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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Just don't do this, Lo! I love you, and if it's your child I have a special love for he/she, too. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwiA9M_y2Y_HAhWDdD4KHXVMDy8&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nj.com%2Fbergen%2Findex.ssf%2F2015%2F06%2Fmother_called_911_on_son_before_he_was_killed_by_p.html&ei=wNTAVYCUFYPp-QH1mL34Ag&usg=AFQjCNFIkAP9dQLNwwaG6GXYwJsHx9JUCA&sig2=Y5KRMcMax_AEdm43ZyLsZQ
  2. All the same, is what is frustrating in your thinking, Lo! Nothing, nobody, and no group of children are ever all the same. Hell you can have special needs, just because you are special. It does depend on the severity of how much a special needs child is considered in need, by authorities. You would know if your child was in critical enough condition to get help from authorities. Just don't call 911.
  3. Maybe citizens are learning that violence begets violence, and Police are forgetting. After all you chose to use your words without a link. So I will do the same.
  4. Are you a Pharissee, or a Christian, C R B? The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. So obey everything they teach you, but don’t do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else. - Jesus Christ
  5. Police officers are doing just fine, DR! They need a little scrutiny. While violence among citizens has dropped, violence against citizens carried out by police has been rising sharply. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCUQFjABahUKEwidkuXd0o_HAhWSqIAKHdQRADo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthefreethoughtproject.com%2Fprison-statistics%2F&ei=Pc3AVd3_JJLRggTUo4DQAw&usg=AFQjCNGrz1zE4jY8l79iCNniuAzBSDUyDQ&sig2=bCx56eAkprCOpqSlUf9JQQ&bvm=bv.99261572,d.eXY
  6. Well we do do our children better than rich Mexican's; don't we, Lo? That must have been the Republican "Family Value's" people who created that program.
  7. This country is not rich enough to do anything but restrain the unruly, Lo! We don't have the money is the only reason we have to be like Mexico.
  8. Outstanding response, jenilyn, outstanding! It is the last next to the last sentence that spoiled some of the value you just spoke. "This is a subject I'm too emotionally invested in and I shouldn't have even commented at all." Because, YES you should! How else are our p.com friends, and guests going to hear such wonderful words of understandind, and ethical values in the real world?
  9. Children should be restrained by someone who loves them, LPPT, not a cop. It's becoming more and more obvious to people that calling 911 often results in the cops coming and killing your autistic child, for non compliance.
  10. You are a smart woman, LPPT, unlike the one Jeff Foxworthy was told "I'm listening to what you're saying, but I just heard what I wants to." But, cops shouldn't have to be called first. People are relying to much on cops instead of educating themselves in the reality I try to preach every day. Denial is leading to cops controlling what we should be controlling. You know how much people want my post moved to a locker. They don't want to hear that violent crime is down, amond citizens, but up for cops.
  11. Yes, of course! I can see where E Z gets his use of the word "always," because to him something like you just described is always the case. And, the live cowards around here should very well understand that. I tend to agree with a few cards shy. Hell, it's not automatic that the cop did the right thing.
  12. Yes, and No, CC! I think LPPT had a great point. But, police should not be left with this duty. It's what causes the live cowards of this country to cower to Civil Forfeiture. Parents should be called, first, not the police.
  13. Yeah, cops are the most violent criminals, now days. While violence among citizens has dropped, violence against citizens carried out by police has been rising sharply. Read more at: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/prison-statistics/#HFkPr9v6xQRhF00l.99
  14. That would be like reporting to an a-hole that a turd was coming down. It just happens.
  15. I've always thought you were real classy, cptlo!
  16. Lo knows the truth, CC, but she just don't talk it, and don't want me talking it in the Cafe. Pubby, Lo wants you to put this truth invisible.
  17. Disturbing, Lo! The truth that is. Why do people know the truth, but don't do a damn thing to spread it?
  18. Well let me dig it up for you. I don't mind. I know you are listening to what I'm saying, but you just hear what you want to. But, did you know that Police, in this country, kill more people in days than other countries do in years? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCsQFjACahUKEwjs7r3ClY7HAhWL1IAKHe3kBKM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2015%2Fjun%2F09%2Fthe-counted-police-killings-us-vs-other-countries&ei=1gbAVeyrAoupgwTtyZOYCg&usg=AFQjCNEKreH1adIKtl9CVxiUT7CRcyj
  19. If a parent did that to their own child, CC, can you imagine how people would react? But, it was a cop who did it, and you will be hard pressed to get anyone to defend the child, in this case. They are so intimidated, and scared of cops, that they would think this is fine, even with their own children.
  20. Oh I understand, E Z! I'm not gonna let a cop bother me, in the first place, if I can help it. I can see one, and I start looking for ways to get lost. You can't defend yourself, at my age, against a cop. I don't know which one of them is the one who will stop and play ball with the kids. It's not just me, either. Cops are making themselves a bad reputation. If things don't get better there will be more, and more killings. People are getting tired of it, and cops are getting tired of the people. Stand your ground is just that, we must stand our ground, and stop being intimidated.
  21. That is a beautiful tree, CC! Have you ever grafted a limb onto a tree? The new limb will be accepted by the tree as it's own. I've just never tried it. I did plant a tree upside down, however, and the roots acted as limbs. I didn't plant this tree, but it's a good example. They don't get as tall.
  22. Oh, come on Lo! It wouldn't be so bad. Go all the way to the end to see the cross burning.
  23. I wasn't confused at all, G D! I knew all carbonated, and/or sweetened soft drinks are bad for my health. And, I don't care what the cheese burger is called, nor where it comes from, it's bad for my health. ,
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