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Posts posted by peachesga

  1. I received a notice about a automotive sale in Marietta this weekend.  I'm sure you all received a notice as well.  It has a place on the form to stratch off to see if you are an "instant" winner.  Well, I scratched off and behold---- I won the $2,000.00 gift certificate to bpshoppingspree.com.  I looked on the site and it says that if the gift certificate doesn't include the processing and delivery fee.... I will have to pay a fee for that.  My better sense tells me its a gimmick, but I want to know for sure.  How many of you won it, too?



    Not me and it sounds like a scam.

  2. Welcome to P.Com! I love Paula, too! My fav recipes are her corn casserole and pineapple cheese bread. Her mac and cheese is SO good, but I cant get it to come out as good at home as it is at her restaurant or at Bubba's restaurant. I would love to go to her cooking class!

  3. I hate that they have a minimum....I dont use that much water and I should only have to pay for what I use.


    THEN, last month I had a pipe to burst that was on MY side of the water meter so I had to fix it. I spent $100 on parts to fix it. You can imagine how I felt about that and my $85 water bill last month (especially when I complain every month about my $12 minimum bill)!


    Yes, their envelopes are awful. I use online bill pay....the water dept doesnt get any more of your financial/bank info than when you mail them a check in their cheap envelope.

  4. Peachesga:


    You're absolutely correct about who can legally give legal advice but as citizens in a democracy we are all empowered to discuss the law.




    PS: I don't expect to receive a bill from Sir Eddie ;)



    Pubby, I understand that and agree with you, but discussing it and giving legal advice to others are two different things. Eddie's statement:


    "So where there has been nothing of legal value given in exchange for that promise, you cannot sue for breach of contract but you can sue for promissory estoppel. Just don't make the mistake of suing for breach of contract, when it is promissory estoppel you should be suing for."


    That is legal advice, not discussion.

  5. People keep complaining about the developers being the source of all the problems. They don't want to face the facts that if the landowners would stop selling, the developers wouldn't have a place to build.



    Some landowners are selling because they are unhappy with how Paulding County has changed, not because they want to put money in a developers pocket.

  6. Thanks TBAR. No problem. I am happy for the many, many people that like WR. I think its great for people who like that kind of service and especially great for people who aren't originally from Paulding County.


    Well, I'm sorry you took it the wrong way. I really don't know of anyone else that did. Again, it was just an asking for courtesy.


    Maybe you'll give WR another shot when we get the parking lots finshed.

  7. TBAR-


    I am already a member of a church in Paulding County. I came to visit West Ridge with a friend for the Grand Opening service. Maybe your teenagers didn't "take it" like I did because I have a different perspective from a teenager. I appreciate the comparison, though. <_< I didn't take it the wrong way. I took it the way it was delivered. They really wanted people to leave, we both agree on that.


    Yes, it was crowded. We simply needed the space for the next service. It was just a request for courtesy.


    We also said, "We know you like to fellowship & we want you to do that, but we really need to get the people waiting in traffic inside the parking lot."


    I am sorry you took it the wrong way. I don't know of a single person that took it like you have, including my teenagers.


    We just count it a blessing that we have so many people that we have to ask them to hurry. The parking lot problems will be fixed as soon as we can get some better weather to finish the paving & grade/surface the other lots.


    But I am sure that there are other churches in the area that would be more to your liking, if you don't like West Ridge. We certainly aren't for everyone & we admit that.


    Good luck in finding one more suitable to your spiritual stature. We wish the best. God bless.

  8. Your "grand opening" day doesn't seem like the most appropriate time to ask people to leave the church, especially on a day when you know you will have lots of visitors. I disagree that the request to leave immediately was a joke at all. I would not go to a church where I had to high tail it out after the service as a "courtesy" for the next service. What about fellowship with others? And everyone did not giggle. I heard a few snickers from people trying to pretend their preacher didn't just run them out of church.


    What? Didn't you hear the inflection in that?


    We were half-way joking about leaving immediately --- we needed the space. It was just asking for courtesy for the next service.


    As for "going to another church" that is exactly what the idea of church planting is supposed to be. It is entirely Biblical --- go. We don't mind losing members if it is to help start a new work.


    And yes, he was being humorous. I guess everyone else giggling didn't register?

  9. The Dekalb Farmer's Market is AWESOME, but so FAR and so CROWDED.



    We normally use Kroger...it's the cheapest and we save money on gas.  Today we went to Walmart because we had a gift card for the baby and needed to get some things for her.  I will go to Target to pick up last minute things because I don't like to cross over 92 to go to Kroger and I don't like to go to Kroger on Brownsville Road alone, but I never stay on the grocery side at Target and I end up spending too much money. 


    Also, has anyone ever been to the Dekalb Farmer's Market?  Harry's doesn't hold a candle to that place.  Just know that you need at least two hours.  I love it there!!

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