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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. We went to Iraq, and opened that country up for ISIS, before Obama was President of this Country. I see Obama as trying to stop doing chit like that. We don't need to send our guys over there. When a crazy SOB stabs a bunch of people, and ISIS is able to get on the net to say they did it, it causes our chickens to start running around tike fools. Chickens cause to much chicken chit, for our soulders to go fight somewhere else.
  2. Yes! Don't send our young people to Iraq any damn more, is my opinon. We will stand up and fight. Conservatives want war, and we are willing to stand our ground rught along with them. But, they should not be chickings in fear while we fight.
  3. Stand up and fight, and don't run around like a checken. You want war. I have been listening to conservatives talk. Don't send our young guys over there, unless you love them enough to keep them safe from, right here, where we are standing up for ourselves instead of doing like chickend, in fear.
  4. World War Is The Only Conservative Answer, And Right Here Is Where To Fight It. Boots Are On The Ground, Already.
  5. Deport me, because my family was immigrants, from the Mayflower. Here'a a model: Mayflower II
  6. ISIS had nothing to do with the attack, in this so called wave of terror. The man acted alone. But RUN, anyway, There is no telling what the heck is going on, just RUN
  7. I'd take care of myself, to the end. http://www.wimsblog.com/2012/05/small-guy-sucker-punches-tall-guy/
  8. Stay home on Halloween, this year.
  9. Burke didn't do it, LO, and I don't think anyone in the family did. The DNA evidence has never matched up with anyone, And, suspicious DNA turned up on two different clothing items that was identical to each other.
  10. OMG, mrshoward, That Scary! He cares about America, but doesn't give a rats arse about the people.
  11. Her brother will be intervied by Dr. Phil, at 3 O'clock today, LR! That's just minutes away.
  12. Nobody Likes Cruz, NJ! Senators know he is not a very good person to be in meetings with.
  13. What is obvious is that some chicken RAN, and left behind some chicken cheeze, Pp!
  14. I think that anyone who is to lazy to keep up with their keys, and other stuff, should have this option. I just hope they have one to unlock their private Nordic Ttrack, to get their exetrcise.
  15. Trump Junior's father will errace a lot of beauty is he gets to be President, I think!
  16. They won't fear to be spread all over this country, like fire spreads in a forest fire. Hell, it seems like they get a kick out of watching the woods burn so much that they throw gas on the fire!
  17. BOOOOO Who, DR? Tromp Junior, or the beautiful Lepord!
  18. Not mine. I ain't no chicken who runs from a pinecone thinking the sky is falling. Of ciourse, there are those who leaves a little chicken cheeze when the pinecone falls! Stand up, like an American, and not a chicken.
  19. A snake is not just a snake. There's poison snakes, and there are snakes that eat poison snakes, of which are not poison at all. So, how the hell is a snake just a snake worth killing? Islamic terrorism is not an Islame thing, because there are some Islamic people who are of better quality to not be terrorist than our own demestyicated terrorists. And we need a leader who isn't afraid to call a King snake a King snake, and a damn Rattle snake a Rattle snake. There are also Copper Heads, that are pouison as hell. All firemen are not terrorists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5u1
  20. Lobbying is the business that was cought on camera, in Savannah GA. https://www.freespeech.org/video/exposed-alec-caught-camera-writing-bills-legislators And, this orginization works right with The American Medical Association, and drug manufacturers. Resolution on Prescribing Data - American ...
  21. I just realized I saw that movie, and it was good. I saw it on Netflic, a couple weeks ago.
  22. I slice up some biled eggs, and put those in with it to help the flavor, and it's good. Really I was sharing the song, thogh, because it's better. The story, along with the music, is great.
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