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Posts posted by mdreed

  1. I'd tread lightly, if at all & seriously weigh out what rendered yall "unfriended" in the 1st place.

    I have a former friend who has been leaving me msgs lately, on my cell, home phone & such.

    This after over a year of no contact period.

    It wasn't a "horrendous" deal-breaking disagreement, looking back on the circumstance,

    but moreso the final straw. The person and her family were very dear to me for a lenghty time, but as her life started,

    continued and progressed into a series of bad choices, I found I could no longer invest my care and emotion

    into someone who no longer seemed capable of attempts to help herself. Finally, I saw that I was stressing

    & sheding tears about her stuff even more than she, I made a difficult choice to cut ties.

    That was very hard for me to do.

    She has left msgs about how I used to care, we used to be close, she needs my advise,

    we need to talk & fix things between us & regain the friendship we once had.

    I think of her often, hear things thru the grapevine & occasionally want to "check on her well-being",

    but I know that given our history & her personality, it would be an all or nothing deal.

    I have to pick between my world without her in it (with it's own occasionally unavoidable drama),

    or to return to one including her world (where drama is gaurenteed).

    As much as I'd like to try and help her with whatever she is going thru,

    I cannot do so at the detrement of my own emotional health.

    I know, at least in my experience, I am not capable of taking on that torch again, so for

    re-kindling a relationship with my former friend, selfish as it may be, I have to say no thanks.

    I hope you can find the answer in your soul where you are comfortable being.


    That's pretty awesome. Gives me another way of looking at it. (From their point of view, even.)

    It's really hard. Like you said..... I have to look at my life now (without) and figure out if I would be stumbling into the same ol'

    drama I had before with them in it.........

    I miss this person dearly.


    Damn, life is just too complicated sometimes. <_<

  2. Then I'm FREE....at least between the hours of 8 and 2:30. WOOHOO!!!!

    I know I am not the only one excited about school starting....who else is happy?


    Girl, I'm with ya'!!


    I'm tired of the fighting and paying babysitters ;)

  3. ....or maybe just try googling them.
    Did that. Keeps bringing up some paid site that will search background info, etc. (BTW...the address and phone # it gave is an old one. I do know that.)
    For the love of God would you please quite stalking me.I don't want to join QuickStar.
    Dang...........busted :lol: Whats QuickStar?(had to ask)
  4. Did you try doing a myspace search, or is this someone you wouldn't expect to be on myspace. Heck, seems like everyone is on myspace.

    I very seriously doubt it.


    I'm going to try. If I did find them, at least I'd know something. (And they wouldn't have to know)

  5. I'd have to agree

    If you honestly don't want to open a can of worms then you could attempt to contact once and leave it up to the other person to contact you. If they choose not too then you tried.


    You just have to decide if you want the drama or not.


    I have tried an email address that I had from a long time ago, but it got returned to me with the error "unknown recp." or something like that.

    I even tried a cell phone number..........said the mailbox was full, try agian later...........tried a month later, still same message. I took that as a "sign", but still, something is nagging me.

    If something could have happened to this person, I figure I'd be the last to know.

  6. I guess i can understand being concerned for someone. But I hafta ask you this: when you get in contact with this person, is there something you can do/say that will alleviate the circumstances surrounding this person which are concerning you? Or do you just want them to be made aware of your concern?


    That's part of the problem. If I contact them, just to let them know of my concern, I think it will allow them to think that I want them a part of our lives agian. (Which may or may not be the case.........I'm not even sure of that part) I could contact someone else and have them "give the word", but that too opens a door. I know this is all very confusing. It is to me as well. That is why I'm needing advise. I know advise is hard to give without knowing all of it............ :wacko:

  7. If you are truly concerned then find them. If you just want to be nosey then let it go.



    No, really, it is true concern. But there will be repercussions (spelling?) for finding them.


    So, I guess I'm concerned for myself too.


    (Errrrr...........decisions, decisions)

  8. Most likely doesn't want to be found by you?


    I am concerned about an "old friend", but when we parted ways it was a little ugly. I'm not sure where they are now. I know people I can go through to find out, but I'm scared of opening a can of worms, if you know what I mean.


    It really is driving me crazy lately.

  9. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh...... What id it was a "pretend" wedding, between a man and his mistress, just to make her happy cause she only gets him "part time", and he told his real wife he was going to Pittsburgh for a week long conference on orthopeadic shoes inserts, (hey! he is so a real doctor!), and when he got home, all tan and what not, the real wife got suspicious, the pretend wife was trying to play it cool, but couldn't handle being a sceret anymore, she (the pretend wife) confronted the man (Dr. Foot) with the photoalbum, and he threw it out the window so that his real wife would never see it.

    I really think that's what it was.


    That's awesome!! :lol:


    It could happen......

  10. In other countries, other people are charged with selecting the mates of their family members. Here in good ole America we get to pick our own; good or bad. How would you feel if your dad scrutinized your decision in a mate? It may be hard and you may not like her, but it's your responsibility to be polite in her presence and respectful in his.



    Good answer MQ.

  11. OMG yes - I can just see explaining that one - Yes honey there's a man in our house but he's just cleaning.


    You are hired here, also, sir..... One catch.


    Must be in uniform.


    I'll figure out the explination. (For the man cleaning, that is :D )



    Seriously, You are a great hubby for taking such good care of your wife. She's a lucky lady. Hope she is ok after what she's been through.



  12. I agree with most. Unfortunately, a contract is involved. Smart lawyers will find a loophole, but...


    I'm a football fan (Steelers). So, when I think of this story, I think of the impact on the Falcons. From what I know, and I can very well be wrong, this will still hurt the Falcons on a salary cap issue (despite the charges), but not on a roster issue. That means, the Falcons still can't pay big money for a QB (or any other position), but they can get a QB on the roster to replace his position.


    Oh, regarding the OP, my butt would be gone before the ink on the paper was dry.


    Jaycat, I'm impressed. Nuff' said.

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