, AND TALK BACK[/extract] http://youtu.be/SMwZsFKIXa8
  14. I don't work for money I'm like the lady in this photo. I work for the u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g, of the people.
  15. I will be a Southern boy until the day I die and never want to live anywhere else. I love this part of the country. But I'll freely admit that sometimes we're more stubborn than we are smart!
  16. If that's the case, why would small business voters go to the polls and vote for millionaires, or anyone backed by millionaires? It is small business owners, and others, who pays the biggest portion of taxes.Yes, people who make less than a million, pay 96.6% of the taxes. And, believe me, millionaires like it that way. They spend the largest portion of their money keeping it that way.
  17. Competition is something that people fight against; not welcome. When someone suggest that they want more competition they are suggesting that they want no control of their desire to use resources to better their own business. What they are saying is they want to cause themselves a lot of trouble. Wrong!!! People who want no government interference with the way they want to run their private business actually despise any type of competition.
  18. The criterion on the first chart is, the vast majority (76%) of small businesses are owned by individuals who make under $200,000 a year, and most of the rest (21%) are owned by individuals who earn between $200,000 and $1 million. So, indeed, millionaires own only 3.3% of small businesses. The criterion for the second chart is that only 2.5 percent of all millionaires’ income comes from small business. By and large, millionaires are not small business owners.
  19. I know that only 4% of small business owners are millionaires. And I know, less than 3% of millionaire get their income from small business. Who doesn't know this? .
  20. But, you have to remind me, too, as often as you can, NC!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qzhngp7jh8 Moderatore note - How to embed YouTube video: Click the "Insert media" link Paste the long link, not the "youtu.be" short link [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qzhngp7jh8[/media]
  22. I, too, have huge pallets at my disposal. I also get glass from the same people I get pallets from. I haven recently built an out door Aquarium, with roof, lighting, DIY filtering, and all the other construction materials. The only thing I have had to buy was fashioners. You rock, AGG! I'm so glad you have been looking after my P.com friends with your ideas.
  23. EDITED to remove YouTube Link
  24. All I can say is, "come on blizzard. I am going to be warm. Not only will I hold the baby, but I will sit in front of this. I installed it last June.
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