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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I understand your frustration, E Z, but nullifying Federal law has been tried before, and states lost. In the 1950s, after Brown v. Board of Education, some Southern states tried to pass laws to avoid integrating schools. It didn’t work, because nullification is not constitutional.
  2. Thanks for making us aware of this stunt, omg!
  3. Thanks, dbe! Here's Keith, The family member who has an early stage of ALS! He's the tall one, in his to-to. They didn't get my sign, in the picture below, but it just said, Help fight ALS.
  4. Thank you C O! I'm older than the rest of the crowd, in my group, but there were a lot of people older trhan me, there! Here I am holding the mosdt dear family member.
  5. Good luck with that control of what people want. As long as humans have existed, so has homosexuality. That is further back than the existence of religion, C R B!
  6. Federal over rules state, in Supreme Court orders. Of course, the Federal Government has had to kick arse in Kentucky before, In the CIVIL war: Kentucky, being a border state, was among the chief places where the "Brother against brother" scenario was prevalent. Kentucky was officially neutral at the beginning of the war, but after a failed attempt by Confederate General Leonidas Polk to take the state of Kentucky for the Confederacy, the legislature petitioned the Union for assistance, and thereafter became solidly under Union control. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrBT7gg
  7. I wore my big brim hat, and sun glasses, because the sun was bright. The rest of the folks are a part of my little family. Nevertheless, there were thousands of people walking, in down town Atlanta.
  8. People who want to stop me from doing what I wanna do, can eat some cheeze and run some rabbits. That dog, up there in Kentucky, just want hunt.
  9. Your other daddy wasn't home when I delivered the mail! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJhC3SFYnsU Go Johnny, GO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly_KP3WfQ4Y If I let my hair grow down to my knees, my toe jam football makes you wanna sneeze, and when ya get close to me you can feel my disease, I'm still ya daddy NOW! I love all of ya, even when I have to let my feet show it. After all; they're Longfellows!
  10. E Z, NEVER touched the stuff, ABR! He probable did more than tough it, and likes denial more than honesty with himself.
  11. All you need is a pet tracking app, on your smartphone, Lo! The little tagg will go around the Swan's neck, It may take an expert to help you. But, birds are tracked, just like dogs. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVykJBvtVLKAAmntXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycjMwbm9jBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjAxMjFfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1442543242/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.pettracker.com%2ftagg-go/RK=0/RS=51KqtOobGPbmwJCRkfSZjn4teqA- I'm sorry, Lo, but after reading further I don't think the GPS TAGG system will work for the Swan. But there are microchips small enough to go just under his skin, I have
  12. I don't know what they would charge, Lo, but they do deliver! You know, I think it's wonderful that you found out where your swan was, and now he's back home. I think its a great story you tell, about the love you have for that beautiful bird. He is beautiful. Virginia is a long drive. One of my sisters used to live in Virginia Beach, Va. and I drove back and forth on several occasions. I hate to drive that far. Check this out. I thought it was cute: https://www.facebook.com/ultracobra9/videos/900003770057445/
  13. In Williamsburg Virginia you can buy them for $400, Lo! http://www.birdsnow.com/bird-ad-501261
  14. People's strong belief's are best kept to themselves, because imposing them on other people creates conflict of interest. I trust in God, only!
  15. People will tell you you do not have the right to remain silent, and that you are supposed to rat yourself out, on demand. But, what do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16GAuknsWbE
  16. I know how you NEVER, E Z! You tell me that all the time! Here's something else you should never do, E Z! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuzP_YQArcE
  17. I like to visit them when I'm at Tractor Supply, kw! I never buy one, but like to look, like I like to look at pretty girls. Lo, knows how I am. She saw me down in Daytona, years back.
  18. I love Kingsnakes, because they eat Rattlesnakes. My Kingsnake was killed, this year, by some boys in the neighborhood. That made me sad, and less safe feeling. Yes, like E Z said; keep your weeds, and brush cleared.
  19. Here is my oldest Great, Great, Granddaughter! She loves me, and knows how to show it. The little one, is getting there, though! https://video-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/11993491_10206835734227473_1415201843_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjEwMjIsInJsYSI6NTEyfQ%3D%3D&rl=1022&vabr=568&oh=d483614021b23691323b96f075c1c3a6&oe=55F9B802
  20. The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office posted a reminder on Facebook about the presence of wildlife on the Silver Comet Trail now that we’re experiencing more fall-like weather:
  21. I was just thinking about how we treat our guests, and looked it up on YouTube. I think our P.com guests are just as important as our membetrs, and P.com is home to so many of us. How do we feel about our home, and our guests in our home?
  22. Don't be talking bout my Boma, G D! Talking about people's Boma, is not a good idea.
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