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Posts posted by peachesga

  1. I hate that too.  They always take the longest breaks it seems.  That's fine for a regular sticom like Joey or Will and Grace, but I don't like it when it's a complex series like Lost.  I almost wish that they would do like Fox does with 24.  They wait until January to premier it and then show it non-stop until May.  Sometimes you forget some important stuff when they take long breaks like this.



    I completely agree!

  2. For those of you who do not avoid driving through downtown, PLEASE be courteous to pedestrians and stop so they can cross the street. Especially if they are trying to cross in a crosswalk.....where you legally are supposed to stop to allow pedestrians to cross. THANK YOU!

  3. I am 24 and have gone to Dr. Jack Bickford all my life. He is an EXCELLENT dentist and has never hurt me or anyone in my family. I highly recommend him. His office is on Business 6. I have met his new, young, partner Dr. Shirley and he is very nice, but I have no experience with him as a dentist. Dr. Bickford is who I will take my children to when I have children!

  4. My family always puts the tree up the day of the UGA v. GT game. (For those of you who don't know, that is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving) We either go get it before or after the game, depending on game time. This year, I have spend the Saturday after Thanksgiving with the in laws (out-of-state), so I am sad!! We will have to get the tree Sunday instead. I will miss that tradition...... :(

  5. Is there no one on here that's been here for their whole life? I've been here 35 years, moved out here when I was a kid, from right across the line in Powder Springs. I've been around for all the growth and "growing pains"...lots of those (traffic, schools, crime) but I am here for the duration. I love Paulding County even with all the growing pains.



    I have been here my whole life.

  6. I have been taking clothing, shoes, etc. to The Been in Dallas (across from Dallas Elementary) for as long as I can remember. Now it is closed....why? Where can I donate clothes now? I would like somewhere in Paulding County.

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